Getting Stripper's Digits

Is it good idea to get stripper's digits, if you do NOT plan to meet her OTC? There are some that I want to keep in contact with as they move clubs, or to get their schedule.
Awhile back had bad experience that is not worth repeating. Got stripper's digits but never called her. She was AWOL for several months, when she suddenly shows up at the SC again. She was like bolt of lightning across the club to chew me out for not calling her to do OTC. We have since made up and all is well.
What has been your experience?
last commentusually, when we exchange numbers, i get a text within the first few weeks asking for money. after they know that's not gonna happen, they will text me when they're working just in case i want to come see them.
If you really wanna see her again; then sure – but everything has counter-indications meaning she’ll have your # and any strings that may come w/ that like her calling you to come in when you don’t want or where intending to; or your dick getting all excited when she texts you and you not been able to help your PL self and you go see her even if you were not planning to SC (I speak from experience).
So yeah – but it’s a double-edged knife and you better be the type to have the balls to put a stripper in her place when she gets all demanding and shit.
No OTC? Just what WERE you planning to do with her number? Ask her out on a date? Come on, man. Don't waste the girl's time if you just want to chat. Go to a regular bar to do that. Getting a stripper's number is only good for arranging OTC or finding out when she's going to be working.
^ the dude/OP said:
“… there are some that I want to keep in contact with as they move clubs, or to get their schedule …”
So he has a valid reason for her # and is not wasting her time.
If you just want to find out when she's working, then getting her digits isn't a bad idea. Their schedules change all the time.
use a burn phone to keep your hobby separate from the rest of your life
I have no problem exchanging phone numbers to keep up with their schedules. Never had any bad experiences.
My current favorite won't give me her digits though, so I have to take a gamble and hope that she's working that day. She says I have to buy CR to get her digits. I refuse to pay $600 for CR plus $500 for 1 hr of her time. I am not that stupid, I always keep in mind what Chris Rock says, "there's no sex in the champagne room"
With all due respect Mr Bavarian; your fave sounds like a ROB and maybe you need a more considerate fave - but if she’s real real fine then I can see one having almost no choice but to cut her some slack.
Usually when a stripper gives me her number I toss it on the way out of the club. I don't think I've ever asked for a number....
I've taken a few for those purposes and have never had any serious issues. I've had one or two take to calling/texting daily and/or copping attitudes when I don't respond, but its easy to blacklist numbers & usually a quick conversation on the next regularly scheduled visit clears it up. Even if you are fairly selective about exchanging numbers you do have to be able to either ignore them and write them off, or actively correct their behavior.
On the plus side, once you establish that you aren't running a charity but are willing to exchange money for services, I've generally got good value. Not just mileage wise, but general info as well. While its very much different from other relationships, I have found the minor investment in keeping a few "stripper" relationships going to be worth it.
And Bavarian, I'm with Papi, 1100 for an hour and a number sounds awful steep. I'm not that interested in a number with that sort of price tag. At those prices, you might be right, but I think many here will attest to Chris Rock being wrong about that.
Never had a problem with any numbers. Now, I haven't a stock pile of them. :)
I thought a dancer really liked me so I asked her for her number.
She said her # was 456-78910 – I said baby; what about the area code – she said “oh yeah it’s 123”
Lots of good comments. One thing I forgot to mention: I had her digits, but she did NOT have my digits! Another reason I did not call her was she told me story that her boyfriend was killed in her apartment. Not exactly a warm and fuzzy come on over story.
I use google voice, so I take every number offered, and ask for the ones they don't offer. If somebody calls/texts too much, or makes inappropriate comments, into the killfile they go.
Thanx for reminding me that I need to do a spring cleaning of old stripper phone numbers clogging up my cell.
I always get their phone numbers whether I plan to meet them otc or not
I would bet some give out rejection hotline numbers.
Yeah I'm with mjx get a burn phone. I pay about 20 for flip phone with 20 a Month card comes with couple hours talk minutes and unlimited text. If things work out really great they graduate to my actual phone if they turn out to be complete psychos throw phone on ground drive over if 10 times pour gas on phone add lit match and go buy new phone.
I'm 100% in agreement with dolfan. It's worth the money making an arrangement with a willing stripper. You just have to not let them get out of hand and I'm not being mean saying that. Remember it's their job to take money from guys and they are very skilled at it. Figure up what you can comfortably afford and think it's worth each month and do not let them go over that limit.
One thing though did you ask her if she killed her boyfriend? If she answerd anything besides no I personally would not recommend getting her number, giving her your number or ever talking to or seeing her ever EVER again lol.
If I like a girl I always ask for her number. You never know when you will use it. OTC. Finding out if she is working. Finding her if she moves clubs. Most girls worth coming back to will give you a number unless your a real dick. Maybe that's why jerikson never gets a number. As Lopaw suggested, this requires cleaning out the numbers periodically but it's worth the slight effort in my experience.
I always use a burn phone application. They work great.
I have never given my real number to any dancer ever except for my DS. She knows all of my contact info and I know all of hers. But I would never do anything like that with 99.99% of dancers.
Anybody want to buy some. LOL. Actually I don't bother at my favorite club. I am going regardless of who might be there. I just take pot luck. Sometimes its good and some times it isn't. Now when I used to drive to Columbia SC frequently to club, I would call my ATF to confirm schedules but I don't even to that any more. I only keep numbers of ones that I am trying to hook up with OTC.
When I meet someone I really like, I like to have her number. Then if I lose track of her, I can always call her to see where she is working. But once you do that, then she has your number, and that can cause problems. When a stripper gets my number, I give her rules to follow as far as what time of day to call. But I also request that she not call me at all. I will call her when I am ready to come in and want to make sure she will be there. Most girls respect this as they know most of their customers are married. But the ones that do not can be a real pain, calling or texting every day and asking me to come in.
Another option is to become Facebook friends. Then you can message her when you want to be sure she will be there when you come in. And if she messages you constantly on Facebook, no big deal. It helps if the stripper is very active on Facebook and uses it every day. I have had a few girls who only check their Facebook once a week or less, so that is less effective. Other girls use Facebook as an advertisement, posting whenever they are working that day.
runn, why to to all that effort. Get a smart phone and use a burn phone application. It's basically a secret phone kept within your real phone. That way you can contact her by cell whenever you want, and she doesn't have your real number. That's a lot easier.
If you are gonna get the number than make sure to cover your tracks. Most men are married and these lovely women know they have you by the balls. When your wife finds out that you have been working OTC and swears nothing ever happened then what? This pissed of wife wants to know if any of these relationships ever end in friendly texts without sex?
If a dancer offers me her number, I'll accept it. Sometimes it sort of encourages her to up her game a little there in the club. Now if I actually use it -- let alone keep it -- is an entirely different matter. I only get to visit a lot of these clubs only once a year, so there isn't much point to keeping those numbers any longer than I really need to.
pissed wife. Good user name.
I got a stripper's digits up my ass but it cost me $200 extra
I have never found that it works to get a girl's telephone number, but for some open ended unspecified future use. She will want you to close and make something happen right away.
So if you get the number for unspecified future use, she will not be responsive when you do call her.
It sounds practical, get her number, make it happen later when you are free. But women don't function this way.
I never ask for a strippers #. I wIt until it becomes clear to her that it would be a good idea for me to have it, and even then, I use a burn phone and only text her to arrange seeing her either ITC or OTC
Got me thinking. My buddy gave his CF his number. So now every time she is too drunk when her shift ends at 3:00AM and the house mom won't give her keys back, he gets a call. Sometimes he is dumb enough to go pick her up even though he is getting ZERO on the side from her. Most times he looks at the clock and if it is 3:00AM he rolls over and goes back to sleep.
Hey pissed off bitch-GTFO.
I've only gotten numbers when I've asked if she had any kind of regular schedule (some actually do, if they have another job). The ones that don't have a regular schedule often offer their number.
Not only does it come in handy for checking "are you working tonight?" but it was a lifesaver when the dumbass owner of the club where my 2 faves were closed it without warning and re-opened as a male revue. I never would've guessed the club that the faves landed at, so would've lost track of them forever without their numbers.
"Most times he looks at the clock and if it is 3:00AM he rolls over and goes back to sleep."
Yeah, these girls will play it like that.
Play or be played. There's just only two, there is no middle.
I dunno alabegonz....I'm trying to figure you out.
I'm guessing you're a somewhat dorky guy, maybe mid-20's, and you've spent an incredible amount of time reading all these self help websites for dealing with women and being a playa and all this Zen shit.
And after taking all of that shit as gospel, you've become this almost caricature of some pseudo-suave guy dishing out these smug one-liners as if you consider yourself to be some incredibly accomplished playa. And you spend all your time with strippers who you pay big bucks to spend time with you. And I'm guessing you have no girlfriends, correct?
I'm not criticizing you or attacking you dude...just suggesting you come down to earth and get real.
Hell, most of the time your smug one-liners are so smug I can't even figure out what the fuck you're talking about. Take it down a notch dude. Relax. Let the real alabegonz come out and play... :)
I just flat out ask for their number like I would anybody else's number. I text them and if they don't respond I call them. If some dude answers I tell him to go fuck himself and move on to the next number.
A couple of my favs moved on and have not seen them. Am not sure if they are making license plates and eating baloney sandwiches in the big house ... or dancing at different club.