Smoke Free Atlanta Strip Club?

avatar for Jeepslow
I wonder when the management of one of the clubs around here is going to figure out that they might get a revenue bump if they cut back the smoking... at least during the day. Many of us that visit SCs during daylight hours have offices or families to get back to later, and smelling like smoke is a no-no.

You'd think that if one club changed their rules, they could rule the day, maybe even cut into Follies business.

What do you think? Would you hit up a smoke free club?


There are probably a lot more non-smokers than smokers and probably most non-smokers would appreciate a smoke-free club.

They can always have a separate or outdoor area for smoking – o/w a non-smoker can’t get the fuck away from it.
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
I'm not in the Atlanta area, but I HATE HATE HATE cig smoke.This is one of the main reasons that the majority of my SC visits are NOT on Friday and Saturday nights.

All but one of the clubs in my area allow smoking, but if there's not a crazy volume of customers (like Friday and Saturday nights) the amount of smoke is not nearly as bad. I can tolerate it.

Another thing I don't like is when strippers are smoking in the club. And it seems like A LOT of them smoke. I can't stand it. Sadly there's nothing I can do about it. :-(
I'd appreciate it, but I'm not sure how much more frequently I'd visit. Smelling like stripper perfume is almost as bad as the smoke, so unless they ditched that too I'd still have to avoid visiting when I wasn't prepared to leave smelling like a strip club.

I think there are a fair amount of customers, at least around here, who go to strip clubs primarily to have a cigar and a cocktail. The girls are just a bonus. I think there's also the issue of dancers smoking, to make the inside smoke free they'd have to provide a place for the strippers to smoke outside. They can't just throw a couple benches and an ash tray a few feet from the door like most places do.
Yeah – and per my limited experience; it seems places in the south in general and ATL in particular; the smoking thing is crazy bad.
Many SCs have gone smoke-free, at least in the inside of the club or the main room, and it doesn’t appear to have affected biz (as long as all clubs have to abide which is often the case b/c it is a new local ordinance).
The only way that you can eliminate smoking from the clubs is to make it illegal and then enforce it. It is illegal in Columbia SC but the owner of the Platinum Plus says "Fuck it. We'll pay the fine". His rationale of course is he wants all the happy customers that he can get.

As a former smoker it really doesn't bother me to be in a smoky club but when I was a smoker and had a choice, I would pick the club where I could smoke.

I did get busted in a raid by the smoking police at the Platinum Plus about 5 years ago. The fine was $25 but the manager gave me a free drink chit for my trouble.
We haven't got a choice over here, all buildings accessible to the public are smoke free by law. I'm a non-smoker but don't give a damn about the smoky atmosphere in clubs over there.
avatar for Timbuck12
10 years ago
I'm with you, Jeepslow. I don't even think of going to a club in Atlanta unless I have a change of clothes ready.
In California ALL SC's, and everything else, is always 100% smoke free. It is like heaven!

It also has the effect of reducing the smoking rates off all various groups, including strippers.

avatar for LeeH
10 years ago
Have you ever even been to an Atlanta SC? If they ban smoking, there will be no dancers left. (Unless they get the OK for heroin to be done on the main floor instead of just the dressing room.)
It was like that here in Santa Clara County too, smoking rate among SC dancers huge, like maybe 90%?

Things change. Now it might be 25% or less? This is still higher than the general population, even allowing for a higher rate among young people, but it is still a big improvement. I believe the number will continue to drop, among young people and among SC dancers.

The general population rate is about 9%. We are the second lowest, after Utah and followed by Idaho. Most of the improvement over the last 20 years is due to indoor air protections. But now in some places we also have tighter retailing rules, and this also helps.

The worst is Kentucky, 28%.

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