
Benifiting from coming stacked with $1s

So if we all remember Slic's old thread Saving Singles (https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=2…), he talked about saving every dollar you get. Now I can say I understand and probably will practice this method. While it is definetely true, you can simply go to the bank and collect a stack of ones, there's the possibility of potential embarressment, suspicion and/or interrogation followed by a lenghty time of validity. Would you really feel comfortable going to you're local bank and explaining that you are taking out $1s for the strip club? Few say who cares, but most get queasy.

And the reason why to get your dollar bills from outside sources rather than inside the club is because of the recent trend of greedy workers. It's real fucked up how these ladies do you and EXPECT more. The girl at the entrance taking your entry fee money and giving back no change. Who said you wanted to tip her. The waitresses, who think they automatically deserve a tip and the same goes for the bartenders. I can remember the number of times I never got enough change back when I handed over a large denomination. Hell I remember when a waitress who I was considering tipping, took the courtesy of taking it upon herself and tip herself a 5 out of my 50.
With shit like that, you're not as in control and we like to be in some sort of control of our own money. Thus perhaps saving that dollar change you got from your hotdog may be worth it in the long run.


  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Also, I'm not saying we shouldn't tip people period, just saying, this method has a garunteed control of how much money exchange hands. If you're ballsy enough to expect change from a stripper....well that's a whole different monster and best of luck with that.
  • nemesisk7
    11 years ago
    ones work great in tijuana like in hong kong club and tropical bar
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I suppose some clubs are like that, but at most of the clubs I go to, I don't do much tipping, so even with a small amount of ones, I have enough, normally. The one place I stage tip a lot at, they have a machine which spits out dollar bills and they push a number and it's never been wrong yet. The one other place I will tip regularly, I believe they've been told to count out the exact change, so that they don't give the impression they're screwing you over. BTW, this will lead to a tip, and a hefty tip at that.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Call it being anal or even OCD, but I like paying what I owe then, and paying that tab than even having the thought of being hustled in the back of my mind.

    Even knowing that I should be watching out for every kind of hustle imaginable.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I usually club on Saturday afternoons. So I hit my small credit union branch of Fridays. There are usually only 2 tellers working and they all know my M.O. $300-500 all in $20's. They are professionals and would never ask why so much and why all in 20's. I wonder if they talk about me behind my back but I long ago stopped caring what they or anyone else thinks about what I spend my money on. At my favorite club 5 $1's will last a long time as it is really not necessary to tip the dancers on stage. They all make the rounds.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    IME, it depends on the bank branch. The brick-and-mortar bank I use has two locations where I live. The staff at one of the branches gives me shit about every transaction. The other branch (which I believe gets more business account traffic) has never even blinked when I asked for a stack of ones. Guess which one I go to for my stripper $.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    If a bank asks why you are getting certain denominations of bills, you should change banks. It's none of their business.
  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    Getting change from a bank isn't odd at all. Many small businesses operate largely in cash, a manager/owner/employee going into a bank to get change of any denomination is very normal. I really doubt the first thing to come to the teller's mind when you ask for $50 in singles is "ohh, this pervert is on his way to the strip club" unless of course you're wearing one of SC's shirts that say "I support single mom's" or something.

    I do get your point about people just taking tips though. I don't want coins back at a strip club, but other than that I want my change. I'll decide if I want to give it back to you. I've noticed a few times lately that waitresses are taking it a step further. They are just adding a couple bucks to the price of a drink. For example; the Rhino has $5 call cocktails before 8pm on weekdays, but some waitresses will tell you its $6 or $7. There's those little post card advertisements scattered on the table that say "$4 well's, $5 calls" right where they set the drinks down. It's not just there, I've seen it at Tootsies a few times too.

  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I hate it when you get a lot of ones in a club and they are all new bills that stick together. I sometimes get new bills at the bank too. I get enough ones in one club, I never ask for ones hardly anywhere else.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Not new information.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    If any bartender, waiter, waitress, door greeter (in *any* kind of business) ever shorted my change, I would bring it to his/her attention and ask for the missing money. If he or she refused, there would be a discussion with the manager. If that didn't work, depending on how big a jerk he/she was about it, there might a discussion with the police.

    That said, I don't think I have *ever* had anyone short my change here in Louisville. Elsewhere, yes, but never went beyond stage two.

    WTF kind of lame ass pussy puts up with being shorted?
  • carl95
    11 years ago
    There should never be any embarrassment for getting singles that will be jammed between a strippers breasts. It's not like you are using the money to make predatory loans. You are stimulating the economy and therefor are an American hero.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    I have the opposite problem. The clubs I go to all give change in $1 bills. So if you pay the $10 cover with a twenty, they'll give you ten ones. Which I have little use for. And my bank's ATM just switched from handing out 50s to 20s, which makes too big a wad in my pocket.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Arriving to a club with a wallet full of $1 bills is just too cumbersome. I go to the bar and request change there. I have never had any issues with it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    The dives I go to down here in So. FL have $5 and $10 dances – so I tend to want to have $5s and $10s more than $1s and thus I’ll tend to hoard $5 and $10s to use in the club.

    I usually use the bank ATM b4 hitting the club since most of my clubbing is done at night. I don’t want to go by the bank during the day specifically to get club $$$ b/c I don’t want to make the trip in the middle of the day. I also don’t plan my SC visits and often go or don’t go on the spur of the moment.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I have made an "enemy" out of waitresses because I not only did I call them on their bullshit for why i'm shortchanged, but denied them when they have balls to ask for tip. Bitch, please hang up and try again later
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    I trust the waitress in my club; hell I've known her 20 years! Plus we're FB friends.

    I usually only need a few singles for the stray dancer who talks to me even after I tell her I'm dancing with others. I appreciate the chit chat that's not "wanna dance". And my ATF won't take tips! She never has from me in 3 years at least...I still don't understand that but it sure saves me money in the long run! When I would tip her she'd always give the money back and insist I shouldn't tip.
  • LeeH
    11 years ago
    If I'm dumb enough not to go to the club with enough $1s, or horny enough that I need more, I just assume that there will be a "service fee" when I get change at the bar. After I get the money, I do a quick count and if I got my full amount back, then I tip the bartender. I think twice in over 100 transactions, I've only gotten back 19 singles off a $20 bill.

    I also will change out with a dancer if I've known her a while. They've usually got a wad of singles that they're happy to get rid of. And they generally count meticulously. Plus they know they'll be getting some of it back next time on stage.
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