my experience

avatar for swnben
I went to a nude club and was looking for a good time. The girls were 4-7 and obviously the 7 was quite busy I went with a 6 for LD and a PD (VIP room costed me a 100). My question is about the money. I spent 160 On dances (2LD and 1 PD) I tipped her about 20 bucks all together. 5 while she was on stage. 5 after the LDs and 10 after the PDs. Now, I thought she was still pissed after seeing my tip after the PD. whats the norm here? How much are we expected to tip after PD. I personally tht that 10 was a decent amount. I wanted one more jerk after an hour or so but I was so mad that I stormed off the club. What a bitch!!! If any dancers listening they should be more focused on building a long term customer-seller relation. I was ready to spend another 100 on the same whore


last comment
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
Was she giving you extras in the private room?

The money that you gave her earlier, on stage, etc. doesn't really count toward the ending tip IMO.

If you were getting extras, or just in general good service, I'd probably have forked over $20+ instead of $10. She shouldn't be "mad" though, unless she negotiated the cost of extras with you beforehand which obviously doesn't sound like it happened.

Dancers usually don't have the foresight of long-term business, unfortunately. Most of them just think about short-term money, so she probably didn't even consider that you might do another room. Don't expect dancers to be expert business woman, sure some of them are really good at this, but this one clearly not.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Perhaps his attitude toward her bled through [AS displayed above] and she picked up on it. In that case I wouldn't do another either.
$10 tip for the VIP seems cheap to me if she gave you a HJ. but that's just me.
If she really did give you a "jerk", then a $10 tip was probably not enough for her. In retrospect, you probably should have made arrangements before doing the private dance, if you were truly interested in not pissing her off.

Good luck at that club in the future, since your cheap ass is probably public knowledge now.
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
I like how in his post he comes across as nice and polite then by mid he just turns into a major asshole with anger issues.

Look buddy, looks like you have internal issues you have to work on, nobody owes you shit in this world, and just because you spent bit money an hour ago doesn't mean you should get some exclusive right to everything you want.

$160 spent in a strip club along with a HJ is a long fucking way, be happy.
avatar for swnben
12 years ago
Ok .. may be I dint make it clear here, I was looking for a norm. How much is paid after a PD? Also by jerk off, I dint mean HJ. There were no extras and there was nothing promised/decided upfront. It was a decent dance. this was just a question on what would you pay rather than your opinion of me.I may be a cheap bastard with anger issues. At that time I did what I felt right. I was going for another dance later ( i told her that) and was prepared to throw another 20-30 again.
avatar for swnben
12 years ago
Again there was no HJ!!!
No HJ? Well then, how much was the private dance itself? If it was in the hundred dollar range, $10 would be my signal to the dancer that she could have done better.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
No money, no honey. Simple as that. Tipping is subjective, and every girl & situation is different. All I know is the more I fork out the better the service.
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
so what's your issue here?

that she wasn't available when you wanted her again?

Please clarify.
$10 on a $100 private dance is 10%. If I had a good time (that doesn't include HJ) I would tip more. If it wasn't very good I might tip less or not at all. The dancer certainly shouldn't be pissed off, the tip is optional. So I don't think you were out of line.

By the way it's refreshing to hear someone admit "I may be a cheap bastard with anger issues."
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Swnben, it seems the dancer picked up on "she's a whore" attitude rather than the amount of your tip.

Stage tips don't count. And I think $10 told her you found the experience only average.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
To bad you can't find a club with prettier dancers, and dancers who are not into mind games. A good stripper should negotiate friendly, since friendliness greatly enhances their product. She should have said how much for a particular service beforehand. Barring that, she could smile and say "normally guys give me $$$ for that".
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Tipping in the food industry is usually 20%.
avatar for ClubLurk
12 years ago
@swnben, you say "you thought she was still pissed" - at what point did she become pissed in the first place, and what made you think she was pissed at all? And I could be completely misperceiving you, but it sounds like you waited an hour in the club and then stormed out pissed without any further interaction from her?

I know you said you don't care if you're a cheap bastard with anger issues, but from a practical standpoint you'll get better service (and usually for less money) if you try to conceal your dickish ways. And I don't mean that as an insult, I actually mean it completely logically. For example, maybe the tips you gave her would've been sufficient, but she felt like you were a dick and the extra money she made still didn't feel worth it. If there was only one 7 in the club, I'm guessing the 6's there would've stayed pretty busy as well.
I usually do the 20% to 25% range as long as I am happy. If the first private dance doesn't go anywhere I might cut it at bet still tip $30 on a $25 private (and avoid the girl in the future)
avatar for jabthehut
12 years ago
Apparently he didn't eat anything though so food service tipping guidelines don't apply here.
I’m confused. What is the difference b/w a LD and a PD; and why did you go to VIP room if there were no extras?

I usually spend well when I go to SCs, but I just spend on the cost of the service - $20 to $25 per dance is enough $$$ to have to add a tip to it on top of that. Now if she does something beyond what a normal LD is and I enjoy it (e.g. reaching into my pants and playing; etc.), then I may tip “extra” for the “extra” service – otherwise, I just pay for the cost of the dances.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Why are you at a club with 4 or 7 year olds?
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
Well, if she didn't provide a HJ then the phrase "I wanted one more jerk after an hour or so" mean something you did to yourself? Having you jerk off while she dances for you is definitely extra tip territory and $10 is well less than the typical dancer would expect for the indignity of watching you jerk off at them.
I ssem to be in the minority on this board in that I believe you should tip no matter if it's LD, PD, VIP. It seems to me that it makes you comee across as less of a jerk. Who knows? At the club where I frequently go the prices are set by the club so no negotiating is necessary. The LD is done in an open area off to the side of the stage you pay $20 for top on or $30 for topless. I generally tip $5 for top on and $10 for topless. No touching the boobies however in LD area. You can slap azz though if that's your/her thing. Only one time was the subject of a tip ever brought up by the dancer. I would have tipped her anyway(see above) but this was a little off-putting because it was like she expected it. And it was the first time I'd ever had dances from this dancer.
VIP is totally nude and you can touch the boobies in VIP, but not the kitty. The VIP area is $20 paid in advance to the house and then $40 per song to the dancer after the fact. Only ever went back there once and tipped $20 for 2 songs. So the total outlay for 2 songs was $120 which is kind of pricey considering I don't believe extras are available at this club.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
The easiest way to avoid feeling ripped off or avoiding either party from getting angry is to discuss prices ahead of anything and what she expects. If the price she wants is more than you want to pay, then you can let her know. If she negotiates down, then maybe prices are negotiable. You can ask her if she expects a tip. She might say yes or she might she if she does good and you like it's nice to get a tip. I rarely tip a dancer except at the stage.
I always tip well at the stage especially if I want their attention. There's nothing like a $20. Bill floating out with the ones to rope them in. When I do VIP with my WTF, its always an hour - $170. To the house & $30.for the waitress. $200. for the dancer + another $100 for bbbj or $200. more for FS. With PR which are $20 ill usually do 2 for $50. or 4 for $100.
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
If $160 and no extras no need for tip. If extras and she got u off good then tip ok.

I am undecided on tipping them. If extras price negotiated why tip? If they don't give me good service no need for repeat business. The smart ones will try to meet otc or schedule a regular itc schedule. Many strippers are essentially assembly line whores who simply go where the money is. Their goal is to turn as many tricks / sell as many dances as they can during a shift. Their loyalty is usually to their pimp or the bum boyfriend they are supporting while in the locker room they boast how they took $$$ from the customers who they call PL's.

While I believe in treating them like a queen and with respect, they are whores who like the Temple Women of the Goddess Religion serve their purpose. Once the sex is over they owe me nothing and I am simply paying them to leave vs divorce (traditional relationships).
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
I just farted
avatar for Dain
12 years ago
Oi! For $160 I get FS twice, and then a drink.
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