Need advice
Humor me. I'm new to strip clubs and I think I have made a mistake. I give a fake name and city whenever a dancer asks where I'm from. One dancer has gotten under my skin. I know, I know but she started hinting about hanging out together. The hints stopped and she directly asked me to take her to lunch. I am willing to learn my own lessons if she is playing me for a fool. If not I don't know how to undo the lies that I told her because I think this could go way beyond a onetime lunch. I missed my chance to tell the truth when she told me her real name and I have also neglected to mention my marital status. Is there a solution or should I forget her and what should I do in the future? I don't want my new strip clubbing hobby to become common knowledge but ….
Now let's say you go thank she gave you her real name ? Maybee she did and maybee this is fake name number #2 ! The point is it doesn't matter what she knows our does not know about you ! If your meeting OTC you must be looking for sex and she is looking for a payday !......have lunch in a location were your wife or family would not find you and nego your terms for pay4play ! Then have a blast !
Side note......don't fuck up your marriage xpecialy if you have kids over a dancer that is giveing you good time for now man !
Good luck and best wishes juice
Just like one sees a dancer for what she is, a dancer/stripper (even if there may be other qualities you like about her); I believe a dancer will almost always see you as a customer/financial-provider.
They do what they do not to meet people or Mr. Right, they do it for the $$$. Almost all "relationships" w/ dancers will include the $$$/financial aspect. Like Kanye West says "Now I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger, but she ain't messin' wit no broke niggas!"
If one is at the same level as the dancer (financially, lifestyle, etc.) - then you don't "probably" have to worry about what you said - "playing me for a fool".
But otherwise, they often expect, or at least end up relying on you to help them out with their financial issues (which alsmost all of them seem to have) and/or other problems.
I would treat it purely as a business transaction/relationship and NOT get emotionall involved.
Just my take!
First of all, most people lie in SCs! And if you want to come clean w/ her, just let her know the reason you did it and I'm sure she'll understand since they (dancers) lie all the time when they are working it!
Then leave the kids and give her 1/2 yo pay for the next 12years !
That's how all real men do dis ! Lol
Jack you made me lol so fuckin hardd man thanks !
Everybody else thanks for being my niggas ! Lol !
I would think about what I would regret the most. Would I regret cheating on the wife and possibly getting caught, getting an std and/or paying child support or would I regret missing the lifetime opportunity at a shot at fucking the hottest girl I've seen in ages just because I didn't agree to go out with her?
The club manager should have a copy of the dancer's drivers license on file so if you really had a case to identify someone, the manager could. You can always pay a few bucks and run a background check on her to see if she really told you her real name and if she has anything on her criminal background report. I believe that is legal.
Time to get my Flame shield out. LOL
That may well be true in most if not all situations. My current ATF told me both her real 1st & last names when I visited her residence the 1st time. I confirmed it by looking at a piece of her mail. NO lie in that instance.
However, the likeliest outcome is that, whatever she says, she's simply looking for extra cash, preferably in return for as little effort on her part as possible, in which case Stiletto is 100% correct; she ain't gonna give a shit that you lied, or why. There are exceptions, of course, but until she's *proven* to you that she is one, you're better off assuming she just wants the cash, at least until you get more experience, though you should probably try to avoid being a dick about it. :)
I'll admit, I may be atypical in this regard, especially among the bunch that hangs out here, but I've never actually found it necessary to lie about stuff like this to dancers. If there's something I'm not willing to share, I just don't. "That's not important," works for most things, and "none of your business" works for the stubborn ones. Most *aren't* stubborn, they don't care.
One further piece of advice, if you are one of those people who believes he can be honest with his wife, get yourself a burn phone, or a google voice number, or both, and only give that out to dancers. That way, you'll never get an unwelcome call on your home phone. There's an article about google voice in the articles section of this site, though you may have to go back a ways to find it.
A dancer I knew pretty well told me of a time when a married older man (she was in her early 20s, he in his early 50s) was having a on-again off-again affair with her.
One day, she crashed her car and did not have $$$ to fix it - being desperate to get in touch with him - she actually called his house to ask for him (she said she was desperate; and this was before the time cell phones were common) and the man's wife anwered. The dancer did not tell me all the details, but some how everyhting came to light and the guy actually ended up getting a divorce!
You are just at a crossroads my friend. I think you have two smart options
A. Tell her you're married and not interested in this.
B. Take her to lunch using your alias and have a good time.
If you do decide you want to bang her later (probably for cash, but that's a different story) you will have to commit to this. With your wife you will be XXXX, married man. With strippers you will be ZZZZ, bachelor.
I don't know which option you should pick, only you do.