Dallas Trip Report

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer

It is hard not to like Dallas, with the variety of club options and friendly girls. I am in the middle of an extended road trip here, but after waking up two mornings in a row with a lighter wallet, satisfied smile and bad hangover, trying to remember the name of the girl that left my room each morning (2 different girls from 2 different clubs), I figured that I have enough to post a decent road trip report.  Except for Silver City and Baby Dolls, I have been to these places multiple times, so this is also a bit of a thumb nail summary of my experiences. Silver City Guess I am starting with the bad and moving up. There were some attractive (but not mind-blowing) girls here but I found this place to be very boring. My usual routine did not draw any attention whatsoever, the reason for which became clear later when the manager sat down and offered me the tour. I declined but chatted with him for a while. When I told him, at his request, which clubs I normally frequent in Dallas, he said, “Oh, you like the blue collar clubs.” If that means unpretentious and fun clubs where a suited guy with cash gets a lot of play, then mark me down for a "hell yes!"  The topper was when a girl complained to the manager that her custy was ordering bottle service and that she might be expected to- gasp- drink with him. I was leaving as he reassured her that they could slip her water, which the custy would not be able to distinguish from the vodka that he was ordering. Clubhouse Loud. This place is owned by an old rocker and the music is always very loud. I have been here a few times but can only stand it for so long. The girls are attractive but, between the inability to talk with anyone and the lack of a bar (it is all table seating, which is not really my style), I never really enjoy it. Can’t argue with full nude and byob, though there are a few better places for that. Baby Dolls This place was ok, but I did not enjoy it too much. To be fair, this place was packed full of truly hot women. They also ran lots of stages, including a little one conveniently close to my bar seat. On the minus side, however, it was a bit of a hustle joint/lap dance factory. The spot lights over the bar (yes, shining in your face while you are getting toasty) made the place feel very corporate or industrial. This place was like ESPN Zone on steroids, with lots of bright lights and tvs. Spearmint Rhino Some of the girls were a riot, which made this kind of an interesting stop.  I sat at the bar and got to enjoy a few girls walking along the top of the bar for their tips.  Got hustled a lot and there were some bitter girls there, but net-net ok as a way station on the way to CR and the Fare (which were on the same street).  Some hot girls, some not so much, but a very interesting and funny vibe here. Jaguar’s Gold Club This was a good stop to chill for a while and to crack open the bottle of Crowne. It is byob and supposedly full nude, but in two hours here I don’t think I saw a single kitty. It is obviously nude optional, which was kind of a damper. This place always tends to have young girls, which leads me to believe that it is the place where the girls between 18-20 go to dance when they don't want to have to take their bottoms off. Cabaret Royale One of my favorite clubs in Dallas. A little divey even as it tries to be pretentious, but all of that just seems to give it a certain charm to me. The fact that the girls are down to earth helps too. It is right next to the Fare and a VIP wrist band lets you bounce between the two, which I also find to be neat. And did I mention the friendly girls? Fare Room Full nude and a lot of fun. I like the nicely dark VIP room upstairs, though it is a little too well patrolled at night. All kidding aside, it is a very down to earth club with friendly girls and staff. I have had several damn good nights here over the years - though not ITC per se. It is a good party spot with very understanding staff and crew. Pandoras I like Latinas a lot, and this place is full of them. Nude, friendly and Latina – muchas gracias! Armed with a nice suit, plenty of money and a bottle of Crowne, opportunities abound. Now there are a fair amount of older and less attractive girls here, but also plenty of sexy ones once you push through the aggressive first wave. This is another place where many damn good nights have been born (and hopefully that is the only thing)


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avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

Make any Ft. Worth stops?   

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 yrs ago
avatar for Dudester
14 yrs ago

Good trip report. Well done.

avatar for samsung1
14 yrs ago

What were the two clubs that you got OTC from? I am guessing Cabaret Royale and Pandoras because they have the smiley faces in your summary

avatar for rickdugan
14 yrs ago

CT, I intended to but things were going so well in Dallas I decided not to venture further. gmd - nothing against those that do that, but there is not a chance in hell that this hound is getting neutered.  My wife has been pushing me on this too, but no fucking way. Dude - thank you sir, just trying to contribute. Sam, check your messages.  As most here know I am careful about posting p4p specifics on an open site, but I am always open to sharing info. with a regular tuscl poster.

avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

Thanks for the repl, Rick.   My next question is, are you at all suggesting or implying "Big D" is a better strip club locale than Houston?   Just curious.

avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

er, I meant reply.

avatar for minnow
14 yrs ago

Interesting writeup, rd. According to Tuscl ratings, the order of your visited clubs from worst to best would be: Pandoras, Fare, Clubhouse, Jaguars Gold, Silver City, Cabaret Royale, Spearmint Rhino, Baby Dolls It's been a few years since I've been to Dallas- my fave clubs were BD-D, Mens Club, and Lodge. The 1st 2 were practically walking distance from hotel, and yes, the hotel bellman handed out a free admission pass to the Lodge. That coupled with generally good reviews ( and some coworker "W.O.M.") made visits a practical no-brainer. Dallas is probably one of the higher club per capita areas, it would take a vacation to hit all the high spots. The disparities between your ranking and Tuscls goes to show "different strokes for different folks". Btw, did you meet any "pinkies" there?

avatar for rickdugan
14 yrs ago

minnow - LOL.  I really don't put too high a value on the tuscl ratings.  For one, some of the best clubs get a lower rating because they are not pretty.  Also, while some of the reviews are very helpful, many of the reviewers have different criteria for what constitutes a good club.  Some of the highest rated clubs also have a lot of one time reviewers giving high ratings, which leads me to believe that there may be some gaming involved.   Don't get me wrong - this site beats the hell out of SCL, but a certain amount of gaming is inevitable.  Many (but not all) of the highest rated clubs are very pretentious and boring.  I like a relaxed party atmosphere and don't mind a little grit in my clubs.  Good booze, fun atmosphere and attractive, friendly women - these are my criteria.

avatar for rickdugan
14 yrs ago

minnow, and no - to my knowledge I did not run across any of the better known pinks.  For some reason they don't seem to gravitate to the same clubs that I do ;)

avatar for Dallas1
14 yrs ago

You might add The Lodge and the Gold Club to your experiments.  If you don't like Baby Dolls, you might like Gold Club.  Baby Dolls is the ultimate club in Dallas for lots of girls to choose from.  Gold Club has not so many, but if you get lucky, you can get a really great girl in the VIP room where anything the girl is willing to do gets done most nights.   I only go to Baby Dolls and the Gold Club, depending on mood.  But a really good ex-GC dancer is at The Lodge, so it can't be all bad either.  It's supposedly the most up-scale in Dallas.

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 yrs ago

I'm with you on the ratings, rick.  A mid-rated club with reviews that contain the word "dive" is more likely to get my custom than one a higher rated one where the reviews basically boil down to "Ooh, shiny!" and not much else. 

avatar for Adguy
14 yrs ago

Haven't been to Dallas in several years, but I do remember Cabaret Royale.  I was there twice and stayed til closing time.  Both times I was propositioned by dancers in the parking lot at 2:30am... good lookin' ones, too!

avatar for Player11
14 yrs ago

Interesting trip report.  I hear the mileage one gets at the Dallas clubs is less than here in Houston.  Any observations on this?

avatar for rickdugan
14 yrs ago

Player, based upon what you and others have posted about Houston I doubt that almost anywhere else is as open.  Some things happen in the clubs, but not a lot from my viewpoint.  OTC is fairly easy to get, though maybe not for the pricing structure you are used to in Houston ;)

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