Comments by Player11 (page 89)

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    14 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Some First Timer Hints
    Super article.
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    14 years ago
    What Goes On in a Woman's Brain When She Has an Orgasm
    Good informative article.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What Do the Boyfriends Know?
    Based on my experience Dancer BF don't know or don't care. Basically they are all cuckholds for the mostpart..... My Atf got married to her live in a few months ago. I have been doing her over two years itc and otc FS. She said the marriage would not change our meetings. It didn't and the sex is super. Her FB page (a wealth of photos and info) presents the image she is happily married to her soulmate. My take is she has him under control. Interstingly enough an x BF is living with them renting a room. You can bet she is bumping some off with him too. What kind of man would allow his wife to have an x BF living with them? Beats me. These women gravitate to men (as far as relationships are concerned) they can control. The rest of us happily pay to rent them for sex enjoyment services.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Eating in Strip Clubs
    When I go to the club, its usually to take a gal to the upstairs VIP and bang her. Afterwards I have sometimes enjoyed the buffet. I have mixed feelings about this bc after doing the deed I want to just leave and can eat somewhere else if needbe. It can be nice to have her sit with you during the afterwards meal but really who needs this? Your just going to feel obligated to give her few more bucks. No free ride in SC's.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Strip Club Regular
    Strippers love regulars as it opens up a form of control over the regular who is manipulated into a sense (by a good hustler) that his atf is sorta like a girlfriend. I remember when I was a RIL one of them would call me at work near quitting time "your girlfriend is calling come see me honey." Then I would get there and she would immediately plop down and start giving me SS "I have made only $20 all day and need $100 (in dances of course) to make ends meet for groceries so my kids wont go hungry." When I became a player I would turn this around on them - "Well honey I can help you with that but I need you to meet me at Palace Inn (right across the street) and go to bed with me."
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    14 years ago
    Affluence, Power, and Strippers
    We never know how much longer we have on this Earth. If your in the hobby then you know your time with strippers, providers is precious.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Strip Club Regular
    Being a regular is more fun and can be very incredible. On the flip side, it can be a money drain that quickly gets out of control. I have seen guys manipulated by a dancer to such an extent after being regular coming to the club that she requests he buy her a $75 outfit from the boutique and he buys it for her no prob like someone in a trance (how do I know - that guy was me). SC's can be a lot of fun irregardless how you enjoy them - its a hobby and only money. When I was a newbie and before I started doing dancers otc and itc (Player) I was pretty heavy on being a regular coming into a club for drinks and dances (but no pussy as this was Ricks Cabaret, not necessarily an extras club). When I think of the money I spent as a RIL and how far that would have gone with an extras girl or a provider, I shudder.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Changes...and maybe changes in me too
    With all the opportunities these gals have from the multitudes of customers coming in a club its a fools errand to try to develop any kind of normal relationship. It will drain your wallet. Many are biased against men they meet at SC's as being what they call PL's. This became evident reading some of the posts on SW by some of them. They sell a fantasy, even the one I have been seeing otc for 2 yr. While it can be great private session photo shoots / sex, at the end of the day, if your cash has run out, they have no use for you. What they do be it stripping / hooking or both is a business. Your merely a customer. There are married onew who play their husband they are the good, faithful wife while they are out hooking with customers they picked up at the SC.
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    14 years ago
    Rotating Different Girls who Play
    MrNads - In bringing up discussion for after hours action - I usually just proposition them by asking them if they &quot;work outside the club.&quot;&nbsp; If ITC, I wll tell the gal I am VIP and then ask her if she likes to &quot;play.&quot;&nbsp; If yes, I will negotiate the service before we go up to VIP.&nbsp; Other times I simply make an offer.&nbsp; When a stripper starts talking about how she needs money for her car repairs, phone bill, rent etc. this is my que to jump in and say:&nbsp; &quot;Ok honey you said you need $170 to get your car out of impound.&nbsp; I can help you with that but I need you to meet at a motel for a GFE (FS session).&quot;&nbsp; Let her know you can help her with her problem but make it clear what you will need.&nbsp; They need to know first you understand what the problem is and can help.&nbsp; Then you tell her what you want.<br /> <br /> Never give them money for services not performed or advances, loans.&nbsp; They may use drama to pressure you like if they don't get some huge sum of money then they will be evicted, etc.&nbsp; Don't be manipulated by it.&nbsp; If their timeframe is too short to work up to the sum they need on what I pay for pussy per sessions over a time period that works for me, well too bad for them.
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    14 years ago
    Dancing for couples ...
    It is always interesting to see the wife's reaction when the stripper is really giving it to him with intense grinding, tits in his face.&nbsp; The wives seem to manage a smile but inside I believe they are jeaolus / insecure that now all of a sudden a woman they can't even hold a candle too is turning on their husband.&nbsp;
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    14 years ago
    The Stinkiest Crotch
    I think I would have to get up and leave with an&nbsp; excuse I needed to go to the mens room.&nbsp;&nbsp;Nothing grosses me out more than strippers who are filthy with some obnoxious odor.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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    14 years ago
    Extra and OTC Experiences
    A nice piece of fiction.&nbsp; I do find the stuff about burn phones informative.&nbsp; I hear they are great for making obscene, threatening&nbsp;phone calls.<br /> <br /> As an experienced&nbsp;Strip Club Player, I can tell you there is no such thing as free pussy from strippers.&nbsp; Call it dating if you like, but your certainly paying for it like the rest of us.
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    14 years ago
    The Grossest Stripper Story EVER!
    It is unbelievable someone could be that gross wanting to drink a strippers piss.&nbsp; That has to be the most disgusting thing I have heard here.&nbsp; And of course he did not want people to think he was some kind of freak.&nbsp;
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    14 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Stripping is a Business, keep it that way.
    Great Article.&nbsp; I tend to view my current fav like a coach views a heisman trophy WR.&nbsp; Right now she is MVP on the roster but in the back of my mind is the reality is one day she will graduate.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
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    14 years ago
    Beyond the Taboo
    Great Article.&nbsp; IMO SC's are like the Temples of the Goddess Religion which was repressed by politicians and religionists as they resented its power.&nbsp; I have enjoyed a number of strippers in sex sessions both itc and otc and found that these women are just as excited as I am to have a number of sex enjoyment partners.&nbsp; In going to Strip Clubs and engaging in these activities much of my anger, frustration, and stress has been removed.&nbsp; Certainly tantra means expansion.&nbsp; With the stripper I have been seeing 2 years, climax has been very intense with her and she has experienced lots of enjoyment as well.
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    14 years ago
    Sacred Sensuality
    I would suggest you research the Goddess Religion as your ideas seem to be a reflection of that.&nbsp; I agree with a lot of what you say and IMO Strip Clubs are not that far removed to what would be Temples of the Goddess Religion.&nbsp; Consequently, strippers are like the Temple Women and the patrons worshipers.<br /> <br /> Somewhere our culture took a wrong turn and the result is a lot of the zany religious strife we have in this world.
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    14 years ago
    Sex in the Champaign Rooms
    Steve I agree Chris Rock is saying that (no sex in CR)&nbsp;to appease his wife.&nbsp; Otherwise, I know he is FOS - I have done gals (FS)&nbsp;in CR / VIP areas of 5 Houston Area clubs.<br /> <br /> I don't believe one should discuss going to SC with a wife or GF.&nbsp; Stick to need to know and practice strategic avoidance in any temptation to enlighten wife about one's SC hobby.&nbsp; I remember going with a stripper (sexy one piece swimsuit)&nbsp;up to VIP to do her (FS) and her getting a call from hubby giving him instructions on feeding and putting kids to bed.&nbsp; Little did he know what she was about to do.&nbsp; She talked matter of factly like she was taking a call at the office.&nbsp; We later had one heck of a good fuck and when she would climax (twice during session) her thrusting would stop and it would really tighten.&nbsp; When I got off in her it was really intense and she could feel it thru condom.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Dallas Trip Report
    Interesting trip report.&nbsp; I hear the mileage one gets at the Dallas clubs is less than here in Houston.&nbsp; Any observations on this?
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    14 years ago
    For those of us on a tight budget... some tips
    Assuming your going to a club and not doing any extras, I would say $100 to cover dances and another $50 for drinks and tips should be adequate.&nbsp; When Dreamers (South Houston) was operating this budget could go a long way with their $10 dances ($5 on Wednesdays) and free lunches (order from menu).<br /> <br /> I would luv to go to Brads Brass Flamingo in Indy (hear they have $10 dances) and I bet thats a neat club.
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    14 years ago
    For those of us on a tight budget... some tips
    I spend 80% of my budget on otc / itc sex (Direct)&nbsp;and 20% on SC fun like dances (Indirect).&nbsp;&nbsp; I try to spend no more than $100 on dances in a single sortie like exploring a new club.&nbsp; Its a good idea to have&nbsp;lots of&nbsp;small bills for drinks and&nbsp;tipping.&nbsp; An anology is my&nbsp;team runs an offense with&nbsp;4 WR and one RB.&nbsp; Consequently most of the plays will go to the WR's vs the RB (non extras girl).&nbsp; <br /> <br /> A really good otc girl who you really click with who is smart, drug free, fucks like a champ giving it to you how you want, and who's BF / SO does not know will be after you to meet you 2-3 times a week or more.&nbsp; This will drain a lot of funds, making any exploration&nbsp;(SC, other girls)&nbsp;either impractical or difficult.&nbsp; The upside to this is the price will come down if your a frequent flyer and giving her something in bed he's not.&nbsp; Such a gal is a keeper and you want to treat her well.&nbsp; It turns these gals on to get different dick especially if there is shopping money involved.
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Why do I do this?
    Great Article.&nbsp; Dudester as usual hits the nail on the head.&nbsp; My only regret about the hobby is I wish I had taken it up years before.&nbsp; I don't believe a guy is &quot;damaged&quot; because he likes strip clubs or seeing strippers.&nbsp; Its like a pilot who would rather fly jets than&nbsp; the same old boring prop job.<br /> <br /> My major challenge has been budget management - allocating how much to Projects (strippers) and how much to investments.&nbsp; My advice to anyone is keep the SC hobby off the radar of any GF or wife and don't discuss it with civilians.&nbsp; Keep it need to know.&nbsp; One should not sacrifice family, job, or financial security for strippers.&nbsp; Strippers and the advent of internet escorts (, eros, etc.) has essentially replaced the bordellos of the 1950's.&nbsp; While not all strippers do extras, many of them do and irregardless all of them are sex workers.&nbsp; Every girl you will meet at a SC is different both in appeal and performance (and what she will do&nbsp;for you extras wise) &nbsp;but it does not take much effort to find ones that are a good fit for your agenda;&nbsp; its all just a matter of money.&nbsp; I have found the shopping around a real fun part!<br />
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    14 years ago
    Lost in the Game
    There are strippers like my OTC Fav which have sability (her marriage), a plan (Law School), save their money, avoid drugs, and loser low IQ Gangsta type guys.&nbsp; These are the gals who will eventually graduate out of the SexWork Profession at some stage of the game.&nbsp; Others can't seem to keep off drugs, keep their car out of impound, and are always supporting some bum is too drugged out or dumb to hold a job.&nbsp; Their future outlook is not so good.
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    14 years ago
    Decision made FINALLY... in a different realm of strip culture though...
    There are a lot of guys that jerk off to cam girls, especially if they can hear them from&nbsp;puter.&nbsp; &nbsp;
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    14 years ago
    Stripping Across America
    Come to Houston Julia - there is a lotta money here.&nbsp;
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Safety First
    Be wary in the parking lot of drunk guys (sometimes in groups) looking to start a fight.&nbsp;&nbsp; When leaving the club, get your car keys out ready to use and head straight for your car.&nbsp; Look around to see if anyone is trying to sneak up on you and be cognizant of any unusual activity.&nbsp; If some dumb ass asks you what time it is, don't slow up for him or look at your watch just say something like &quot;late at night&quot; or make up a time.