CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Lauren Block, the 22-year-old stripper who fell off a 15-foot balcony at Christie's Cabaret Jan. 2, died this morning at MetroHealth Medical Center.
She was admitted to the hospital in critical condition around 1 a.m. with head injuries after the fall at the Cleveland Flats club.
Pasknale Storino, of Point Pleasant, N.J., told police Block was giving him a lap dance on the balcony of the club when the accident happened.
"He stated that she grabbed the rail, as he was facing away from the balcony, and she tried to complete some sort of jump/dance move, and accidentally went head first over the rail.," according to the police report.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the fall.
Block's family said the young woman was an organ donor.
"We would like to thank the community for their outpouring of support and prayers for Lauren," said the message. "She has passed away but is an organ donor, and we hope this will enable her to save many lives and live on through others.
"We would like to express our gratitude to the staff at MetroHealth. They worked tirelessly to do all they could to save her life. We ask that the media respect our privacy during this difficult time. We know that she's in God's hands."
I didn't get to see her before she died, so that sucks.
Visited this club in mid-December and made a mental note about the low balcony railing. Ownership will need to take action to ensure safety of employees, dancers and patrons.
@Alucard, I did, but I don't know exactly why you felt that I should. I really have no idea what the Cleveland Christie's looks like on the inside. Their web site has some pictures on it but it doesn't say which location it is. There are a number of balcony fall deaths each year, particularly from hotel balconies.
If the club was expecting dancers to include in their performance using a second floor guardrail like it was a dance apparatus then it was ill-advised.
last commentVisited this club in mid-December and made a mental note about the low balcony railing. Ownership will need to take action to ensure safety of employees, dancers and patrons.
You have my deepest sympathies fuckhead.
As for her family they have my real sympathy.
Yes, SO YOUNG thus SO SAD.
And think how badly the guy for whom she was dancing feels.
If the club was expecting dancers to include in their performance using a second floor guardrail like it was a dance apparatus then it was ill-advised.