
Have anyone ever kissed a stripper in the mouth?

Monday, January 5, 2015 5:57 AM
I used to do that dumb shit a lot before I realized that the bitch could have given head to some douchebag before me and I am just lucky that I haven't catch anything serious.


  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    Most don't like kissing customers in the first place because women usually associate kissing with love (that's the female brain, not ours). If you do kiss one, buy her a drink with high alcohol content. The alcohol acts like kind of a mouthwash and kills germs.
  • Xeinok
    9 years ago
    I am not trying to brag or anything but I have kissed more than ten different strippers in the mouth, and I am talking about french kissing..They don't seem to care or beg for extra tips...I guess they were just enjoy giving me the LD and then decided to lean in and started kissing me....and I only kiss chicks that I find attractive so....but yeah I know better now and I don't kiss any strippers ever again.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    I agree with Corvus. In my estimation, most of them don't kiss customers on the mouth. I've been at this for 5 years and it's only happened to me once. It actually happened just recently--over the holidays. She just leaned in, when are faces were close, and started kissing me. I was pleasantly surprised. It was fun. I wouldn't turn away/stop her if it happened again.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    oops, I meant I agree with sinclair....too early in the morning lol
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    But to answer your question, yes, I've French kissed many strippers. Frankly, I've lost count.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    The question should be, who, with any SC experience, over time, "who hasn't"!
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Yes, I have. A couple of them. My ATF didn't like it at first, but warmed to it after a while. The MILF I currently see was the same way, until one day after she'd finished cumming on my face, she pulls me up and shoved her tongue in my mouth.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    All the time. The DS is the most erotic kisser I ever met. I've discussed before so I won't repeat the details. But health concerns (beyond maybe catching a cold, the flu, or herpes 1) are baseless. I kissed the DS passionately recently and she was just getting over a respiratory illness. Didn't catch anything but it was worth it even if I had. Just goes to prove that you can't catch anything from your dream stripper.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    GMD is exactly right. If she is hesitant to kiss try it right after you perform oral sex on her, or for a break in the middle shortly before she cums.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    I've kissed lots of strippers on (or in) the mouth over the years. Knowing that kissing is often considered, in their little stripper brain, to be a more intimate act than a blowjob makes it all the more erotic. Just a couple of weeks ago I finally took a girl that I had been sitting with and tipping for months to the VIP room for the first time. By this time she was quite comfortable with me so she started out by French kissing me a little before warming me up with a little oral play and finishing with a very satisfying tittyfuck. Wow! In fact, I hope to see her again tomorrow. At my age, kissing hot young strippers is such a turn-on that I don't worry about consequences.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I knew what you meant GoVikings, but appreciated the support none-the-less.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Of course I've done it. If I got a taste of some one else's semen, I didn't realize it. :)
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I haven't yet. I wouldn't stop her, but it's not what I'm paying for.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I kissed a strippers ass once
  • zipman68
    9 years ago
    ^^^ CJ my brother, does that mean you gave her a rimjob?
  • zipman68
    9 years ago
    On a different note, I've had a number of strippers kiss me. Never worried about jizz from previous encounters.
  • Xeinok
    9 years ago
    You guys are either very brave or just plain stupid for continue to do so
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    Xeinok, would you kiss a civvy on the mouth if you met her in a nightclub or such place? It's my belief that in general strippers have a high regard for personal hygiene etc, more so than a lot of civvies and are more inclined to use mouthwash etc between giving extras to customers.
  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    Yeah, a lot of strippers won't kiss, but a lot will, IMO. What I do that seems to work fairly well is the tease. When you're face to face, you bring your lips VERY close to hers, but not touching. Just make sure you've got fresh and minty breath, and you're smelling real good.... :) You get really close, hover there for a bit, then back off. Keep doing that, and a lot of girls like the tease, and say to themselves "hey what the fuck? why he keeps backing off?" or something like that. They like the tease, and a lot of times when you're really close they'll suddenly go in for the kiss. Personally, I love the french kissing during laps. Especially when you're kissing while she's reaching in your shorts and stroking your dick. Yeah, baby....
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    I've kissed many a stripper... And I like it! ^^^Agree with the French kissing and the stroking... Hot, hot, hot...
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I do it quite a bit. Some of them really get into it.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    What do they call French kissing in France?
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    motor, it's baisers francais
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Xeinok, if you have health concerns about kissing strippers I suspect you might be somewhat new to visiting clubs. It's normal in the early years of clubbing to be worried about catching something from very intimate acts that are sexual in nature but don't involve technically having sex. I got over that by reading comments from guys on here about what they did, trying those things myself, and finding out that it really is no big deal.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    Xeinon, I just don't care. If something bad happens, its my own fault. I had my first stripper kiss (French too) over the holidays during an incredible dance and it was amazing. Besides, what is the likelihood I'll catch something or something bad will happen to me from kising a stripper? Probably very low. I'll risk it--it's just too fun!
  • Knightline
    9 years ago
    I'll french kiss any hot babe - but I'm not going down on a stripper or an escort for anything!
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    ^^ you don't eat pussy? Jeez. why not? :-)
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Knightline, obviously you haven't met your dream stripper yet. I used to think the same thing until I met mine. If and when you meet your DS, you will partake. I know. Just keep an open mind until she shows up.
  • Knightline
    9 years ago
    ha - they can be diseased and you can't see the sores in the dark. If they go to my room - that's different!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    A dream stripper goes wherever you ask her to go, and does whatever you ask her to do. She will let you inspect her in any way you want. You cannot resist, and wouldn't want to even if you could.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    DFK will surely get me to bust big time during a HJ
  • aroundtown
    9 years ago
    I have several times but have avoided in recent years. I've seen to many suck dick, take a load in the mouth, spit/swallow and move onto the next customer. There's a slut in a club I frequent that took 5 loads in one afternoon and swallowed every one of them. I won't let any part of a stripper touch my mouth, ever!
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Geez, the way John describes it, I have a bad feeling most every stripper I meet is my dream stripper. Nuts, the last time I was in Indy, a dancer I tipped stage-side thanked me with a bit of LFK. It was enough to get me to say, "Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh" to some dances. And for the health inspectors here, her lips and tongue tasted a bit like alcohol (either that or a very strong mouthwash topped off with booze), so I wasn't worried -- even though I wasn't in the first place.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Pretty girls are for kissing. DFKing is best because they just open right up to you. If you don't like it, then you can live like Howard Hughes did, on the top floor of a Vegas Hotel, furniture and carpets covered in plastic, food sterilized, no one can touch him, all because of his crazy fears.
  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    By the way, for those of you who say you can't jizz in your pants during a lapdance... If you are unable to cum while you are DFK'ing a hot dancer, and she has her hand down your pants and she's stroking you, then I suggest your problem may be more medical than sexual. There are few things hotter during a lap dance than that...
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    My brain associates kissing with something a bit more intimate, so there's only been one dancer that I wanted to kiss -- and she always initiated it anyway. (Like many, DFK does a lot for me, but so do naked women.) The weird thing was that the club rules said it was fine for her to grind her naked pussy on my crotch on the main floor, but in the more private (but not VIP) area, she nearly got suspended for kissing me.
  • alabegonz
    9 years ago
    "My brain associates kissing with something a bit more intimate" Group think dictates it to be that way. Not with me. Zen is nothing or everything. I play my own game my own style my own way.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I French kissed a stripper back in my college days before I ever went to a strip club. I Accidntally kissed a dancer on the lips last weekend. I was wondering if she planned that or if it truly was an accident. It was more like her kissing me and I wasn't expecting it. I'm surprised some guys know how many times they kissed someone unless they are new.
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    Good for you, alabegonz. I'm sure your mother is proud.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    LeeH wrote, (Like many, DFK does a lot for me, but so do naked women.) I think the issue is that in DFKing the girl is letting her emotional barriers down. After just a little bit of it, she isn't going to say no to anything. You pretty much have her, and it is not just limited to in the club or to that visit. You have her for whatever you want to make happen with her. So this is why it is such a turn on, and it is also why lots of dancers decline. Or I should say they try to decline, but sometimes they end up giving in. SJG
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