There is no Holy Grail...

avatar for GACA
4 months ago I came to the site looking for some definite answers to getting extras at the strip clubs pretty consistently. The conclusion I'm coming to after 4 months and $10,000 dollars, is that there is no sure way to get extras at the strip club, unless you're into ugly bitches.

The Strip club is like life, if you can't get laid in real life, you're not going to get play in the strip club unless you're a fucking billionaire.

It's been fun sharing my short time experience with the fellas here on the site, but as I'm in therapy now for sex addiction and definitely a spending one, I'm going to lay low for a few months in this new year, reevaluate where I took a wrong turn, a guy like me should be getting laid on the regular in and out of the SC's.

Happy 2015 to everyone. Thanks for the good times...


last comment
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
You just gotta find the right club. I'm not rich (but I still buy dances/VIP/tip well), I'm not a great looking guy (but I dress well, shave, and make sure I smell good), and I don't have a great personality and I'm kind of shy. But on my first visit to my local club I got a few lap dances from one of the dancers and then went to VIP with her. Before I knew it I was getting a HJ in the VIP room without me asking or her asking for extra money.

A couple weeks later and during the beginning of a lap dance with a different dancer with big tits she asked me if I would like to titty fuck her or get a BJ in VIP.
The first dancer I mentioned went on to become my ATF and a lot more extras became available.

I haven't gone to the VIP with any other dancer but several have mentioned that they offer more in VIP. I have no game but I still manage to get offered extras, so if a PL like myself is can get extras you should be able to as well.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
GAC, do what you have to do and best of luck to you. However, a few observations.

First, four months is nothing in strip club terms. At four months, you are still an infant in strip club shopping. It took me over 10 years to get good at strip clubbing, including regular great sex with strippers. It took me 15 years to find a dream stripper, and she is every heterosexual man's dream. I really think you have been pushing this way to fast, and spending too much money too quickly. Slowing down is good. Whether to stop is up to you, but I wouldn't.

Second, choosing the right club is critical. I was at a well-known Atlanta institution which shall remain nameless yesterday, and I was offered all sorts of fun by several young ladies who most of us would rate in the 7.5 range. The costs were very reasonable. I could make dozens of visits to other clubs and not get the offers that I received in this one afternoon. What I'm suggesting, therefore, is that maybe you need to visit less but travel when you do to get to the right kind of clubs. Atlanta is just one possible destination.

Third, i'm not a psychologist, but I seriously doubt you're a sex addict. Women and feminists throw that term around a lot just because guys don't view sex the way they do. Just because you want sex regularly and the women you encounter every day don't give it to you is nothing close to being a sex addict. That describes just about every normal male in the world.

avatar for Holdem2
10 years ago
Excellent points John Smith. I haven't landed the 9s and 10s yet and am looking to up my game, but going to the right club and establishing a friendship with some 7s and 8s has really been fun.

You gotta put your time in and do your research. This site is speeds up the learning curve!
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
GACA - You haven't been heeding what you have been told on here. Quit wasting your time in Augusta and Columbia. Make the 2 hour drive to Atlanta. 3 years ago I could get extras ITC and take out in Columbia but since I am no longer a regular there, it would be though for me to do.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Ya you all talk me off a ledge. Wtf... If footballguy can do it so can I. JS69 you're right less visit to the "nameless" club is probably the best move for me to make. I'll stop being lazy and drive. Thanks Shadow-the great. I needed that bit if reality.

So my new years resolution is ATL.. ATL... ATL
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
As for the therapy... They can take my soul but they won't ever take my nuts...
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
I would probably spend most of that money investing in: (a)Bodybuilding, (b)Weighlifting and (c)getting good food.

The results are amazing, bro. Chicks are like...awesome plenty.
avatar for Dolfan
10 years ago
I'll pile on with the location, location, location theme. There are a number of strip clubs anyone can consistently get extras at for well under the kind of money you said you spent. The bar is pretty low, a couple hundred bucks and little common courtesy is all that's required. You can toss out the courtesy and act like LDK, but it'll cost you twice as much and your hit rate will be twice as low.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Touche' @alabegonz I will stop being lazy on that front too. In not fat or anything, but not cut either... So ya. Don't get me wrong I used to hit the gym everyday about five years ago to sucky results, but then again I was as paid as I am now. So... I'll pick it back up.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
@Dolfan...oh I spent it alright. Anyone who's ever been to VIP in Cola knows that shit can hit your account hard. And don't get me wrong had a good time for the most part, but not good enough to be spending that amount of cash. So I checked myself into therapy when I felt like I wasn't going to slow my spending.

Now I'm back to normal. I hit a Dry spell, only pulled sex three times this year and one was a stripper. I'm like Wtf? I could see this happening to broke ugly mofo's but how us it happening to me? Apparently I haven't adjusted my game for being in my 30`s. It's like girls have different expectations and I don't know what they want so I can't sell it to them or something. Anyway... I'll start with the basics. Alabegonz has a point. I should at least look like someone who can defend himself.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
"but as I'm in therapy now for sex addiction and definitely a spending one,"

You just fell into the Feminist View that too much sex is a disease.

Sorry you bought that by the bushel.

By and large, it gets down to where these chicks are turned-on, and you know probably by now how the laws of attraction works.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
If you want to see what sexual addiction really is watch the 2011 movie Shame. The shit that guy does is far beyond what tuscl is about which is just mostly normal guys (plus Lopaw) chasing strippers for the sex in our lives that civilian women aren't willing to provide. Most of us differ from other guys only in the sense that we are unwilling to go through life sexually frustrated and we have found a relatively easy way to get normal needs fulfilled. That is not an addiction any more than people who breathe air are addicted to oxygen.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
10 years ago
Agree with JS69 ^^^.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
GACA, if you catch yourself heading to the bathroom to whack off every time you see a good-looking woman, then you're a sex addict. If you're able to restrict yourself to strip clubs and other sexual avenues, then you're just a horn dog.

As far as needing money and looks, it doesn't take looks, nuts, I'm about as average looking as you can get, I'm older (53), and I work a cheap-ass, minimum-wage job, but I still manage to meet up with an occasional dancer. They just aren't in this area. Like others have suggested, travel -- and research -- just might be your best options.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
It sounds to me like you do NOT have a stripper or sex problem at all. However, $10K in four months, well, that is steep in my world. But that's something only you can decide. Best of luck.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
GACA, I've lost count of how many strippers I've taken out of strip clubs over the last 10 years for OTC p4p. As important as how much you spend is the way in which you spend it. More specifically, maintaining the discipline to focus your spending on what you are looking for and to avoid getting sucked into bad expenditures is an important element in obtaining what you seek.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
I'll go with alabegonz on this one. "Sex addiction" is ridiculous.

God made us males to need and want sex more than just about anything. From the time we hit puberty until the time you're buying a 2015 Mustang like Shadow, who's in his 70's, our lives revolve around pussy. We can't help it, it's a good thing, and it's how we were made. No need to be ashamed, or believe the nonsense that it's a disease like many women want you to believe. Because your need for sex intimidates them, because it means they don't have control over you, and a prettier woman will take you away.

Now, how you handle that is what matters. And if you're spending that kind of cash on pussy, there really is something wrong. You're also falling into the myth that you can't get pussy on your own, and you have to pay for it. Dude, that's all kinds of wrong. And unfortunately, a lot of guys here actually believe that, and instead of finding real life pussy they spend their days inside a club making believe that the girls they are paying actually like them. That kind of shit needs counseling.

Stop spending money on pussy, become a man, and find some real life pussy. And if you need to hit a club every once in a while for a little fun, then fine. But don't make it your life like some PL's do.
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
GAGCA, another important part is if there is a dancer you would like some extras from, treat her well. I'm not necessarily talking about tipping well, I'm talking about being respectful to her.

I have never had to ask my ATF for any extras. I did have to put In a few weeks of VIP while only getting a HF/titty fucking. During this time she told me a few times how guys have offered her a lot of money for even just a covered BJ (she mentioned so soneone offered her 5K one time for a covered BJ and she turned it down).

Since that comment I have gotten basically every Ki d of extra there is from her (including FS) without ever having to ask for it.

Obviously she could have just been saying that she didn't accept the money in the past when it was offered to her even if she did and just didn't wanna admit it. But some dancers only will provide extras when they decide they want to and not just when some random guy asks them, they feel better about themself since they feel like they are choosing to do it. Some dancers also will only give extras to their regulars that they feel the most comfortable with.

Also, some may also turn it down when offered money for a specific extra or not explicitly offer extras to avoid getting busted by an I der over cop. If a dancer decides to give you a BJ without you asking for it and then you decide to tip her on your own neither one of you could really get busted for anything since no conversation took place.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
"us males." Once again jerikson goes out of her way to claim gender identity with us. Cracks me up. Why would an actual male have to try so hard to come across as just one of the guys? Cause she's not one of the guys.

Football guy, I agree that some dancers are like that. My DS fucked me cause she wanted to and not because I asked for it (cause I didn't). I attribute that to divine intervention by the strip club gods. But lots of tusclers will disagree with you because most dancers are not like that and I think lots of PLs haven't encountered such a dancer. With most strippers you've got to ask and be specific.
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
@JohnSmith that does make sense, I guess with the majority of dancers you are better off asking for extras.

Slightly off topic but in terms of respecting dancers, there was one afternoon where I was sitting at the bar visiting with my ATF. I had been talking with her for about an hour and a half but hadn't gotten any dances from her yet.

She went back to the dressing room to use the bathroom. As she was walking back a group of guys sitting at a table said hi to her and wanted her to sit with them. She said she was busy visiting a customer/friend. Well they got pissed and called her a stuck up butch. Needless to say it it didn't help them at all but it sure made her appreciate me more.

avatar for davejones1978
10 years ago
Check out the recently released movie addicted. If you see similarities than you are probably a sex addict.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
The real secret to nailing dancers...

Do not work.
Do drugs.
Do drink.
Do tats.
Do abuse women.
Do not have any visible means of support.
Do not have a car or a place to live.
Do not have any hygiene skills.
And the list goes on...

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Strip clubs are like the Army – you get out of it what you put into it.

Most things in life are rarely just handed to people – it takes some work.

If you want a real fuck-fest; go to TJ or the FKKs in Germany and get it out of your system.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
How do you get fucking hot young things out of your system? I'm ok with a cooling off period of a day or two, maybe even three or four, but then it's back in my system again. Even if I manage a week long trip to FKKs, I'm bound to be horny all over again in a week. Some fires can't be quenched -- they can only tamed for a short while.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
I wouldn't go to therapy even the spend comes up to 20K.

Money is just a means of what you are trying to achieve.

There's a saying "Money doesn't buy you happiness"


Yeah, with strippers you can buy temporary fleeting happiness.

Last night, I was hanging out at my CF's apartment ( not a motel ) and she was like wearing this super HOT SEXY thing and it just gave me a fringging HUGE boner, walking around the room in that scantily clad awesomeness. I was going to pull out my D and just F her from there, push her up against the wall, pull back the pelvis a little and just push my D inside so hard, MAN!!!!

But then I had to control myself just because I had too, I need to be composed. My Zen master said, I need to be at peace with myself in face of a raging storm and there I was able to hold myself from fucking her right on the spot.

She had no clue about what's going on in my mind, as she went to the kitchen and came back with a plate of baked chocolate goodness. My teeth sinking into the softness of her cake as my mind quiets down into an almost complete meditative state.

I was in control.

This morning, I woke up the ring of her call, I didn't pick it up because I have other things to do.

Maybe later tonight.

Dude, I'm telling ya. Forget the money you spent.

Focus on yourself first.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
alabegonz sez: "I wouldn't go to therapy even the spend comes up to 20K. Money is just a means of what you are trying to achieve. Dude, I'm telling ya. Forget the money you spent."

No wonder she likes you...
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
~~ Her booty was soooo fuckable, bro.
avatar for LeeH
10 years ago
$10K in 4 months? Holy shit! I could see my fave escort for an hour of guaranteed extras, every third day, for way less than that. Or two hours every fourth day.

Are you sure you're going to strip clubs and not Baptist churches?
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Alabegonz, she probably knew exactly what she was doing to you, and it sort of sounds like a porn version of "Leave It to Beaver."
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
10K is a lot to spend without much to show for it. That's 20 visits from a $500 escort, and in most markets $500 probably guarantees a high quality experience. It's also enough to buy a few plane tickets/hotel rooms to visit higher milage areas of the country.

That said, I tend to view Sex Addiction a bit like Caffeine addiction. I'm pretty grumpy if I don't get my morning cup of coffee, it makes me a much nicer person the same way getting my dick sucked makes me a nicer person. For us men, sexual release usually means at least short term satisfaction. Those of us who are really into sex don't chase highs the same way drug addicts do.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Clubber has it right lol.

@GACA- you're still relatively new at this, you'll get the hang of it. Looking back at my first four months of strip clubbing, there wasn't a lot of excitement.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
"she probably knew exactly what she was doing to you,"

pretty much she is the one who does the teasing.

she does it to me every time, every single f-ing time, like she wants to show how hot she is.

so yeah, going back to GACA's situation, he's just fine, he just needs to see more booty and pussy.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Sounds like he needs to learn more about the hunt, rather than shooting at anything that moves ; )

Ten grand in just four months? Holy crap. That's about half of my total annual income.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago

I think you would greatly benefit from reading, studying, and implementing The System.

I recommend you PM Dougster so he can promptly forward you a copy and then read it, study it, and live it !!!
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Update : Thanks to everyone. Told my therapist today that I won't be going back as I am not sex addicted. He agreed I wasn't, but wanted to continue to explore my unhealthy focus on intimacy.... Sounds like a money scheme and since there are no lap dances, fuck him. I think I did fall into a "male hating" apologetic guilty minds set. And guilty because of the amount of dollars. But hey, in the end I can't take it with me anyways, and I'm young enough to bounce back from a little misguided spending.

Strip Clubbing... I am doing it wrong. I think I will wait to the next TUSCL meet up and watch the pros in action. Hopefully it's sometime in January :)

Thanks again for the comment and advice. Holy crap "guilt" is one hell of a drug.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Good, you did the right thing. And yes, it sounds like you really did fall into a "male hating" apologetic guilty minds set.

Dude, take control of your life. Getting rid of the fucking therapist was the first step, and a good one. But none of us knows you well enough to figure what's really going on with you.

But I can tell you that the worst thing you can do is hang around guys like the ones in this forum. And the second worst thing is spend your life and your money in a strip club.

Dude, take control of your life. Find something you really enjoy doing, other than pussy right now. Get a life, get a hobby, get something that makes you happy to wake up every day and keeps you busy. And find some real women to interact with. You can do it. Don't believe the bullshit in your head or what others are telling you. Find some women to date and fuck and talk to and have fun with. But be your own man. Have your own interests, and don't put the pussy on a pedestal.…
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
Dude, don't be so judgmental of these people, remember they are people who have rights.

If they want to live like that, fine let them live it. You don't have anything against them.

If you are compelled to say words that defame these types of people, I'd say write it with something like these are my opinions and mine alone.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
"Dude, don't be so judgmental of these people, remember they are people who have rights."

Oh really? You're so concerned about someone being judgmental and defaming someone? Really? So tell me, where are you when the children here unleash the vile, nasty, childish attacks on me on a regular basis? I don't see anyone coming to my defense. That's because it's a one way street here. Everyone wants you to be so sensitive to their rights and feelings, but they can trash you without flinching. Gimme a break. You wonder why I'm judgmental? Geez dude look around. And I have a right to be judgmental. It's called freedom of speech.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
@jerikson: " Really? So tell me, where are you when the children here unleash the vile, nasty, childish attacks on me on a regular basis? I don't see anyone coming to my defense. "

That's because your entire MO is to alienate every single person you can here. A reasonable number of people liked you at first until you engaged in this strategy. Some have tried to send out peace feelers which you categorically rejected by just stepping up your attacks - the incident with mikeya being the prime example. Always digging in deeper when you have been proven wrong just compounds the level of contempt you deservedly have around here.

My take is that you are just negative and oppositional by nature. It is deeply ingrained into your personality now at your advanced age. Almost like some kind of "personality damage". Some kind of negative or oppositional personality damage. Hmmmm... Wonder what the technical name would be.

So all the opposition you get here is something you work very hard toward and want. So quit complaining about. Oops, almost forgot, the whole essence of your being IS to complain. Do carry on, in that case.
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Are you sure you're going to strip clubs and not Baptist churches?

Lol fucker
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
Fuck yeah Dukey my brother...pickin' up chicks in the Baptist church is *almost* the best. Only thing better is pullin' the HAWT LDS chicks in the stake house parking lot.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Dougster, interesting psychological analysis of jerikson. You certainly make some valid points, but you ignored the root cause of why jerikson is so hyper critical of everything on tuscl. As I have previously proven, jerikson is such an incredible a pain in the ass cause she is a stripper web bitch.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Steve229 and jestie214 are females pretending to be males here. And also BFFs.

Jerkoffson is definitely a homo, but I do not believe he is female.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I'm actually a fan of talk therapy. But you have to find a therapist that is right for you. I'm curious what he meant by "unhealthy focus on intimacy"? That can mean a lot of things, and a lot of people, men especially, have intimacy issues. Forging real relationships with people can certainly be difficult, but is very different than sex addiction.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
@JamesSD no clue what therapist meant by "unhealthy focus on intimacy" . Maybe it's my obsession with getting laid. All I know is that I used to get laid at will, and in the last few years it doesn't happen that way. I feel like I lost my mojo. I more "paid" now than any other time in life. So I don't know how this equates to getting laid less. Any rate. @alabegonz did bring up a good point and I do need to hit the gym more. I'm sure I look like a weakling. So I'll handle that, but at the end of the day, I'm going to agree with @Jerikson If I never get laid again, I don't like feeling that the source of my happiness is in someone else's snatch. Outside of myself.

I'm gonna get busy keeping myself occupied and consumed into my job, the gym and some other hobby. And when snatch comes along it comes along. Try out this lifestyle for 2015. If it doesn't work out... SC' s are always there for me.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Some older guy in LA told me a while back. "You can get laid anytime you want, but don't be the guy that wants women, be the guy women want."
I laughed it off but I'm thinking that's my 2015 mantra.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
"You can get laid anytime you want, but don't be the guy that wants women, be the guy women want."

Exactly. This is the kind of shit they should teach in high school. Every fucking male on the planet should be taught the basics of how to deal with and interact with people, especially women. But many of us never learn it, or don't learn it until it's too late.

In the words of the great philosopher Ty Webb, "Be the ball Danny. BE the ball".

No, I have no clue what that has to do with anything, I just love that movie.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
As I look back in my couple of years of strip clubbing (started 2010), what seemed to be the pattern was basically looking for a friend who will go out with you, not necessarily have sex with you, but more on knowing that you found someone who you can go out with and have some fun.

That's why me and CF are still together, simply because we have found something worth keeping. I'm way past from walking away from her as I've learned how to detach my feelings from what I think is wrong and finally able to accept her life, the way how she likes it should be respected, it's her life anyway. Nowadays, my CF takes care of me more than any ordinary GF does, which is one awesome great feeling.

That said, along with other dancers I'm seeing, I think I found a lifestyle that is OK with me, nothing intense or serious, simply having fun with friends who are SUPER SEXY AWESOME chicks.

Not bad actually. A face you can stare at the whole F-ing day, a body that you will find so delicious. A cleavage you can look at and dive into anytime you want. What more can I ask?
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Dougster: "My take is that you are just negative and oppositional by nature. It is deeply ingrained into your personality now at your advanced age. Almost like some kind of "personality damage". Some kind of negative or oppositional personality damage. Hmmmm... Wonder what the technical name would be."

Um, isn't the term "asshole"?
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Poor @Jerikson. He's not so bad, just really strong opinions he wants everyone else to agree with.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
jerkoffson has some good ideas about 25% of the time. If he could get that up to 85% or 90% then his belligerence might be tolerable, but, as it is, he is just a jerkoff.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
I don't give a fuck if anyone agrees with me...I just get tired of people acting like 6 year olds. Goofing and ripping on people is fine, but at least do it like you're, maybe 18 years old, not 6. And geez people, man up and stop getting your panties in a bunch if someone disagrees with you or criticizes you, especially if they have a reasonable reason for it. Yeah, if someone is just being a 6 year old twit and calling you names then you disregard them, but at least if someone has some intelligent reasoning then there's no need to curl up in a ball and stalk them and shit. Geez.

avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
jerikson40: " I don't give a fuck if anyone agrees with me..."

Usually people saying they "don't give a fuck" about something is pretty good indication they care a great deal. Almost like they are trying to make something true by saying it: if they convince others maybe it will help convince themselves.

Don't worry, jerkoffson. I'll be there to agree with you the 25% of the time you are right, no matter how much of a jerkoff you are.
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