A Strip Club Regular

avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs

Over the last three years, I have become a strip club regular. In the past I had gone to strip clubs perhaps six or eight times a year, and the experiences ranged from good to disappointing. Now I visit my favorite club once or twice a week, and I consistently have a great time. Being a regular customer has great advantages.

Dancers will spend more time with a regular than with an unknown customer. As soon as I arrive, one or two of my favorite girls will come to my table to hang out and drink. I enjoy talking and joking with them. And they know I'm going to spend money on them and not waste their time.

Since the girls know my preferences, only the dancers I find attractive come to visit me. I don't have to fend off girls who are not my type.

The lap dances I receive as a regular are better than what the average customer gets. As you have a girl dance for you over weeks and months, she will give you more of what you like. A dancer wants to make you happy and keep you as a customer. Occasionally, a dancer will give me extras for free. (This is not something I would ever ask for, however. This is their job and they deserve to be paid for it.)

As a regular I have exchanged phone numbers and email addresses with my favorites. I can find out if they will be working on a certain day, so I won't be disappointed if I want a specific girl. The girls also call me to let me know when they're working.

The only disadvantage of being a strip club regular is the cost. Between drinks and dances, my club expenses amount to more than I ever earned before I was 30. But it's worth it to me now.

When I was young, I could not have afforded to go to strip clubs so often. But you can become a regular without spending as much as I do. First, you need to find a club that suits you. I like an upscale club with very attractive dancers, but your preferences may be different. Second, you need to go to the club at a regular time, such as Tuesday afternoon once a month. This way you will see the same girls and they will get to know you. Third, select a dancer you find very attractive and spend a lot of money on her every time you come in. She will remember you and treat you well every time. You'll find that being a regular is more fun.


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avatar for Dudester
14 yrs ago

Not all of us are in your boat. You're kind of rubbing it in. Please don't brag-it's unbecoming.

avatar for clubdude
14 yrs ago

I agree with Dudester, us "regular guys" can't afford that type of cash once or twice a week. Get real buddy. '

avatar for troop
14 yrs ago

i don't see any problem with his post, he hasn't insulted anyone imo.

avatar for Rod84
14 yrs ago

The only thing I would modify is that I don't think it takes beaucoup bucks to reap the benefits of being a regular. I frequent a club where I never get VIP and generally buy no more than two or three lap-dances, even from my favorites. They however, still come around and spend ample time with me when I arrive, I think in part due to my consistency; I'm generous with what I do buy (e.g., drinks and the lap-dances), and am a good/safe listener and conversationalist. I also treat the lady bartenders well, tipping in the 30% range, which is only a couple bucks more on a ~$30 bar bill than my usual 20% elsewhere.

It seems to work for me, and while SC visits aren't exactly the cheapest entertainment, they seem like a bargain to me for all the joy and value I derive from them.

avatar for samsung1
14 yrs ago

just wondering what club are you a regular at?

avatar for Player11
14 yrs ago

Being a regular is more fun and can be very incredible. On the flip side, it can be a money drain that quickly gets out of control. I have seen guys manipulated by a dancer to such an extent after being regular coming to the club that she requests he buy her a $75 outfit from the boutique and he buys it for her no prob like someone in a trance (how do I know - that guy was me). SC's can be a lot of fun irregardless how you enjoy them - its a hobby and only money.

When I was a newbie and before I started doing dancers otc and itc (Player) I was pretty heavy on being a regular coming into a club for drinks and dances (but no pussy as this was Ricks Cabaret, not necessarily an extras club). When I think of the money I spent as a RIL and how far that would have gone with an extras girl or a provider, I shudder.

avatar for nelson
14 yrs ago

Being a regular makes sense, but very expensive. I like your idea about going on the same day and time so you know who's going to be working. Tuesday's are usually good because it's not to busy and the dancers have more time to sit and talk. The dancers I know never give extras for free because they don't want you to expect anything for free in the future. Like you said, it's their business.

avatar for golf123
14 yrs ago

I agree 100% with the originator of this article. It gets better every once you become regular.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
14 yrs ago

jackslash, I'd be willing to bet that the dancers whose regular I am "like" me much more than the dancers whose regular you are. Why? Because when I see them, not more than 30 seconds into the conversation, I say "do you want to dance now, do you want a drink, or do you want to just hang out a little?" If it's not busy, they'll hang out a little, if it's busy they'll basically just dance. Which is fine with me, because I don't have any illusions that hanging out with them is comparable to hanging out with my actual friends.

There are exceptions, but almost always, dancer chumminess is no more meaningful than the chumminess of car salespeople, or that special someone at the appliance store who wants to sell you a way-overpriced extended warranty.

Don't get me wrong, I think dancers deserve all the respect and politeness you can give them. It will make up a little for all the shit they have to take as a consequence of making available this wonderful service to us. But they don't owe us their friendship in exhcange for that. And no matter how nice we try to be, we can't expect them to pull in their claws as far as trying to separate us from every dime with have. It's just the way of the world.

avatar for Player11
14 yrs ago

Strippers love regulars as it opens up a form of control over the regular who is manipulated into a sense (by a good hustler) that his atf is sorta like a girlfriend. I remember when I was a RIL one of them would call me at work near quitting time "your girlfriend is calling come see me honey." Then I would get there and she would immediately plop down and start giving me SS "I have made only $20 all day and need $100 (in dances of course) to make ends meet for groceries so my kids wont go hungry."

When I became a player I would turn this around on them - "Well honey I can help you with that but I need you to meet me at Palace Inn (right across the street) and go to bed with me."

avatar for rickdugan
14 yrs ago

Why come into a locker room if not to brag? ;)

In all seriousness, I like to spread it out by being more of a semi-regular at a few different clubs rather than a full blown regular at any single SC. I tend to spend well on a girl that I like, so semi-regular is often enough to open options up if OTC or ITC fun is on the menu.

The problem with full reg status is the issue of ownership by one girl. Once a girl views you as her regular, she tends to get very territorial and starts warning other girls off. In one local club I can get anything I want from my "fav" but the other girls are actually afraid to come near me, even when the fav is not working.

avatar for Lewis1975
14 yrs ago

The only way I can afford SCs is to go at times when there is a reduced cover charge and reduced drink prices. I also do not buy any LDs and confine my tips at the stages to two dollars. I buy no more than two drinks. Even at that, it's hard to spend less than 30 bucks in a SC. Thirty bucks is a lot of money for me.

avatar for kuteechaser
14 yrs ago

Being a regular has its benefits but can be expensive. The key is to budget yourself. I use coupons from the paper and try to get there before the cover goes up. I do things in moderation. If LDs are 20 bucks then I will limit myself to two per lady. If LDs are 10 bucks then I will consider doing more dances if contact is UHM. I will sometimes walk up to the stage and tip a dollar. If alcohol is served then I will become friends with the bartender and let her know that the stronger the drink, the better the tip (an extra dollar)... I hate watered down drinks. I limit myself to three drinks. The key for me is getting value for my hard earned money but still having a good time on a limited budget.

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