
Comments by bluemonday (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anybody know any GILFs?
    Without a doubt, if your looking for less shit and a better time, pick an older girl over a youngun' I tend to like the ones who are around 30-ish who have been in the business long enough to know what's what, but still look super hot. but i do have a long running goodun' who's coming up 45 next month and she is by far the easiest to deal with. the oldest i have had a dance off is 47, while there is another one dancing i know who is 49 and she still does great. i am still in my 30's (just!) and tend to pick girls who i still think i have a good amount in common with, better always for the OTC, but as i get older am sure i'll move up and there is certainly a market for older girls too, especially on day shifts when a lot of customers are retired gentlemen. of course when i get really old, thats when am gonna start banging 19 year olds again !!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What does your favorite club smell like?
    ... it smells like 'napalm in the morning' ... it smells of 'VICTORY' !!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Good time European cities?
    (spain) there are 'strip clubs' that are english (english girls even) pretty much like a UK lap dance bar. they advertise american style lap dancing, though it is defo more UK than USA style. plenty brothels as well, though some do have stages and get the girls to 'spin' and dance a little! most are bar style, get a drink and relax first, the girls come over, if you like em, take em in the back or upstairs, 50-60 euros a pop.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancer's Expected Income: Unrealistic Expectations
    ... and agree farmer they deserve what they earn, some have a plan and get out rich, i know one who's gonna retire a millionaire afetr investing in property etc and well done to her (she's got the best tits i ever found in my life by the way, million dollar tits eh?) others meanwhile have 160 pairs of designer shoes in a closet and a stupid sports car they cant afford to keep the payments up on even with all that money coming in...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancer's Expected Income: Unrealistic Expectations
    to be fair there is no way i would work a sat or infact any night for $100 and that is a real low amount for a stripper doing what she does?? the ones i know well, would expect to earn a minumum of around 400+ for a day shift (12pm-7pm) and 900+ for a night (9pm-2am) so not bad at all and this is not just weekend days/nights its all week. (tho of course i only know really good ones!!). they pay 65-80 (a little more if they dont want to go on stage) to the house and have to tip the DJ, but the rest is their's to keep. so a pretty decent wage? and if they are doing extras they prob making much much more ?? i know one girl, who works about two afternoons a week, making say 900 each day and then packs in, as thats enough for her till next week! somehow however, they are always skint !!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Your Thoughts and Prayers
    thanks back J, glad your a good mate
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Good time European cities?
    ... yes i live in england, club mainly in canada though
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Good time European cities?
    why aye man! if youre doing detroit, you can fly gatwick to toronto for £250 return, try canadian affair website, am going from manc on monday for that price. its about 3-4 hours drive from there to motown! but do toronto airport clubs first (see farmerart's reviews he puts it best) and make sure you call in at niagara on the way which is where i call home from home. london (ontario) is halfway but rubbish clubs and dont bother with windsor either, the detroit lads will comment on this no doubt ? you prob forgot the dam as it just is just nothing for strip clubs, and this is a strip club site after all!! like you i reckon, it's still the north american strip club atmosphere that i enjoy, i have found nothing like north american clubs anywhere in europe ... prague i agree is perhaps the closest, but it's still totally different ? be interesting if anyone else is a regular on both sides of the atlantic to compare and comment ?? if your ever up in newcastle again, be glad to have a pint on the bigg market and i'll take you to diamonds, about the best we got up here !
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Good time European cities?
    ... also is there anywhere good you;ve found in england ??? i know your a vegas man, but i tried that and now on to canada. £250 a return flight, toronto and niagara a great scene, you gotta try it!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Good time European cities?
    london, you were typing same time, and same stuff, yeah my mates went to budapest and got totally ripped off !! i hated barcelona though, never again, again i didnt bother but the lads got robbed and one came back with shall we say a special souvenir, couple of years ago, hope he's sorted it now !!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Good time European cities?
    do not go to england, clubs here are absolute rubbish, prob the worst place in the world to club! euro for strip clubs i recommend prague as the best. germany is good also, and i was surprised to find milan a great night out when i was there. krakow(poland) is also good and much cheaper, but if you want cheap then try the baltic states estonia, latvia (not denmark/swe etc which are very expensive). i have a friend who swears by russia and loves it, but i aint going over there. there are clubs in any major euro city and 'extras' are the norm, even advertised menu style in the place, with rooms (sometime fantasy rooms), jacuzzis etc, with most places basically brothels rather than 'strip clubs' as americans would know it. lets put it this way if this site was mainly euro members, rather than usa, i reckon those two mexican clubs would soon be forgotten about, i just go to spain. amsterdam is great, but no real strip clubs, tho you wont need them there, there is la vie en rose and the banana bar but stay out of them, waste of time and money. i'd say forget the strip clubs and just go round the red light there instead. as said above really forget clubbing in england, just very expensive air dances. prostitution is not technically 'legal' here, but it goes on as it does everywhere else! my personal top five euro places where i have had a good time ... 1) amsterdam (the world famous red light district) 2) prague (goldfinger, atlas, darlings, hot peppers all very good and loads more) 3) benidorm spain (not just a holiday place, all is avail here, try albir, niteclub amor i had a great time in there and there is about 8-10 clubs on the same street) 4) playa de las americas, tenerife (ditto, 8-10 or so clubs within a 1 mile walk along the front) 5) hamburg, germany (seedy as hell !)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Your Thoughts and Prayers
    ... and keep us posted mr jay-box too. av kinda realised this week i am losing my real ATF of 2 1/2 years right now, you do get attached, so i now you wont be in the mood right now, but keep going fella
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Your Thoughts and Prayers
    it's good you care and are such friends with your girl ... your a good lad jay, it will be ok mate am sure, you give her your support ... and we'll give you ours.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    without a doubt its important, if they aint turning on my mind, they aint turning on me elsewhere. the ones who make it to ATF status are the ones who i can have a real good convo with. so if am gonna keep coming back to a paticular girl, its infact about the most important thing. i like a laugh most of all, this the way to win me over, but its just gotta come natural, something you cant pay for and they cant fake.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    you need to go club in europe juice ... what you are suggesting is pretty much standard ! specials defo need more of those too, the better the deal, the more i'm getting of it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "loan" to stripper
    your never getting that cash back ! only thing you can do now, is make that OTC stretch out as far as possible and get maximum value back out of that?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stages in the Life Cycle of a Strip Club Patron
    mine is.. #1 went to clubs in england, thought absolute shite, never want to bother go again. #2 went to clubs in canada, thought absolute brilliant, now for last five years, go over every couple of months and 'club on baby!'. also like most of us it looks like, i went from having loads of dancers to just a couple of ATF'S, but am now wanting to go back and play around again next trip. (which is next weekend by the way, get in, can't wait!)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How Long Should a Lap Dance Last ?
    girls on stage usually pick their own music for their set, they are told (in my main club at least) to make it a 4 min track. if the girl is doing well on stage and getting good tips, the dj may run the final song longer so she can collect more money, but will announce for all to hear in the back, 'dancers do not continue' and they will end their dance with you, however if you are buying another dance, this is bonus time for you as the customer and doesnt count. i also never let a girl start mid song, this again is a way they can do less time. pre-song waiting in the booth also counts as bonus time for me as far as i'm concerned. if they are not being so friendly before the song starts, or trying to be starting mid-song, i just say forget it with that dancer and quickly move on.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So.......You Just Spent A Ton Of $$$$$$ In A SC?
    hey farmer... you know you need to buy the cannonball ?? just hire some cleaners though please!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    $20 per dance for a private booth VIP where i go, prob would do up to 10-15 dances with around 5-6 girls on a good night (if there are enough who take my interest). other times maybe i do stick to a lower number, just a few faves i already know, but still like to try new girls who have arrived at the club since my last visit if i like the look of them, you never know when you are gonna find a new gem. it all depends who is working really. i start with singles, then do later threes if they are any good, so end up around $200 spent on dances per session.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I chose poorly
    variety is the spice of life, would hate to think i stuck with just one dancer all night, no matter how good.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Private Dance Tipping
    never ever tipped a dancer an no-one ever had a problem, may buy 'em a drink if they want to sit a while, but $20 a dance is $20 a dance and expensive enough. i do tip the wait staff and barman, but thats all. most of these girls are walking out of the club with $600-900 (much more in some cases) and easy making enough. don't fall for no sob stories.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Overseas Clubs ?
    i am from UK but hardly ever club here. usually it's air dances only that are given due to very strict rules and they do not have a clue how to run a club at all. they tend to only open very late (10pm - 5am) and are usually fairly empty with just a few groups passing through, either before of after going proper clubbing on a stag nite out. nothing like the atmosphere or shows you get elsewhere. also, despite what someone posted above, prostitution is very much not legal. other european clubs are more like brothels really. not like an american club at all. have had some good nights out in great euro cities like amsterdam, prague, krakow(very cheap), italy, germany etc ... wherever you go there is plenty of action to be found in most of europe and would probably suit a lot of people on here ? as far as strip clubs go, Prague has some great show places, prob best is Goldfinger, recommend start off there then move on to Atlas Cabaret or Darlings for a garunteed happy ending... Amsterdam is a regular place to visit for me, am sure you know what goes on there fellas, if your gonna go anywhere in europe, you gotta go and try there! it's 30-50 euros ($40-70) for FS with top lookers from around the world available day and night. there is only two SC's which are not worth visiting. i now club regularly in canada (niagara/toronto) instead, it is much better and with some real cheap flights from my town and good hotel rates the whole thing works out cheap for me too! this is the best place i have gone to SC's, not been round too much of USA, but done most of west (LA/Vegas etc), really do find Canada so much better. If i was doing a top 5 of clubs i've visited they would all be from this part of the world.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    OT: Groundhog Day
    due over in toronto in a week or so for my first trip of the year, keep the good news on the weather front coming guys ... although must admit am not planning on spending much time outdoors after all!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ever wonder......?
    gotta agree with this, how many times do you walk into a club and within minutes spot everything that is wrong with it that could be easily improved ... and its usually quiet in there in those bad clubs too, so its not like the set up is working even! how can so many owners manage to fuck it up ??