
Rate the Hottie #4

Tuesday, March 13, 2012 8:37 PM
If you have not already done so, be sure to Rate Hotties #1 ([view link]), 2 ([view link]) or 3 ([view link]) I am posting Hottie #4 now because there have been some comments that suggest I've not yet really found a Hottie (perhaps I should change the name of the series to Hottie or Nottie?). Rate the Hottie #4 Meet Hunter from 4Play The Gentleman's Club in Los Angeles. We don't know anything about Hunter except her name and what's in the photos . . . but that is enough for sure. (Photos are NSFW) [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] Professional photos always suggest you are seeing the dancer at her best (better than you will see her in the club at any rate). That having been said, Hunter has a lot going for her. She has a hot body, though you get no view of the backside in these shots, which makes a final rating difficult for me. I'm guessing the ta-tas are not all from Mother Nature, though the surgeon did a fine job . . . great nipples too. We'd be heading to the VIP if I could get her away from her regular custies. My rating: 8+ (provisional on the backside being as nice as the frontside).


  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I'm tempted to agree with the 8, but I'm taking .5 a point since its a professional picture, and another .5 a point after closer examination of the face. Leaving a total of 7. My favorite so far, though I don't think she'd pop up on my radar unless she was way better than anything else in the club.
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    @jester I gotta find out the clubs you go to . . . She would be way better than half or more of the dancers at my usual clubs . . . perhaps this is the sad consequence of living in Virginia :-(
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Take away the Blonde hair, and give her dark or Red hair & I'd give a 8.5 to 9. Body is slightly better than #2, minus any tattoos or piercings on either one.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Ha, fair point. In a lot of places she would be one of the best looking.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    I would rate her a 7. Attractive and I wouldn't throw her out of my bed, but she needs to eat something. My preference is for a little more meat on the bone. When you can see the bone popping out of the skin as you can in the hunter1 photo, that is too skinny.
  • serpentx
    12 years ago
    a solid 8.5 for me.
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    Not the greatest face but better than the last few. I don't like the way her breasts sit. A little too skinny for my taste.I prefer a skinny, slightly softer look. I'd give her a 7
  • xedin5436
    12 years ago
    I think 4Play has pics of two dancers on their site (Assuming they are in fact dancers there), and I would prefer the other one (skyler?) over Hunter, who looks just a bit too plastic/fakey - the blondeness is somewhat disturbingly unreal. Also a little too skinny for me, but not horrible. But, that's all being really nitpicky. I'd go 7-8 with this one too, and it'd probably be a toss-up between her and Lexi if was at a club and they were both working.
  • qweasdzxc
    12 years ago
    I would give her a 8 for sure maybe close to a 9.
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    5. Boobs out of proportion to body.
  • thesamurai
    12 years ago
    Fake tits bother me especially when it doesn't look natural, and on this chick's skinny body those perfect round tits look so out of place. The rest of her body is nice though. She is hot, no doubt about it, but the tits aargh! Being in LA, I'm surprised Charlie Sheen didn't snap her up to be a goddess haha :D I'll score her 7.5, best of the rated yet, but still not the girl I'd be looking for in a club.
  • boatmonkey
    12 years ago
    8.0 Great spread at the V, sexy looking but could be fake like a pro or real like a girl next door. But I would give her a try for sure.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I'll give her an 8. Good body. Sim waist, nice boobs (I don't care if they're enhanced or not). Blonde hair is a plus. I would do her.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    The comments about too skinny, with her hip bones sticking out like that, apply to me as well. The bleach-blonde hair doesn't really do much for me, and her boobs, while they appear fake, are at least a decent job, so they at least don't take points off. And while I know it's for the camera, those eyes and that furtive little smile are really the set pieces that make her already lovely face gorgeous. I'll give her an 8. Give her 20 pounds, maybe a little more, and I'd be drooling over a 9 or better...
  • 10inches
    12 years ago
    I'd probably give her a 10 if we saw some ass, but without a good look at her butt I'll go with a 9
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Jackson, I was hoping for better when you promised me a blonde. LOL. She is nice, but has a few issues, as others have pointed out. So she is certainly not a 9 or 10. Since I had Hottie #1 at 7, I was tempted to give this one an 8. But like some other comments - she is much, much too skinny. Almost skeletal. Too bony. And her tits seem obviously fake. So I just can't go with an 8. But def better than the first three, so let's go with 7.1
    12 years ago
    She gets a 7.5 from me....best so far, but still not what I like.... Jackson, great job putting this series together....
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    "She should have spent the money that she wasted on the boob job for food instead." Ha! Agreed. Hard for me to rate her. Parts I find very attractive, but then there's that hip bone sticking out.
  • Ghosty
    12 years ago
    Solid 9. She's blond and thin and hot and has a nice...crotch area. Even though the boobs are fake, they have a very nice shape.
  • metalhed
    12 years ago
    A high 7 for me, would be a solid 8 with better boobs, in my opinion a great looking face though.
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    Wow - some of you guys are tough graders. If I saw here naked walking up, it'd be instant wood-city for me. The girl's gorgeous, a solid 9+ for me, with only one BUT - I wish to sweet baby Jesus and the orphans her breasts were natural. They're obviously fake (although good fake ones), and I can only imagine they were jaw-dropping natural B's earlier. Sooo... although a total hottie, I'd have to nick her a point or two due to the fake breasts. And although I generally eschew dances with fake-breasted girls, I'd make an exception in her case (Gee, aren't I a non-judgmental and generous guy... :)
  • boredxx
    12 years ago
    Overall 8.0 for me! She looks like Elizabeth Berkley (a la ShowGirls). I`m a face man and the face is at least an 8.0. I like a tight and skinny body, but I`m not feelin the boobs much cause I`m more of a natural kinda guy.
  • Blue42TX
    12 years ago
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    8!!! Yes!!! Would like to see her natural hair color though.
  • JackKash
    12 years ago
    I'm going with the crowd and saying an 8, but with reservations, it's just there. Best of the lot so far though.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    I had her at 8 until the last two pics. I am going with 7 now.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    I would rate her an 8.5 minus .5 for the very good boob job and minus another .5 for perfect angles pro photography. So a very solid 7.5. I would ask her to sit down to discuss her future for the evening. Where do some of you guys go clubbing. I have been in clubs all over and she would always rate in the top 1/3 and usually in the top 1/4 of the girls. She would be one I would chat with because most that are better looking know it and make alot on PL's giving air dances. Granted I have not been clubbing Vegas high end clubs (to much money with to little fun). I have been in high end clubs in Dallas and LA and she would be always in the top 1/3 minimum and in the top 1/4 in San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and Philadelphia
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I would have gone for a 7.5, but that third "hip bone" picture was a turn-off for me. I detest bones poking me. Maybe a 6.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    I think her body is great and really like that there's not visible tats. Easily an 8. I'd be willing to go up to a 9 if natural boobs. They look pretty fake in the first three pics, but pics 4 and 5 made me have second thoughts. My main dislike is her hair. It almost looks white in the one pic. I bet she'd be rocking as a brunette. I actually agree with Stiletto, I like a softer look better.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    8.8 I like her boob size and she's blond which I like. She looks a little bit bony around her waist.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    This is the best hottie so far, she is a solid 8. But as some others have mentioned, I prefer a girl with curves, this one is a little too skinny. Still rates an 8.
  • brainiac
    12 years ago
    With natural hair color and unenhanced breasts, I'd rate her a 9. Those two features are so glaringly fake that I have to subtract a couple of points. I give her a 7.
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    Definitly top shelf, detracted only by being a little too anorexic in the arms and the tits look fake.
  • fructose_father
    12 years ago
    The only thing I didn't like about her were her hip bones looking like they were about to break through her skin. Blondes are my weaknes, and as I said in a previous critique fake tits don't matter to me as long as they look good. Hers did. I like the flat belly as well. I would go an 8 with this girl..
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    Solid 7.5, a little skinny. If she had a great personality and good dancing moves--easily push up to a 9.
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