Ever wonder......?

motorheadFat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
After years of reading TUSCL, I have determined a few things.
We detest parking valets
We abhor bathroom attendants
Most of us dislike tattoos and excessive piercings
We prefer natural boobs over implants
If we here on TUSCL represent the best and brightest of strip club goers - to some we are strip club gods! - then why do strippers and club owners keep doing the things we like the least.
Are we not as smart as we think we are?
last commentMotor I believe we r like the militaries version of the special forces we have the best clubbers and money throwers from every walk of life and group.....and I believe that we are a small percent of the clubbers that go but we r a force t be reckon with.....altho small in size we r more effective at what we do than any other larger group......and yes we know way more than the avg club goer or stripper....we r the hard core of the hard core........I believe if owners and dancers were to join and at least read tuscl they all would be way richer for it......hell I love it if owners would cater to us just to get us one on special events for large groups of tuscle members hell could even the money thrown on those nights and the hell that would be raised.....I don't thank one girl in that club would be bitching about money at hose events........I also believe that if iny tuscl member opened his own club it would quickly make the tuscl top 10 just becuz we have the ideas of the real money throughers........talking about repeat business lol.....good post motor......and toss my salid fagboy !.....much love from juiceman
I think it is because we will still tolerate to a good degree the things on the list. Club owners and strippers will forever do what they want without caring what we think. They generally have a very negative opinion of guys that frequent strip clubs, despite being happy to take your money. Forget the boycott, there will always be guys desperate to see and touch naked women, and they will put up with the bullshit and even jump through hoops.
I think they target the guys who just come in once in awhile...rather than pros like us. There's as much turnover in customers as there is in dancers as far as I've seen.
We may represent the "best and brightest", and I emphasize "may", but I don't believe we represent anywhere near a majority, or even significant minority, of the people who frequent strip clubs. It makes little economic sense to cater to us.
Prim0 your prob right plus we sound hard to please to lol
" then why do strippers and club owners keep doing the things we like the least. "
The club owners are douches, but as long as they make money by being douches, they won't change.
As for strippers, it is--mostly-- only the tattooed, pierced, drunken whores who become strippers. And the strippers' boyfriends and girlfriends like the look, even if we not happy with it.
I do agree, motorhead, that we are the best and the brightest.
gotta agree with this, how many times do you walk into a club and within minutes spot everything that is wrong with it that could be easily improved ... and its usually quiet in there in those bad clubs too, so its not like the set up is working even!
how can so many owners manage to fuck it up ??
I think the owners would rather please the non educated, drunk, non regular strip club goers. I figure that there's 25000 non educated strip club customer to 1 TUSCL member
I would agree with gmd. The majority of opinions I hear in this site are not anywhere near what I experience as a dancer.
gmd I agree 100%
i remember all the stupid shit the mgt at the clubs i worked at came up with
So you're saying that In strip club terms, we are the 1%? lol.
I've indirectly caused more than one dancer to get fired. I've talked to managers at more than one club and believe I've influenced things in other clubs without trying that hard. I usually become friendly with a number of routine dancers in clubs I frequent. I. believe I once posted something about one club that led to a raid less than two weeks later. Maybe it was already in the works but I found it suspicious. Yes, I believe I may not be the typical strip club visitor but I'm sure several other guys have similar stories. I believe I can top them when it comes to strange things though.
@steve229: More like the 1% of the 1%.
I agree with the list and add that most of us do not go for the really loud music. We need to be able to negotiate. I also think we educate each other and the 1% of 1% is about right. Just lookaround in any club and there are girls ripping guys off all over and the guys just hit the ATM for more
I luv pussy hair--lots of it! Why don't the managers give the girls an option go bare or go natural--or anything in between?
I would add that we are a small percentage of the average club's clientele. Once upon a time, the upscale clubs counted on businessmen with expense accounts who did not care about the details since they could spend the company's money on food, drinks, and hot chicks. The bad economy has replaced these guys with equally indiscriminate losers with no taste and less money. Throw in 18 year old college kids drinking soda and you have a bunch of lame clubs and clueless managers whose idea of a promotion is to charge $25 for the shot glasses and give the 2 dances away for free.
Dain I grew up on 70s porn I would go nuts if I saw a bush on stage ! Make it rain mak it rain !