
In Your Experience What % of Strippers Have Sex For Money?

In your experience, what percentage of strippers do you think have sex for money with one or more customers during some point in their careers (if that person is not you it still counts for this survey)?

Please state your primary mongering area in your response or if you are constantly traveling state that.

My answer: about 55-60% overall and my main area is, of course, Seattle. (If you consider 9s and 10s though I think it is more like 80%.)

(To get the obligatory txtittyfan joke out of the way the answer is 100% of txtittyfan's daughters and sisters.)


  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    My guess would be 80% to 90%. I live in the Detroit area, where anything goes in strip clubs. Even a dancer who doesn't do extras will know plenty of dancers who do, and so sex for money does not seem terrible. Since you say "during some point in their careers," I would think most strippers would have some occasion where they needed the money, although they might not have sex for money regularly.

    Another way to look at this is to ask what % of strippers would have sex for a generous amount of money, like $1000. I would think at least 90% would have sex for $1000.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    50% in north Carolina and 80 % in south Carolina
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @jack: my opinion is that once they cross the line once and they see that god doesn't strike them down with lightning and the earth doesn't open up and swallow them whole, they become very indiscriminate about it. But I know some don't agree with me on that interpretation and hence the way I worded it, so we don't venture into that debate. At least not in this thread. :-)
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    That's interesting that you say 80% with the 9's and 10's. You would think the 9's and 10's make good money on stage, with regular dances, and VIP (where extras aren't involved). You would think the 6's and 7's need to do extras because they're not making enough in the three areas that I listed for the 9's and 10's.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @ranukam: I think part of the thing is that they are not looking at it like "okay I can make $75/k year w/o doing OTC which I hate and that's good enough". There isn't really an upper bound on the amount of money which is "enough " most people with variable income (like me) probably feel that way and are willing to squeeze in more work if they can for more money...

    But there is more to it than that even, IMO... I wonder if I'm the only one who has observed this? GMD seems to lean toward "equally likely but not more likely".
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I think you're all too high. Outside of the highest mileage locales for every club where sex is available there are several more where it's not or is much harder to get. And again even in the clubs where it's possible with some of the dancers, there's even more with who it's not possible.

    Now if you want to break it down by area, then yeah sure, maybe Detroit is as high as 80%. But no way is it anywhere close to that overall.

    I'd be shocked if it was even 40%

  • inno123
    12 years ago
    First of all you do not specify if it has to be in any way connected with their work.

    The other thing is it depends completely on the location. In TJ clubs the question is certainly 100 percent. Other clubs in high mileage locations like Detroit, COI, etc. it will not be far behind. places with lots of rules about nudity and contact far less.
  • canny
    12 years ago
    I'm in the Pittsburgh area and I'd say that it's less than 1/3 here. The number who have sex for money once is much higher, but the number who have sex for money more than once a month is less than 1/3.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    My experience in Alberta clubs suggests that the number is very low, something under 5%. The single British Columbia club that I know well has a much higher percentage of players, perhaps 30%.
    12 years ago
    I think most of the numbers seem to be rather high for any where. I've been to clubs in So California, Vegas, Dallas, New Orleans and Atlanta. I would guess a national average on dancers that have done it more than once is only around 20-25% range at the most.
  • Ctdaytriper
    12 years ago
    Springfield,Ma. and part of Ct. are my area.
    I would have to say that 80-90% range is a good guess for my area.
    Have only come across a couple of dancers that will not do some sort of extras. Business is down and the dancers are in more need of money than before.
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    "My experience in Alberta clubs suggests that the number is very low, something under 5%."

    Art - you should visit DC, you would feel right at home! (leave the loonies behind, though)
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    San Diego. Some do(not necessarily sex), most don't. Don't have "expert" stats on this.lol
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    90% to 100%

  • Raincoat
    12 years ago
    Probably 80% have done it with someone at sometime, but only a few set out to do it on a given night.
  • deadmime
    12 years ago
    You'll have to bring in Bill Clinton to define sexual relations in order to get an accurate estimate.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    From one point of view all women are paid for sex. Girlfriends get dates, drinks and maybe living expenses paid for. With wives they own you for life and suck you blood any time they wish and only repay with sex once in a while when they feel obligated.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    You're correct about men "paying for Sex" in a civilian relationship. BUT you have a REALLY cynical view of it.

    If you are actually in a civilian relationship, I'm surprised due to your really cynical view.
  • Jackmd
    12 years ago
    50% Baltimore area
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    98.565% would apply to all women married or not since money is what drives women for sex
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    In the greater Detroit area, I'd agree with Alucard, 90-100% at one time or other.
  • Leonard313
    12 years ago
    Agree with most posters that it is HIGHLY dependent on the area. I've been to some clubs where "touching" is out of the question...especially nude clubs in college towns. Those are legitimately (sort of) students putting themselves through school and they aren't there to hook.

    But Tijuana? It's a brothel...not a strip club. And Detroit? While I'd argue 90% is high...you're probably around 65-85%.

    Also, depends on the club. "Nice" clubs...less common. "Dives", more common.

    Its one of the things I like about California (soCal) now that I've moved out here. Its a lot of fun going to different clubs and seeing such a wide range of what they "will do/won't do" and how much it'll cost to break that boundry.

    I can take you to a club where 85% fuck for money, in the club, and it's $155 plus a tip of usually $20-$200 depending on the dancer. We can drive 10 miles and hit a club where you pay $100 for 3 songs and they'll kick ya out for touching a dancers tits. Completely varies.

    And finally...the question is flawed if you start pushing the $ amount up towards infinity. These girls let scumbags like us grope them and ejaculate on their legs for $20...they spread their twat for $1 tips. You honestly think there's a stripper that won't fuck ya for $10,000? I bet some of them will let you beat the shit out of them for $5000.

    They're in it for money. Morals waved bye bye a long time ago.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I also think that those looking at marriage/dating as "pay for sex" are being overly cynical. But then again, I've never been married, and over half the married people I know (both men and women) tell me never to get married, it's just not worth it, so I'll have to say I'm not qualified to speak on the marriage question.
  • victor2
    12 years ago
    regarding Detroit I agree with the others, probably 90%
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Let's stop with the 80-90% numbers. Even the dirtiest cities have clean strippers, including newbies, other girls who are just too scared to take that plunge, seasoned dancers who will never fuck for money, etc. And most of the so-called dirty cities also have cleaner clubs, where the so-called clean dancer often gravitate to. Now some individual clubs may get up that high, but those tend to be clubs that are well known for that sort of thing.

    Now nationally, I would, using nothing other than my own bullshit guesstimate based upon my travels and readings, peg the number at about 30%. In so-called dirtier areas, I would guess that the number is closer to 50% and in the cleaner areas, the number may be well below 10%.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “my opinion is that once they cross the line … they become very indiscriminate about it”

    This may be true in certain instances, but may not be true in many others. For some women, yes, once they’ve done it, they get over their preconceived notions and stay in “fuckville”. Others may be semi traumatized by the experience and are strongly inclined not to try it again. It is similar to some women not being able to become comfortable taking their clothes off in front of a group of men they don’t know and thus will not stick w/ stripping.

    I’m w/ Ranukam with respect to 5’s – 7’s being more apt to pay for play since they may not make as much $$$ from LDs/VIPs as 9’s/10’s.

    “most people with variable income (like me) probably feel that way and are willing to squeeze in more work if they can for more money...”

    Strippers are not most people. How many times has it been commented how many dancers will often spend a lot of time in the dressing room or just sitting around and not hustling – or just working x number of days in a week (often less than 4) in order just to make a particular amount they have in mind.

    “Outside of the highest mileage locales for every club where sex is available there are several more where it's not or is much harder to get”

    Just b/c it’s not available in the club does not mean it is not available outside the club – especially if the price is right. Some dancers may even prefer not to do their dirty deeds in the club and prefer them in a more discrete outside the club fashion.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @Dougster: "But there is more to it than that even, IMO... I wonder if I'm the only one who has observed this? GMD seems to lean toward 'equally likely but not more likely'."

    I don't remember making that comment with regard to this exact question, but since it's about what I would have answered anyway, I'll take your word for it, given your anal-retentiveness over what people have posted in the past, and the fact that I'm too lazy to go look. :)

    Actually, give your conditions on the question, "ever" and "one or more" and "some point", I'd probably bump it up a bit, to maybe 65 or 70, based on my experience in NY, NC, PA, MO, KS, TN and DC clubs.

    Included in my estimate are those who did it once and vowed never again, those who did it once because someone offered them an insane amount of money, those who didn't mind it but gave it up for any of a variety of reasons, and those who went almost their whole career without doing it and gave in just before quitting, again, for a variety of reasons. I've met women who did a creditable job of convincing me they were in all of those categories.
  • TortillaChip
    12 years ago
    In many of the clubs I go to, there are two kinds of dancers:
    1. Travelers
    2. Local girls

    Amongst group 1 it is extremely high, 7 or 8 of 10.
    Group 2, much lower. 2 or 3 in 10.
    My experience with group 2 is you have to establish yourself as a regular with her, or at least well known at the club before she'd consider it.
    Group 1, its basically ask is there a menu, that is if they don't beat you to the punch and offer themselves up.
    I club mostly in Iowa/Wisconison/Minnesota. Generally non-extras friendly places.
  • fastscrs
    12 years ago
    Well, not speculating but speaking from personal experience in Southern California clubs, of the girls I've asked to see outside the club about 70% have said yes, although not always on the first attempt.
    I've been very happy with that level of response as I've had great sex with some very beautiful women.
  • COclubber
    12 years ago
    Traveling to Detroit the last two weeks. Visits to both Bogarts and Flught. Club. 100% of the girls here is my guess. I know every girl met offered. Every girl I went with did. God I love Detroit.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Glad you had a nice time in the Motor City. A GREAT place for sexual Xtras lovers. :))
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    Dougster, in your experience what % of strippers have told you mistruths and/or taken money from you without your knowledge?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @doc: depends if they have the oppurtunity or not. If they do, for example, if I pretend I wasn't keeping track of how many dances I got and I ask them then I would say it's like 70-80%. Itrs very hard to remember any I've known over a length of time who don't end up being deceptive in some significant way. Maybe 2-5% tops.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    I'm dissapointed Dougster. :( the answer to all three should be 100%.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    What would your answer be, doc?
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    All strippers are lying, thieving, whores? Come on man! You softening up??

    Seriously? In my limited experience of interacting with approx 120-140 dancers:

    L - 20-30%
    T - <1% (1)
    W - 8-10% - offers
    - 3% (4) - two went in for the Johnson, one grabbed my head and forced nursing, and one grabbed my fingers and raped them with her pussy, all without discussion. 3 were friendly about me being prudish and stopping the fun, the other became a mild confrontation when I stopped her dry hand job attempt to get me in VIP then attempted to extort an additional $50 out of me for an unasked and rejected hand job.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Only 10% whores and you've been to the Texas clubs? Hmmm... Okay...
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    Thing is I'm not asking. That's 1 out of ten or like a dozen that made offers to me. That brought it up.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Wonder why we've had such different experiences?
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    I don't know dude! I'm not looking to bust a nutt in strip clubs. I'm looking to get teased, go home and beat off or fuck someone else. I was also trying to write a story about strippers and get to know them, but after some long nights going home with the ones that let me, I laid off that idea and just look for a good time in the club. At least for a while.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Interesting. What % of strippers did you go home with? And I take you mean unpaid?

    Btw, marijuana is now legal in WA as well for recreational use.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    5 total, whatever % that is. And a couple more came out and worked in a video (unpaid, none of us got paid), but it was kind of a disaster.

    That's 120+ in these two years who I talked to and/or got dances from, but only 18 whose numbers I asked for. Another dozen whose number I never got, but saw regularly in the club and once out (a couple who I really should have got their number but didn't). The five I went home with (two were nightmares, one I still call a friend, two I lost contact with). And there is one dancer who I've been chasing after shamelessly for a year and a half, yet I never seen her out of the club.

    I don't regret any of it.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    And yeah, I'll be up in Washington soon to visit a friend (prior to marijuana law knowledge). I plan on staying with him a couple nights and that hostel in downtown Seattle to see what kind of heathen mischief I can get into.
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