
Comments by LeeH (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Have anyone ever kissed a stripper in the mouth?
    Good for you, alabegonz. I'm sure your mother is proud.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Like squiters?
    "Dude, seriously...it's not about statistics, it's about how women's plumbing works" Then why did they need even one woman? Why not just open a Grey's? But regardless, I think I'll take my own personal experience over that of a virgin scientist.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Have anyone ever kissed a stripper in the mouth?
    My brain associates kissing with something a bit more intimate, so there's only been one dancer that I wanted to kiss -- and she always initiated it anyway. (Like many, DFK does a lot for me, but so do naked women.) The weird thing was that the club rules said it was fine for her to grind her naked pussy on my crotch on the main floor, but in the more private (but not VIP) area, she nearly got suspended for kissing me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Smoke Free Atlanta Strip Club?
    Have you ever even been to an Atlanta SC? If they ban smoking, there will be no dancers left. (Unless they get the OK for heroin to be done on the main floor instead of just the dressing room.)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Getting Stripper's Digits
    I've only gotten numbers when I've asked if she had any kind of regular schedule (some actually do, if they have another job). The ones that don't have a regular schedule often offer their number. Not only does it come in handy for checking "are you working tonight?" but it was a lifesaver when the dumbass owner of the club where my 2 faves were closed it without warning and re-opened as a male revue. I never would've guessed the club that the faves landed at, so would've lost track of them forever without their numbers.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you flag this review as being too explicit/dancer liability?
    Should be flagged. It's beyond irrelevant what your personal views are on the dancers; they may not be shared by all. And even if they are, if LE sees this, they aren't going to go after those 3 dancers; they're going after the club. Fucking over fellow hobbyists and an entire club over an issue of taste is pretty damn petty.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Like squiters?
    SEVEN whole women out of 3 billion on the planet? That's not statistically insignificant -- that's statistically laughable. Only been with one squirter -- she squirts when gone down on, but not from penetration. Somehow, I think I'd know if that was pee running down my face.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I think they have a leg to stand on and hope they win this one.
    I'd be willing to lose SCs if it meant we got to kill all the lawyers.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    There is no Holy Grail...
    $10K in 4 months? Holy shit! I could see my fave escort for an hour of guaranteed extras, every third day, for way less than that. Or two hours every fourth day. Are you sure you're going to strip clubs and not Baptist churches?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: AMPs
    Here's everything you need to know about AMPs: If you find a good one, it will be very, very good. And then some dumbass will slip and let his wife know and she'll sic LE on them. The place will re-open 6 months later with a staff that takes 50 prozac a day.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    'Inappropriate' SC Music
    You guys are lucky. You live in a city where the dancers actually have a say over their music. Most DJs in Atlanta play whatever the fuck they want. It's outrageous that the dancers have to pay these fuckers a tip-out for their musical masturbation. That said, jackslash said it best when he said, "They play music in strip clubs?" If you notice the music, the dancer is doing a sub-par job. Beyond that, any dancer that doesn't just go through the motions will have genres/songs to which she moves better, sometimes significantly so. If your tastes supersede that, I weep for America.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    All strippers are whores?
    I wasn't even aware that Dougster had a job
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    tonight's WTF moment
    Papi, not a custie. Georgia requires a $350 license PER CLUB for any dancer. Stripping is not something you do on a lark in my state. VH_Kicks, I'm a lot more "sensitive" about bullshit prognosticators that tell me what I am/feel, especially when they're very wrong. GoVikings -- do a little math -- 45 minutes before close plus her set plus 6 more songs plus time to get dissed. Should I have stuck around the club for 9 more minutes?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    tonight's WTF moment
    SlickSpic, if he was a whale or SD, I don't think he even cracked his wallet in the club. Regardless, though, what kind of asshole is he that he'd want her to treat other customers that coldly? Papi, sorry to disappoint. Imagine how I felt. :)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What do you do with a stripper that won't take no for an answer?
    Some of this has been said before, but summarizing: Tell her to leave you alone, or you'll complain to the manager. If she still comes back, follow through. And tell the manager that you see no reason to continue patronizing his club. (It doesn't matter if that's not true. He'll fall over trying to keep your business.) I'm one of the most polite (bordering on PL) SC patrons out there. But even I'll drop that schtick if it's called for. And I have to disagree with gmd that there's a possibility that she's being persistent but still polite. If she's bugging you enough that you come to us assholes for advice, she's not being polite. Respond in kind.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How Do You Respond To "I Get My Tip In Advance"?
    Note to self: Avoid Louisville
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OTC Experiences
    gmd, who said that I thought *you* were rational? (J/K) I didn't have anyone in particular in mind -- I just read the over-generalization at least twice. But in looking back at your post, I see nothing there like that. So no need to mea culpa.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    how do you go about getting a lap dance?
    Let's be honest -- all of you are wrong. :) They're women; who the fuck knows why they do anything? Many of the ideas presented are good to *try*, but nothing is sure fire.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How Do You Respond To "I Get My Tip In Advance"?
    There's actually two issues here. Prepay (as referenced in the title) and that the dancer has the balls to cite what her tip is going to be (which doesn't seem to have been addressed much). The latter is much more offensive to me. In fact, my response would probably be, "Oh, I'm sorry - I wanted a FEMALE dancer." That said, I've never heard of a place where you pay the *club* for the dances. For use of a VIP room, sure. Or maybe the dancer has to give a cut of the dance money to the club afterward. I've only ever been to one club where the dancer even had to settle up with the club before the dances, so I had to say how many I wanted in advance. Having no clue, I decided for just one. And then left the club immediately after. Is that the best you can do, club-wise, in the DC area? No wonder our government is so fucked up!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OTC Experiences
    I am blown away that a good percentage of the responses are rational, allowing for the possibility that nothing is planned/expected that would get you arrested if you did it in the middle of a Waffle House at high noon. And the handful of responses that state that OTC is all about sex are measured by "that's how it is for ME (the writer)", not "that's how it is for everyone". Are the "my way or the highway" assholes finally leaving TUSCL? (Granted, I've had Dougster on iggy for years.) Rachelmmm, it might be wise to get an idea of expectations, given where you met. He could be an idiot that thinks that strippers are only good for fucking. OTOH, the fact that you met in a SC may be irrelevant to him. That said, setting a specific agenda can kill all the fun. Most guys that go on a "regular" date are hoping for some adult fun at the end of the evening, but there's a thrill in the chase and the uncertainty. If he's still unsure if he's gonna get some, he'll have better table manners. :) For you customers out there, if your expectations are low, it goes a long way if YOU make that clear up front. I never said "no sex", but I'd always couch my offer with words like "just" (e.g. "I just want to take you to dinner sometime"). The only thing that I would object to (in the rational responses) is the implication that us old farts only want sex out of an OTC experience; that we don't remember what it's like to date. Bullshit. None of my OTC's came with expectations on my part. In all of them, I had determined that I liked hanging with the dancer, that we had good conversation, and I wanted to spend more time with her at less than 300 dB. A nice bonus is turning heads at the restaurant as I walk in with a woman less than half my age -- you can almost *hear* people thinking, "How'd that fucker end up with *her*?"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Benifiting from coming stacked with $1s
    If I'm dumb enough not to go to the club with enough $1s, or horny enough that I need more, I just assume that there will be a "service fee" when I get change at the bar. After I get the money, I do a quick count and if I got my full amount back, then I tip the bartender. I think twice in over 100 transactions, I've only gotten back 19 singles off a $20 bill. I also will change out with a dancer if I've known her a while. They've usually got a wad of singles that they're happy to get rid of. And they generally count meticulously. Plus they know they'll be getting some of it back next time on stage.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Have you ever tipped a stripper with anything other than bills?
    Club_Goer, for the win!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dress to impress?
    Some of this has already been said, or alluded to: * Any woman who wants to grind on denim will be working in a much kinkier establishment than a strip club. * I usually wear dress pants -- I learned "no jeans" here at TUSCL (and from Barney Stinson), and I have nothing in-between. One night, I wore a pair of dress pants that are microfiber -- they're just this side of feeling like silk on the outside. A dancer who I often hung out with back then told me that I'd better not EVER come into the club wearing anything else. She has even said: "Thank you for letting me rub my ass on those pants." * dallas720's points about hands and hair are spot-on, but the dismissing of the impact of clothes is WAY too over-generalizing (and also flat-out contradicts my experiences). * Related to that, like it or not, a lot of people judge a book by its cover. And like it or not (and I don't), no matter how open-minded and forward-thinking a person is, many are inclined to look more favorably on someone who is dressed up. Such is the world in which we live. That's not to say that casual clothes can't work -- shadowcat is proof that they can. But most of us here are mere mortals. * Like Corvus, I also dress to stand out. I have no interest in the high-end clubs where many patrons would dress up anyway (and the dancers all look alike, and are 95% silicone, including their brains). The more dive-y the place, the more I'll stand out. And if I want to be remembered by a particular dancer who's drunk off her ass (and can't remember shit as a result), additional triggers always help.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Greatest baseball player you ever saw
    In person? Saw Greg Maddux throw a 96-pitch complete game.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    This is a club I'm not visiting
    Re: Asians and business names. There used to be a small restaurant/bar chain around here called the Three Dollar Cafe. Their claim to fame was over 300 beers and they'd give you a membership and keep track of the ones you tried. This was long before Taco Mac or other places that do that even existed. The chain was founded by three Vietnamese gentleman, who had picked a slightly different name at first, but were (fortunately) dissuaded. It started with "Three" and ended with "Cafe", but they had to be clued in by someone who had been in the U.S. his whole life that it would be unwise for Vietnamese folks to start a restaurant that had "Dog" in the name.