
Comments by inno123 (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Move With a Favorite
    Thanks for the replies guys I put this up because of the one discussion thread from they guy who wanted to start a club and staff it with the 8 plus girls from all the other clubs. It looks like he would have a tough time because the girls would be worried, apparently with justification, of all of their 'regulars' not following her and her having to start from zero.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Church or Club?
    I would have to put it up to a lack of customers, although there might be local laws. If there were local customers the management would certainly add or extend the weekend shift.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    My own strip club
    Thanks fro the props Club_Goer. One thing I see right away wrong with his plan is the idea of stealing the best dancers from other clubs. I guess he is thinking of just visiting a club, picking out the hottest dancers, and say "hey, wanna work in my new club". First of all he had better be making a much better financial offer because otherwise dancers are going to weigh the risk of losing many of their current list of regulars. But beyond that he might get away with this once before being forcibly removed from the club and blacklisted from not only that club but every other club in the city. Club owners might not be pimps, but they are just as protective of their stable of girls. The second potential risk is not offering ITC if other local clubs are. You do not want to be the low mileage club. In addition it is highly doubtfull that an ITC dancer will switch to appear at a non-ITC club. So for example you want to charge $150 for a half hour VIP. Let's say the dancer gets 80 of it. But the tip for extras might easily be an additional $80 meaning the dancer is giving up half of her hourly cash flow, particularly the part that is NOT going to appear on her 1099. As for just letting them do OTC instead: OTC girls are often finding all sorts of lame excuses to come in late or leave early. They make staffing your club a headache. So the best thing is to work on your plausible deniability "I had no idea she was doing THAT in the VIP! We tell them very specifically about that!" while at the same time making the external security around the club so tidy that the local Law Enforcement has little reason to want to target you.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    i dont get it ?
    Whenever the question about clubs begins with "Why don't they..." the answer is usually found in 'The Rules' which is the combination of state laws, local laws, and state liquor license restrictions (if they serve booze). These can include the definition of criminal indecency. But you say, the girls are getting all naked and sexy, why not the guys? Because there is a presumption of freedom of expression on 'artistic performances' which gives more leeway to the dancers than the customers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Hottest Stripper EVER !!!
    The funny thing is that the hottest stripper I have ever seen I never got a dance from, never heard her name, and in fact did not see a full stage show for. It was at the old Hawaii Theater. I had already used my budget and had hit the restrooms before leaving. I came out and as I was heading toward the exit I looked over to the stage and there was this tall shapely blonde with beautiful large natural tits. She wasn't doing a typical stripper dance but was moving very slowly with the music, but her moves were so fluid and graceful it was amazing. But I was running late and had no money to spend on her anyway. So I left. And never got back there before it closed.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    My general understanding was that mileage was both a matter of how much she touches you but also how much you are allowed to touch her with your hands or mouth. In addition I think most people would regard an outside-the-pants HJ as an extra. In my definition the dividing line is as long as the dick stays in the pants it is mileage. If the dick is out of the pants it is an extra.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    Dancers who sit down and just won't leave.
    My favorite tactics are either to start talking about the other girls around the club or on stage. If that does not get the hint then I say I need to go to the bathroom and then if necessary return to a different table in a different part of the club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    To Dress or Not to Dress
    What you look like is irrelevant. Any dancer is going to hit you up whether you look like money or not. And then either you have the greebacks or you don't On the other hand if we are talking about ordinary lap dances here one thing that will help the degree of contact is wearing soft fabrics. Do you think they are going to like rubbing their soft skin against coarse denim or scratchy wool? Soft fabrics.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Cure for Bad Music in a Strip Club
    I hope that they are isolating earbuds and not the simple kind, because with the SPL already present in clubs to pump in additional sound enough to overwhelm it you are talking about the potential for serious hearing damage in a short time.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Bad experience
    Of course. And the more clubs you go to the more specific your expectations are.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    High Value Good Contact Laps at $10 across USA.
    In addition to the other clubs mentioned for LA you can include the Strip Joint in Pomona. the ten dollar dances are bikini, but generally great grindage.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sour grapes or?
    There is an incubation time on all of these infections, not the same, Any guy acts like he is some sort of regular is not going to have only one potential infection source.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Disappointing OTC
    Let me illuminate on my previous comment. If sex with a woman is not good it is because she does not want it to be good. That is different than having it be paid for. There are many reason why a woman would want the sex to be good even though she is being paid for it. She likes good sex. She likes knowing you are satisfied. She knows that there will be more money from you in the future if the sex is good. Why might she not want the sex to be good? She has bad incidents in her past regarding sex. She does not want you to get attached. She does not want to get attached herself. The list goes on. Best choice: find an escort/stripper who wants the sex to be good.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    After OTC $ Requests
    What do you think would happen if one evening you were to say: "Dang, I really want to have sex with you so much but I had some unexpected car repair bills and I have no money this week. Will you have sex with me anyway?" You'll learn real fast that this is a business transaction.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    After OTC $ Requests
    Easiest way to avoid this is to use escorts for OTC instead. But an escort isn't the same thing as OTC! Is it? What do you ask the dancer? Is it "do you do ever do escort work?" or is it "Do you want to date?" or "Would you like to meet me after work"? The first implies a job, the other two implies wanting to create some form of a relationship. Be careful how you ask it because you will get what you are asking for.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Disappointing OTC
    If sex with a woman is bad it is because she does not want it to be good. There might be all sorts of reasons why she does not want it to be good, but you will have to figure out what it is and change it. Or just try somebody else.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    Also I would not automatically be suspicious of 'why are the selling a successful club?' Because getting out at a peak gets you the highest price. Lots of industries have turn-around experts. They find a club that is having management problems, fix the problems, restore profits, and cash out with a huge payout for a relatively short if difficult investment.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    Bottom line about being a club owner is how good are you at handling troublesome people? Because that is what most of the job will be. Dancers, Customers, 'concerned citizens', etc. all will be sources of drama.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    There are a couple of sites exactly tailored to this. There is one called Strip Clubs 4 Sale and another called strip club properties. Now, it sounds like you have only looked at some of the issues involved in managing a strip club. Frankly I agree that trying to set up a 'you have a real job at a real business' vibe will result in fewer problems. But you have to also make a profit, understand the 'rules' of your location, promotion, personnel, security, etc. Now, if you are really looking at buying into an existing business you want complete and audited books. Do not under any circumstances take the seller's word about how much the club is making. Get an accountant who has specialized in business valuation to do one. That will likely cost $5000. That seems like a lot, but it is way better than making a half million dollar mistake. As to Health Care, in 2014 if you have more than fifty employees you will either have to pay for health care or pay a $2000 fine. Getting a group rate on exotic dancers may be tough. You may be better paying the fine and letting them get coverage from the state insurance exchanges.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Escorts, LE/DT/PO, Clubbing and TUSCL.
    Frankly if LE has to go to a web site to learn what is going on in their own neighborhood they are pretty lame. It will also be almost impossible to get a conviction based on what was said in an internet posting.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Other Extra.
    As a follow-up. Was at a club with a new dancer whose HJ technique just wasn't cutting it (Girls, if he isn't coming right away the answer is not to just pump more vigorously, particularly if you are banging against his balls at the bottom). So, since she had promised not to leave me hanging I talked her into finishing with a TF. I realize that the reason she was reluctant was because she was afraid I would squirt it on her face and hair, which of course I did not. (My sperm may be pretty active, but not enough to defy gravity.)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The other, other extra.
    I have had dancers tease me through my pants with their feet during a lap dance. I think that they are trying to see my reaction and if it was huge they would know I had a foot fetish (which I don't) and would offer to do it in the VIP or OTC. Doing a full-on foot job cannot be done discretely.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Other Extra.
    Also I think it goes without saying that you have to be dealing with at least C cups, hopefully larger, to make TF worth the trouble. But I think it is bogus to describe it as a high-skill move. It is a lot easier for a skill miskake to ruin a HJ or BJ than to ruin a TF. She well lubes the cleavage, squeezes the tits together with her palms, and completes the channel so he doesn't pop out with her fingertips. From there the movement of the guy's hips will signal how fast he wants the stroking to be. If it starts to get dry drool a little extra saliva onto the head.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Other Extra.
    I agree that the mess is a non-issue. Not because there isn't a mess but because pretty much every extra has some sort of clean-up and/or condom disposal issue. A TF is much more likely to leave the mess in a manageable place than the BBBJ where the guy at the last second wind up squirting it all over her face/hair