
Comments by bluemonday (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What do do in Amsterdam?
    i still love amsterdam, like everywhere it is going back with more competition for the stag do trips coming from elsewhere in cheaper eastern europe, as its pricey now for drinking at 5 euros a pint, with little exchange rate now... every time i go more and more windows are shut, but the main areas around the old church and across from the old sailor bar are still good. standard charge is 50 euros (about $80) for a 'suck and fuck' (about 20 mins), most who charge this are at least as good looking as anyone you will find in a top north american strip club if not better... there are others who will charge as low as 30 as standard, they being mostly cubans, south american or africans (still as good as many ive seen recently in lower end clubs)... you can still make your own deals if you want ? do not go to the clubs there, la vie en proost is rubbish and the banana bar a rip off... neither is anything like what we would call a good strip club so dont waste time, go to a normal bar instead and then stick to the window shopping ! further to what bullwinkle said, everything is totally legal and well policed, all the girls even belonging to their own union. (i've been thinking about doing an article on the dam, and will expand this when i have time, am due a last visit before the year is out so will probably do it later then)
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    11 years ago
    How do I know when one dance is over?
    i never let them start mid-song, thats a start. usually say how many we gonna do as have my plan, tho things can change if going good. i will cut short if they being boring however if i have ordered a 3 or 5 song trip. if anyone ever rips me by overcounting, or trying to (they rarely get away with it, as i like the music usually and actually take notice of the songs), they aint getting another dance ever... i would only ever lose count if doing a real long session and then i would do a deal for time or for whats gonna happen anyway...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    my nice new stripper friend wants me to pay for her room in a hotel as she broke
    am gonna go with tired traveller option and move right on, but am back over canada soon, so if she turn up back ITC then will be interesting ? will report how it plays out if that the case... if i do play the game at least i know the hand i'm playing here... cheers lads, this is what the site about, bit craic with those who know, appreciated
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    11 years ago
    Stripclubs in North York (Toronto)?
    club pro is defo a pricey option however...
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    11 years ago
    SC withdrawal
    yep got that, dont feel good unless planing my next trip... but just booked it tonight, so back on top here !!
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    11 years ago
    Stripclubs in North York (Toronto)?
    the good news your in prob the best city in the world for strip clubbing, just need to venture a little further. brass rail is good for something more classy or try the airport clubs in mississauga (cafe atlantis the best) for the real deal, cheap and easy... i like niagara for a weekend party, good clubs there too, check out sundowner if you fancy a little night down there, not quite as good as it was, but where is ? and still the best around imo
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Guys' Weekend: What's a good strip club city besides Vegas?
    Niagara Falls... Three good clubs for a fri/sat night, spend $15 entry and do a limo ride for free between them all. The sundowner is solid all day every day from 12pm for daytimers too. Some good bars for drinking too nearby. Two big casinos, loads of great cheap hotels. Decent massage parlours next door if you dont find what want in the SC, or head the hour or so up to mississauga for more action.
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    12 years ago
    Russian Dancers / Clubs with Russian Dancers
    @ london - why aye man (translation for the rest - good call), those czech girls always got some great naturals, but still know how to do 'russian' ! am gonna try out a new possible future ATF next month's trip who i met about a year ago, she is from moscow but now settled working in my 'local' in niagara. very very hot, loves the vodka shots and i have heard has the worst temper in the club!! ... well, i dont like to be bored ?
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    12 years ago
    "So, what do you do?"
    i tell them i work in construction, but just look after the money (which is the truth), i then say "obviously, as you can tell by these hands"... depends how far those hands get, if they then get to look after any money too ?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Off Topic Rant About Airlines
    oh... and ryanair, easyjet, jet 2, best for europe, very cheap as you say. please tell me you managed a quick trip over to 'the dam' art ?
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    12 years ago
    Off Topic Rant About Airlines
    just thinking... you lot pay loads more tax, prob about $600-700 from canada return, but still a cracking deal...
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    12 years ago
    Off Topic Rant About Airlines
    i travel regular from UK to Canada, i never use air canada... try www.canadianaffair.ca i pay about £300/$450 return, always spot on. it's air transat flights, but its always cheaper through this british travel company.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    monthly budget?
    p.s. the above includes drinks ! prob a 1/3 of my daily stash goes on boozin' ... am there to party after all !!
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    12 years ago
    monthly budget?
    i save £300-500/month, then change to dollars at 1.55 rate and splurge the lot in one single week on a clubbing 'holiday'. i do 3 trips a year to niagara falls plus a couple of weekends in europe, mainly amsterdam. i make around $2000-2500 last a full week (six days anyway) of clubbing in canada with an afternoon visit and night visit too, spending $300-450/day approx. i'm strict with the the budget each day so never get carried away. it's easily enough to have a fine time, if your know what you are doing.
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    12 years ago
    Dancer: Dinner's on me
    a dancer once bought me a bottle of 7UP, does that count ??
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    12 years ago
    So why do dancers REALLY want my number?
    i would say of the numbers, i have gotten, about 25% of the time something has come of it, as in a genuine meet up OTC, dates and/or friends etc. i have never (yet) had the full works without any money being involved tho, so it looks like will always come back to that, it's their job after all. if you like the girl, take the number and enjoy if you can, but keep your head screwed on. best one i've had was 'you like phone sex ?'... er, ok ... 3 years later, i'm still into that girl !!
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    your first lapper ever !
    was in birmingham (england) in 2000. she was from portugual. my mate worked in the city (london) and decided to show off by sending 3 bottles of champagne over to our table... a good night was the result ! took many years later, vegas at first, then now canada (niagara/toronto) to hook me into the hobby tho... certainly wasnt into it properly until i visited canada infact... where i had my first PROPER lap dance !!
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    what does your facebook look like ?
    i have quite a few 'dancers' as FB friends... there are actually some nice people out there in these clubs believe it or not. more than a couple i treat are proper friends even ... and its always good to look at the hot pics !! only thing is, if you get to be too much a friend and know too much about someone, all the fantasy is gone, and they are not someone you can enjoy so much in the club ?
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    For all you Highrollers !
    $700 initially to one senorita but that was over 2 years ago for a full night of the works ... this was with my absolute ATF, still sort of have to pay to play, but nowhere near that !! max now for a newbie to come on board would be $300
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    For all you Lowballers !
    Stripclub 'Moneyball' finding the value and developing the talent... all part of the FUN !
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    12 years ago
    Cannonball Cabaret- Toronto
    Cannonball closed a couple of Sundays ago. Lease was up on the building. Operation moved to 'Treasures' and will be know as 'Cafe Atlantis'.
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    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Tines They Are A Changin'
    i think most who drop by this site regular know enough of how to behave ITC and get what they want ? however not all know how to go about OTC properly... hence the repeated discussion ?? still good to share (especially on 'method' and price) as the biggest margin for rip off here is our OTC deals, and getting it right does take time.
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    12 years ago
    Will calling do any good?
    of course get the number of your girl, but it can go dead as always a work phone only (my own ATF miraculously came back to life after a 6 month break, that was a surprise call recently!) but get in with the top bar person/dj or whoever sorts out the roster, if you want the real truth of who is working in your chosen club. am a FB friend of the person who sorts out my main clubs girls and i know can trust totally, it does help.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Have you ever fallen in love with a stripper?
    yes... and nothing good has come of it... have done the full cycle from first going to clubs, to then being a serious clubber, getting a true ATF (and there can be only one ATF as in all time) and pretty much being willing to give it all up for her and spending all my time ITC & OTC with just the one girl. i think the cycle will continue with me sadly letting go the ATF and just enjoying my clubbing properly again. but i reckon we all gotta through the experience at least once!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    never laughed so much reading a thread !!