Anal ITC

avatar for occurious
Until this year I didn't really partake in many extras, I preferred to just watch the stage and tip well with the occasional LD. This past year I've started to accept offers of extras more although I have yet to go for FS because frankly it never seemed worth the extra money over a BJ. Lately though I've started to wonder if anal is available as an extra. I haven't asked any dancers and it hasn't been offered but I'm thinking it would be worth it, covered of course.

I don't think I'd ever be offered it up front so I'd have to ask if they offered FS. Has anyone ever asked or been offered?


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avatar for Revo
12 years ago
I was in baby dolls dallas about 3 years ago and had this sweet young thing dancing for me in a dark corner. I was all in that pussy.

And all of a sudden she takes my hand and shoves my finger up her ass. Let me tell you I was a little put off by it at first but she bucked up like crazy. She was really into it apparently.

Anyway it was quite hot. And no stink finger at all.
been offered it once, didn't partake although I've always wanted to try it. a good strategy to find out if a chick is down with it is to ask 'what are your limits?' a stripper who does full service will generally lay out the rules right there. most girls I've used this line on will say things like 'no kissing, no ass play'.had one girl say 'no kissing, no licking' but all else was available.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
I have certainly had suggestions that it would be available, but if you don't think that FS is worth the extra then you REALLY will not think that anal is worth the extra. The general ballpark with escorts and such is to pay double for anal compared to FS. The general code for getting anal is either 'greek' or 'pornstar experience'.
Now that’s a title – definitely an attention getter :)
I don’t partake in extras too often myself but had an experience similar to Revo’s a couple of months back.

I was getting a LD from a sexy Latina in a SC down here in Miami. We were in the semi-private LD area and she seemed to be really getting into the LD. This is a nude club but LDs are done w/ bottoms on (nude stage dancing). Anyway, Latina girl pulls down her bottoms while she is grinding me RCG. I put my hand under her cuch w/ my thumb sticking up and she starts fucking my thumb (thumb fucking – there’s a new one :)). I then take my thumb out of her cuchie and place in hole #2 – she kept grinding on that thumb like there was no tomorrow. I think she would have been up for anal IMO.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
NEVER been interested in sticking my cock in a dancers asshole.
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
I have never been with a woman yet that would not give me anal. Some because they like it and some because they are trying to please you.

But it is never as good as a nice pussy.
avatar for daddysgirl1
12 years ago
OUCH!! I tried it twice (not w/any customers) the first time, it hurt and the second time it felt pretty good. I have an anal orgasm, but I don't see myself as a backdoors girl anymore. I have notcied when I danced, my friend and I would count the girls onstage when they slid down the pole spread eagle wide a butthole tunnel. Whoever offers anal on a regular basis could benefit from a kegel ball.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Only been offered it once. I was in Phoenix at the HiLiter and the girl said she was txtittyfuck's daughter. She was kind of ugly (not surprising given who her father is) but since the whore only wanted $60, I gave her a spin.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
With the right woman, anal can be a nice addition to your sex life. But anal is very personal and is definitely an acquired taste for those choosing this route.

However, I wouldn't do it in the club. You both need cleanup facilities with soap and water. And a specially designed lube for the occasion, definitely.
never been offered anal by a dancer
avatar for Jackmd
Up and In
12 years ago
My experience is that about 1/3 of dancers offering extras will do it for an extra tip usually $100 more.
It's been offered a couple of times at the FS price but I have absolutely no interest in it.
Mad Dog gives it for free, but ya gotta go to Rhode Island,Gronk This.
Too risky. No thanks. I rejected the offer and the dancer told me I was fucked up and afraid of intimacy.
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
Exit orifice only.
I did once OTC and paid an exorbitant price just to try it with a most beuatiful ass. Several weeks later I was at her apartment banging her and she was really drunk. She says " duck me in the ass" so I got up to get a lubricant, came back, started to make my entry and realized shed passed out. i covrred her up and left.
Several weeks later we were fighting over something and she called her mother, says you know__________ who you like so much? Well he raped me in the ass!. Anytime the girl starts to threaten rape I'm out of there. So I'm very careful which holes I put my Dick in now.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
12 years ago
Never had it offered to me ITC. I do believe a good portion of dancers have it on the menu. The one ancient granny at my favorite club that I once banged was supposedly the one who enjoyed anal the most, at least to hear the other dancers.
Gawker., Good night!
Anal is so popular in porn that it seems to be increasingly available with strippers who provide ITC extras. Those peelers who offer ITC anal typically do a pre-sex enema so the stink and mess is non-existent or at least minimal. As a back up, consider carrying some Wet Wipes to aid in clean up. They are sold in travel packs (10-15 tissues) or as individually wrapped single tissues. If you're interested in experimenting, be sure to use a condom (to reduce STD risk), preferably a lubricated condom. Many of the strippers will provide a lubricant but just in case, you might carry some supplemental lubrication. KY and Astroglide (both non-oil based lubricants) are sold in small containers. Some of the hotels that are attached to Mexican strip clubs (where prostitution is legal) offer lubricants in singe use containers but I don't know if single use packets are sold in the state. For the adventurous, you can add ITC anal to your 2013 wish list. Have fun and play safely.
I won't watch anal even in porn. Don't get it. I used to have an old VHS tape from the 80's with John Holmes doing one anal scene. Not under any circumstance was that arousing.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
I would think twice about it ITC. The last thing you want is to be covered in shit and no way to clean up. I have had dancers that go crazy with a little anal finger play, usually younger ones, but have never tried it ITC. Had one girl that I actually asked her rules and she was very candid. She would do very limited BBJ, CBJw/cum, CFS, but anal was for her SO.
I was in a nude club in Medford OH and was watching the stage show when I noticed a girl on stage flashed when she turned around and bent over. She had an anal plug in with a 1 1/2" diameter rhinestone on the end inserted where the sun don't shine. No I did not get any dances from her as she was a little to thick for my tastes.
Not interested. It's an exit.

There is one dancer locally who is alleged to provide it bareback, I've never asked her myself, but I've heard it from *multiple* other dancers. Another dancer flat out told me she would, but that it would be extra. A number of the local escorts will do it, sometimes for no extra, and sometimes for an extra $50.
Gawker:Thanks for your recent PM response. I'm blocked from a PM thank you to you and will respect the block whether intentional, or otherwise. Thanks also for the recent posting entertainment!
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
If you are going to not use an orifice because it is an EXIT then that ALSO rules out the mouth as it is an exit for puke & the pussy as it is an exit for blood. ;))
avatar for dallas702
12 years ago
I have been offered back door service ITC (I usually decline said offers), but once a very friendly petite dancer didn't offer. The young lady simply (and discretely) slid a cover over me during a BJ and then sat on my lap. It wasn't until she was well planted that I was informed by her remark, "you feel really good up my ass." After four or five more songs, I immediately withdrew in disgust!!

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
"After four or five more songs, I immediately withdrew in disgust!!"

Is this is a joke? Seems you couldn't have been too disgusted if you let it continue for four or five songs first!
drac- Funny that you should "roast" the exit rationale, seeing that we all spent the 1st 9 months of our lives trying to EXIT the vagina, and then spend a major portion of the rest of our lives trying to ENTER the vagina. The mouth is also an exit for spit, and for some, semen.

dallas702 - I guess the only thing worse would have been for your dancer to add "and I'm a tranny."
Given the topic, this song from Get Him to the Greek seems appropriate:


I hope that one of these strategies will allow me to embed this Youtube video from my Mac-- if not, my apologies and someone offer some suggestions on how to embed youtube videos using a Mac.
Who wants to see her peanuts and corn?
Alufart! Your in my fuckin crosshairs.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
tittyfan's financial advice (i.e. short treasuries) might finally make his daughter some money this year. Better visit the HiLiter and take her up on her $60 anal ITC offer while it lasts!
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