
Comments by inno123 (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Other Extra.
    No argument Alucard, I simply reach a different conclusion regarding the risks. And it is a different conclusion than I would reach with a spouse or steady GF than with a hookup, escort, or stripper because of the scope of their exposure.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Rap/Hip Hop and the GFE
    In my various articles on strip club management one of the points I make is that the dancers do not pick the music, the club management does based on the target audience of the club. Think of it. The dancers are women in their 20's and maybe 30's while the customers are men in their 30's through 60's. If you were programming two radio stations targeting those demographics would their playlists be the same? Of course not! Besides at any given time there may be a dozen or more girls giving a dance to the same music. Why does the one on stage, the only one NOT interested in getting more dances from the same customer, set the music. Club management picks the music based on one simple criteria, what makes 30 to 60 year old men feel horny. Like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIgwy9D0Tc4&feature=related
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Other Extra.
    Yes Alucard I admit it is very common but I am not fully comfortable from a risk standpoint with a BBBJCIMWS, which if skilled would definitely rate higher than a TF. Rh48hr, so if all you had was the cash for a HJ or CBJ could you see yourself asking for a TF instead at the price? Do you think the offer would be accepted?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I have a lot of peeves but I would guess the number one is music that is too loud, particularly when there is nobody on stage. It gets the number one spot because it interferes with the real job of the club which is to get a sexy vibe going with a dancer. You can't do that if you both have to be screaming to be heard. Second place, only because I don't encounter it that often because the clubs here have either abandoned it or I have abandoned them, is the buy-the-girl-a-drink hustle.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strip club billboards banned in your area?
    "But Ursula Pyland of West Hills says they prompt questions and even tears from her 11-year-old son. "He started crying one night," Pyland told the Daily News. "He thought the woman on the billboards was going to be hurt by men. " No way is an 11 year old going to get that idea unless the mother is feeding him a bunch of bogus scare stories about what goes on in clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strip club billboards banned in your area?
    One thing I noticed about the Xposed ads in other areas of the city is that they are located in areas not far from other strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    In Your Experience What % of Strippers Have Sex For Money?
    First of all you do not specify if it has to be in any way connected with their work. The other thing is it depends completely on the location. In TJ clubs the question is certainly 100 percent. Other clubs in high mileage locations like Detroit, COI, etc. it will not be far behind. places with lots of rules about nudity and contact far less.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Treasures strip club can continue to operate with new limits.
    So let's see, 109 hours open each week (from their website) times 26 cameras is 2834 hours of video to be turned over every week and some poor tech's job is going to be to watch every minute of it on super-fast-forward. Absolutely tedious. "I saw far too much tokus for my liking" in a review of videotapes, Smoots-Hogan declared....So Judge Smoots-Hogan doesn't like looking at tushes? Sounds like his problem.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How important are TVs to you in a strip club?
    In my set of articles on club design I said that they signal a lack of faith in your dancers. "Yes we know our naked women aren't much to look at, but maybe you want to hang around to watch this golf game". Now, I realize that there are certain sports events that simply can't be ignored or you have an empty club...the super bowl, world series, world cup, etc. So for these use a projected TV onto a temporary screen or a wall painted with material that makes a good projection surface (like zolatone lluminations) Then on those days have a specific sports event and do not have a stage show but let your dancers just walk around selling dances.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Nude Maids
    Once I was riding up an elevator and overheard two ladies behind me talking about a mutual friend who had gotten an offer from somebody to help clear her apartment with dusting, vacuuming etc. and the only requirement was that he be allowed to wear his little french maid outfit while he was doing it. the one girl said "she's not going to let him into her apartment, will she?" to which the other replied "Well, you know it IS free cleaning!" And yes, I was in San Francisco.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    OTC help
    Expect to have to talk honest about pricing and expectations when you call her to set up the date. You most likely have never worked with a call girl before but that is pretty much the situation. Now, do you want to meet her at a motel room or at your home? For the first OTC I would recommend the motel room.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tropical Lei vs DVCOI?
    For value, DVCOI. For predictably high mileage and consistently beautiful women TL.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Icebox at Cheetahs in San Diego
    I guess it depends on how much they trim the songs. $450 at $20 per song would be 22.5 songs per hour or 2 minuted 40 seconds per song. That's short but not unusually short. So with the room and one girl spending $500 for an hour before any tip is not out of the question....and then think of what $500 will get you a few miles south in TJ! It is tough being a San Diego club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    If all Strippers were fat would you continue to patronize Strip Clubs?
    Depends on what you call fat. I find a lot of people have an unrealistic expectation of women thanks to photoshop
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    so cal...la/oc/ie help
    Sure, same club. You don't want to be dragging him all over through LA traffic just to see more variety. If you do want to show him more clubs than just one I would throw in the Strip Joint in Pomona and Synn in COI that would not be far away. You could also include the SR in COI but it looks just like the SR from wherever they are coming from.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Who do you target?
    I must say that I am looking more for a particular body type, outgoing personality and a face that isn't a turnoff. That doesn't precisely translate to a minimum number and it certainly doesn't necessarily mean the hottest in the room. Particularly since I am not going to sit around forever to get that one girl.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How would you rate this lap dance?
    Well, presuming that the rules of the club are that customers can't touch and dancers can't be bottomless and no touching the cock then it is a darn good dance. Note that the instructor says that not every customer will want the same mix of moves. Frankly I have 'met' a lot of dancers who would be improved by watching that video.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers pissing you off? Close the Club!
    @Alucard In Rapid City South Dakota? That isn't exactly Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Road Trip; Large Cash Needs
    Carrying around multiple thousands of dollars in cash is asking for problems. I would definitely recommend going into a club with no more cash than you plan on spending that night. If you are with a bank with offices nationwide just make an in-person withdrawl for the money you will be needing that day. If you instead are working with a more local bank then instead set up an account with a nationwide bank.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    San Diego
    Take the trolley to the border, walk across to TJ.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Two club owners charged with tax fraud.
    My major work is with a forensic accountant and I am married to a tax preparer. The may way the IRS persues these cases is that they look into your bank accounts and/or personal spending and if they see more going in than you are saying you make or you spending far more than you are claiming to make then they haul you in for an audit and make you show otherwise.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How To Bring Up Extras
    @shadowcat I stand corrected, I was under the presumption that it was simply intentionally ignored there rather than that there was a specific law making it legal.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How To Bring Up Extras
    There is no single rule but there is only one variable: how much does she need to worry that you are a cop. Even in Tijuana prostitution is technically illegal. but the police do not ever investigate what goes on inside the clubs so you can simply ask what is the price to do this or that. And if you look at the reviews of clubs like Adelitas the price is what it is. There is not one price for nice looking guys who spends a bunch of money up front and another for ugly looking guys (unless all these reviewers are equally attractive). If the girl really finds you too unattractive to do for her price she will find some excuse not to come to your table in the first place. Now there are places in the US where the chances of your being a cop are as low as they are in Tijuana. You can learn them from the reviews. In these places a discrete 'just ask' applies. For the other places the question is how to get her trust that you are not a cop. One way is multiple visits. Since I am not that frequent a visitor I need to pass the test in the first visit, ideally in one song's private dance. So while she is facing me I reach down and stroke the inside of her thigh, then sliding to the mons. If she moves her hand down and pushes mine away I know that extras are not available. If she instead reaches down and strokes me we have reached an understanding. I have gone farther than a cop would and she is willing to go farther too. Then I whisper my offer near her ear.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Does being young and good looking help with mileage?
    If you are getting full kisses on the lips you are very likely getting more than the other customers. In general though when it comes to dances and extras I am guessing that most dancers have their price and are sticking with it, that's their rent payments.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best time of the month to visit
    Since the DVCOI is my default club I will put in my opinion. First of all there is a big difference between Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Also you say 'after midnight' but some of your reviews mention you being there at 2AM. There is a big difference between 12:15AM and 2AM. The DVCOI closes at 4AM. That means 2AM is two hours before closing. There are no new dancers coming on that late and some of the earlier dancers may have gone home early for lack of customers or money. The lack of dancers at 2AM may be the result of a lack of customers at 1AM. So you may be asking the wrong question. It's not when dancers are most hungry, Dancers are always looking for a big night. It is when there will be a lot of cash-bearing customers. That can be related to weather, the economy, or some other events that guys might be ending the evening by going to a strip club.