
tonight's WTF moment

So I went to a club last night. Saw a customer who was clearly the hottest girl in the place sitting at a table with a guy. She had on a little black dress that barely reached below her crotch and the most fabulous legs I've ever seen. (Everything else was nice too, but covered.) I wished like crazy that she was actually one of the dancers, but I knew better.

Or so I thought. About 45 minutes before closing, who should take the stage but the girl of my (wet) dreams? The stage is surrounded by a bar, so there were about 20 onlookers, but only 2 or 3 of us paying attention. She could easily see the desire in my eyes and I got the majority of her attention (and high chemistry looks) in response. And then, when she took off her bra, she actually threw it right at me.

Now I knew it was all SS, but it was well-done, and I was up for getting hoovered a bit. Right after her dances, she ducked into the club's office for a minute. This was not that uncommon for this club, so I thought nothing of it. I figured she'd be by soon to claim her bra, and that I'd better stay in one place, or she'd wonder, "where'd that fucker go with my bra?" Six songs later, no dice. The crowd had thinned a bit, and then I noticed that she was back at that table with that guy. I walked over, carrying the bra, planning to say, "I think you dropped this." I stood a respectful distance away until she saw me out of the corner of her eye. She turned, saw that it was me, AND TURNED HER FUCKING BACK ON ME (much more than it had been). I walked back to the bar, handed the bra to the bartender and walked out of the club.

Ever been SS'd that strongly and then no follow-through?


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    "That Guy" might either be her Sugar Daddy or a Whale that she can't afford to lose. Those are my guesses. As for being put through Stripper Shit like that, I haven't.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    WTF indeed – I thought/hoped the story would end on a happier note.

    Who the f’ knows why she reacted that way – maybe it was her very first time stripping and she was either flattered that you were paying so much attention to her (validating her skills/looks) or she was nervous as heck - and thus why the bra shit?

    Why she turned her back on you and did not acknowledge you – that *is* weird – she could have either being high and thus not thinking straight or she was a SC newbie and thought you were coming over to hit on her or something?
  • LeeH
    11 years ago
    SlickSpic, if he was a whale or SD, I don't think he even cracked his wallet in the club. Regardless, though, what kind of asshole is he that he'd want her to treat other customers that coldly?

    Papi, sorry to disappoint. Imagine how I felt. :)
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    That shitty attitude is on her, not the whale. Some of these bitches are so short sighted that they don't realize that the person they are dissing could also be a big spender, and when her whale eventually waddles off to greener pastures, guess who will be left out in the cold because she treated everybody else like shit.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    At my local spot, Ive been known to hog up a dancer for a long time but they get compensated very well and they know that.

    Your experience is a mystery. Time to plunge into the depths and see what we can find.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Form the OP; I thought she may have been a custie maybe trying out that night for the 1st time; but I guess she was just a regular dancer at the club?
  • rockie
    11 years ago
    Could be that she might have been ready to audition, but not ready for the rest of deal tonight. She may evolve into quality entertainment for you, if you don't get stuck on her strange off putting behavior tonight.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Maybe it was Bella – that bitch

  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Oh no, not Bella.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Better to try to tell the future by reading tea leaves than to try to understand why some strippers behave the way that they do. Seriously. Even if the guy she was sitting with was a whale, she could have taken the bra back from you and made it a light moment for all involved. instead she left you hanging, a guy who, for all she knew, could have become her next best customer.

    Some girls just don't give a shit. Others can't see the forest for the trees. It is what it is I guess.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Once in Canada, when I was sitting at the stage and downing Molsons, a very hot, black-haired feature dancer came out, danced provocatively for me, wrapped her panties around my head, undid my tie and used it to floss her pussy, After she left the stage, I expected her to come back to retrieve her panties. She never did and so I kept them.
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    About 30% of the dancers I encounter are rude and ill-mannered. If they knew how much money they lose by their actions they would whine even more than they do.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    I'm with VH_Kicks on this one.

    Don't get me wrong, what she did was obviously rude. But your actions after she turned her back on you( immediately leaving the club) suggests that you took it harder than you should have.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    GoVikings with wisdom beyond his years.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    Heh, funny. Agree with the crowd, we can only guess at what happened -- my guess is that she was with her regular/whale/SD, and was not about to interact with any other customers.

    I think the things I would have done different are: 1. since I usually hog girls for hours, I totally understand when another customer does that, and understand why it's important the girl stay with him, so if I see a girl behaving this way, I'd set my sights elsewhere, and 2. I would not "stand a respectful distance away" to return her bra, I'd walk up, hand it to her, make a little joke, and walk away -- just standing there is way fucking creepy.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Rude is more the word.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I don"t try to figure out some dancers. They might be on drugs or intoxicated. I remember last weekend I sat down near the stage but didn't bother tipping the first dancer up there. She comes over after a while asking for a dance which I said yes to, then she thanks me, not once, but 3 times for tipping me. I think she was drunk without showing it except that she couldn't remember jack.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    for tipper her that is. I never tipped her. I just said your welcome. I see no point in arguing with a drunk dancer who can't remember jack if it works in my favor.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    for tipping her, darn autocorrect is annoying at times.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I was expecting a happier ending. Should have thrown the bra at the back of her head.
  • joker44
    11 years ago
    with the rest - anyone's guess. TLI - too little info.

    LeeH - only chance to have found out would have been 'to shake the apple tree to see what falls' meaning you do something to provoke a response from her, such as,

    keep walking closer to her. when she turns her back, move faster around her to come face to face, then hold her bra out to her while saying 'I think you ACCIDENTLY dropped this.' If she doesn't take it or tries to walk away, drop it on the table or floor and walk away but take note of what she says [& tone of voice] and the first reaction on her face.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I was thinking about what estafador said, but I probably would have kept it
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I think Lee should have put the bra on over his shirt and then walk by their table a couple of times to see if he could get her attention.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    If it were an older-looking bra, then with my manboobs, I'd figure she probably thought I needed it more than her.
  • LeeH
    11 years ago
    Papi, not a custie. Georgia requires a $350 license PER CLUB for any dancer. Stripping is not something you do on a lark in my state.

    VH_Kicks, I'm a lot more "sensitive" about bullshit prognosticators that tell me what I am/feel, especially when they're very wrong.

    GoVikings -- do a little math -- 45 minutes before close plus her set plus 6 more songs plus time to get dissed. Should I have stuck around the club for 9 more minutes?
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