
Comments by inno123 (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Is this even possible?
    Sure the chances are 90 percent that it will turn out badly but what if they turn out to be the ten percent? If the dancer is smart enough to know that she can't keep stripping/whoring forever she might take the job seriously and what he will be paying her in wages might be less than what he was paying her in the club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New strip club opening in Toowoomba.
    The article doesn't say where LA Showgirls is located or where their other clubs are, but it is not Los Angeles!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    More off topic: Closing Ceremonies
    I will agree that the closing ceremony had some snoozeworthy segments and unlike the opening, no particular arc or continuity to what they were doing.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Clubs that do dances out in the open, particularly if they leave the stage vacant, should expect snaking. What am I supposed to do, stare at my drink? And the dancers? Live with it or change clubs to one that give you privacy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What happened to TJ Hong Kong?
    If I am going to cure a disease it won't be one you catch in a club, but that is delving a little too far into my personal life. Yes HK has been the more upscale club ever since it took over from Chicago as Adelitas competition. But what I noticed is that recent reviews have pegged HK as about ten dollars more expensive than Adelitas. So somebody familiar with both is not going to give HK the ten in value even though there is no club anywhere in the US that is going to give you FS at that price.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What happened to TJ Hong Kong?
    Well, what you are seeing is the big problem with a global top 10. What fraction of the people rating clubs in Indiana or Florida have ever been to a TJ club? Next to none? So if HK is slippin then it is slipping among the TJ visitors, not that in reality Phoniex or wherever is providing a better value than HK TJ. Now as to why it is slipping compared to the other TJ clubs it seems that prices are edging higher there and the better girls are getting a higher net income by going across the street. So HK is winning on Atmosphere and losing on value and Dancers
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tijuana experts help
    San Diego is not that close to San Ysidro (the border). I would recommend taking the trolley to the border and staying at one of the hotels on the US side of the border between excursions across to the Mexican side. That way you cross the border each time carrying just your passport and the night's dinero. Trying to cross with a weekend's worth of luggage is going to get you attention both from the border patrol and from the criminal element.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strip Club Loyalty Program
    A lot of clubs will give out coupons for the next visit. The only problem is not wanting to be found with one of those in the pocket
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Where can you make the most money as a dancer?
    Here is the economics of it. Strippers are single women that are fairly mobile and the occupation has low barriers to entry. It will generally take X times the cost of living to entice a young woman to take stripping as a job. If you can earn more than that either more women will enter the career or the club managers will change the economic deal to take more of the money. That's why you seem to make the same money wherever you go. So what you need to look for in general are places with an excess of money and a comparative shortage of women. Construction boom towns and military bases are good examples. Conversely you want to avoid places wtih limited money and a a surplus of women like college towns.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The gymnasts are too young, the swimmers too skinny, so I am tending toward volleyball. soccer, and track so far.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    Where is the best place to have a batchlor party & what are the bes entertainers
    You seem to miss the third choice, at a hotel with strippers. Most will work work parties outside the club. It depends on whether you want somebody who knows how to put on a show.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lawsuit claims strip club's policy at fault in teen's death
    The policy is not the problem. It is no different than letting the waitresses get tips from customers for drink sales. The problem is with the security. You can't just 'throw out' somebody who is intoxicated and then stand by while they get into the driver seat of a car. You've negligently created a dangerous situation. There is plenty of precedent on this. Most clubs will either call a cab or drive the guy to the bus stop or whatever.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Montreal Strip Clubs, --extra's or OTC possible?
    Canada has legal outcall escorts. Montreal has tons of them. Why mess around with all the cost/complexity of a club just to get OTC?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Slightly OT: Olympic Volleyball
    agree that the dark hair, dark eye, olive skin, classic facial proportions look is very sexy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mexico strip clubs
    Using the 'ready lanes' on the right helps, but the biggest help will be when they finish the expansion and modernization construction in 2014
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Yakima jury hears case: Does strip club permit denial warrant damages?
    Based on what is said in the article the guy is a fool. Only a fool acts as his own attorney and only an even bigger fool presents his own economic damages analysis to a jury. The jury is never going to buy it because you are an interested party. There are experts in exactly this form of accounting with experience in convincing juries.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    In the VIP getting an Oral Exam
    High Mileage Clubs in City of Industry, CA area
    If you want higher mileage or better value than the COI the only possible choice is Tuijuana. And even that is closer than Phoenix! There are no low mileage clubs in COI.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I've Finally Seen The Light
    A good rule of life: Never get romanically involved with somebody whose head is more messed up than yours. That pretty much rules out strippers and escorts for me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Two more men with HIV now virus-free. Is this a cure?
    Bone marrow transplants are not as simple as they sound. You have to undergo a treatment that kills every single bone marrow cell in your body first. Moreover finding a match, much less a match with natural HIV immunity, is extremely rare. Nobody is suggesting that this can become a standard treatment.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much do you spend for ATF to sit all shift with you?
    Randy and Rick, you really still think that you are keeping her there? She is staying there because she wants to keep the other dancers from trying to get some of your money. The minute she thinks that you aren't worth protecting any more she will make some excuse to have to go for a while (bathroom, stage rotation, phone call, needs to talk with another dancer about 'something').
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    LD Rules By State
    There is usually a combination of both the state rules and city rules and then there are the unwritten city rules. So in Pomona there is a three foot rule, but the dancers regularly come into the moat area to collect your tips, which somehow winds up with a lot of 'accidental' touching. The City of Industry is very loose not because of any particular rule but because the local sheriff's station has an unwritten rule not to bother with what goes on inside the club if they keep things orderly, safe, and legal on the outside. The City of Colorado Springs has a law that has a 3 foot separation, minimum illumination levels, mandatory tip jars, etc. but as it turns out all but one of the clubs there are in little pockets of land not inside the city limits. Moreover in Colorado there is an apparent loophole, not available in other states that allows there to be a nonalcoholic nude club INSIDE of an alcohol serving topless club. Also various state laws have loopholes for byob 'private clubs'.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Funny how these law suits are always filed after they no longer work there.
    California requires that dancers be regarded as statutory employees, and the industry has hardly suffered as a result. The main difference is that you either have something like the timer pole or you pay the doorman or bartender for the dance (but not the tip). As I said, it works OK. The big lesson is that club owners think that they can call them independent contractors but then micromanage them like employees. You just can't do it both ways.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    whats to high for lap dances ?
    Lopaw, that is what really surprises me, because just on the other side of the city you can regularly get $10 topless including frequent 3 for 20 specials. Not to mention that LA is really not at all that far from TJ.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I think the woman's 100m hurdles just become my favorite summer Olympics sport
    A while back I saw a presentation from a sports psychologist about athletes performing at their personal top performance levels (aka being 'in the zone'). The common features no matter what the sport were that they were relaxed, not anxious or distracted by anything, focused, not over-thinking what they were doing, and enjoying themselves tremendously. So after seeing that attitude pre-race I was not surprised to see her blow sway the competitors.