
I chose poorly

Avatar for chimark

Ugh, I was at a club recently, and walked in, I hadn't visited this club for a while and only recognized maybe two girls there, and they weren't my type. I thought I would play the field. Well, the first girl came up to me, and she gave the perfect dance, did everything I liked, but I'm thinking maybe there is someone better, so I let her go. The next 3 girls I had dances from just disappointed. I went to look for girl #1, and she disappears with one of her regs for an hour.

It's like what they say when taking a test, stick with your first answer!!

Oh well...


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Avatar for mmdv26

Risk associated with auditions.

Avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio

I feel your pain. I should know better, but I still lose the occasional diamond due to my stupidity.

Avatar for bang69

we've all been there

Avatar for Alucard

Learn from your errors & don't be GREEDY!

Avatar for snowtime

Happens all the time to me. This game is not an exact science. Sometimes our selections are right on, sometimes we let the best slip away. It happened to me again last weekend at one of my favorite clubs. Good thing is there is always a chance to redeem yourself on the next visit.

Avatar for CTQWERTY

At least bad dances save spending. Leaves more dough for the good.


lol, reminds me of this time when I was on a road trip in the West Palm Beach, FL area. Hadn't been to many clubs and certainly not to one in awhile, so my game was bound to be way f#ckn off. Anyway, undaunted I walk into this club for the first time and basically grabbed a dance with the FIRST girl I see. She was less than hot, maybe a 3 as compared to a dime piece. But, I'm hard as a freakin rock from the get go and she thinks it her. I finished the dance, and couldn't move on fast enough. However, my unitended flattery had created a monster, not only in my pants, but in her. She wouldn't leave me alone after that. Even though it was the right club with all kinds of talent, I was forced to bail and the rookie maddog went off to another club albeit with valuable lesson learned...

Avatar for Blue42TX

Choosing a dancer is like going to a chinese buffet. You sample a few at a time and then go back to what you like. But some will go straight to the snow crab legs and thats all they will have for the night.

Avatar for 3LeggedMan

If you found a good dancer in a CHICAGO club, you just CAN'T let her go like that!

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I have so done that one ! And ya it sucks !

Avatar for bluemonday

variety is the spice of life, would hate to think i stuck with just one dancer all night, no matter how good.

Avatar for Alucard

"variety is the spice of life, would hate to think i stuck with just one dancer all night, no matter how good"

I disagree. I solidly believe in cultivating & maintaining an ATF. IMO an ATF provides a guaranteed experience versus playing the field & spending $$$ on less than satisfactory Dancer choices and experiences.

Avatar for Blue42TX

I went to one of several clubs the other day and saw my atf there. Although she's hot.....there are other hot girls there. Like i said before....sometimes you want to sample....youll never know if there is something better out there. Man....that day it felt like i stepped into a playboy mansion....sigh.

Avatar for chimark

3leggedman, lol... it actually wasn't in Chicago but your point is valid! It was in St. Louis a few weeks ago. I travel down that way about 8-10 times a year. Not enough to usually recognize/know the talent, but occasionally I may remember a few of the girls.

Avatar for Drippy

Been there, done that. I was thinking "The grass is always greener..."

Avatar for looneylarry

I think the usual rule still holds. If a dancer grabs you right out of the gate, it usually means the desperate one is trying to get her claws in you before your eyes adjust and you get to see the rest of the field. Think about it: what are the chances that the hottest dancer will have a lull between customers just as you walk in the door? The fact that an exceptional situation happened to you is no reason to forget the general rule. It was just a coincidence.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Blue I agree I love playin in the field !

Dracula I agree I love the whole cultivated atf experince !

God I love this sport !

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