Eating in Strip Clubs

avatar for jackslash
Chris Rock has a routine in which he puts down people who eat in strip clubs, saying how nasty that is. But I don't really see his point. There are, of course, some dirty clubs where I would not want to eat, but there are some dirty restaurants where I wouldn't eat either. In the clubs the strippers are not cooking the food and serving it. They have cooks and waitresses. I go to upscale clubs, some of which boast about their chefs and their food. I have a very good lunch at least once a week in a club, and it is certainly better prepared and better tasting than anything you could get at McDonald's. If a strip club serves food, it has to pass health inspections like other restaurants. So I don't see the problem of eating in a club. Does anyone have arguments for or against eating in strip clubs?


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avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
Some of the best grub I've ever had has been in a stripclub. Come to think of it - maybe the food was actually terrible, but the hot women parading around me made it seem better than it really was. Either way, I've never had a bad food experience in a stripclub (especially when the dancers themselves are on the menu!)
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
I've had both prepared food and buffet-style in SCs. Both have been fine, for what it was. I'm not sure about the cleanliness, but I can't imagine it's any worse than one might find at a movie theater, greasy spoon, or Waffle House. I do find the value is typically good, especially the free buffets (eg., at Follies or Brad's Brass Flamingo). What's not to like - free chicken fingers, fries, and a modestly-priced beer, all in the company of nude women.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
The food at my regular club is actually pretty good, comparable to some of the higher end restarurant chains. <p>

A dancer once asked if I minded if she sat next to me at the bar to eat. She ordered the salmon, and acted surprised when her food came and I picked up the check. She insisted I share some with her, and even fed me little bites like I was kid, which was fun. When we went to the back for dances she was very appreciative. <p>

Now I probably buy a dancer a snack about half the times I visit.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
The problems with eating at the local strip clubs is service and price. I hate it when the waitresses act like ROBs and say shit like "you can't order an ice water you gotta order a bottle of water ($6)"...and when I asked for a "to go" box I was told they don't have any. I did look up some local strip clubs for health inspections of the two local clubs with full service kitchens and several of them had citations like "expired food" or "food without expiration dates" kind of creeped me out and has stopped me from eating at kahoots or dreamgirls anymore. I don't want to get served expired food....I think I would try eating at Penthouse but I did not like the idea of having to pay $20 to sit at a booth.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
Like steve229 I have bought food for dancers when they requested it. Lunch in my favorite club is about the same cost as one of their over-priced drinks. And I figure that if the dancers are willing to eat there, the kitchen must be clean.
avatar for gk
14 years ago
I'll buy food in clubs. You have to trust who's cooking it if it's not a real upscale establishment, which is possible only when you've built up trust and a regular reputation. No one wants to piss off a regular customer who they depend on for income. But some places and some people I just don't want to buy food from or even contemplate having them touch it.

Like Steve, I also buy food for dancers occassionally--friends, favs, or dancers who are just fun in the moment if I'm in the mood. It does pay off in the long run.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
lopaw, no doubt you order from a very different menu than most of us. *sigh*

I am very careful about which clubs I will eat food in, limiting it primarily to higher-end clubs. The best food I ever had in a SC was a steak at the Men's Club in Charlotte, which boasts a 4-star restaurant on premises.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
I have yet to eat the food served in any club. There are two clubs locally that I know of that serve food, Godfather II and PT's. The latter is allegedly good at lunchtime, but I've never been there at that time. The former has idiotic prices, and I've never been tempted.

It's just not what I go to a strip club for. :)
avatar for 10inches
14 years ago
never eaten at SC but have been in several that the food looks pretty darn good. have seen staff eating lunch many times so figure that since they know what goes on in the kitchen and its okay.
avatar for Otto22
14 years ago
I've never been able to comprehend the appeal of food at a SC. It's kind of like putting a library in a ballpark. While I enjoy reading as well as sports, when I'm at a ballpark I am NOT there to read. Similarly, when in a SC I am NOT there to dine (except perhaps at the Y!)
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I agree that I don't go to strip clubs to dine. I also agree that the food looks good and is rather inexpensive and that the club employees eat it.
The now closed Wild Goose near LAX had a great lunch buffet. The Columbia Platinum Plus serves a free lunch buffet that is catered by the Lizzard Thicket. The Goldrush in Atlanta has a T-Bone with fries, etc for $7.25 anytime. Hard to beat. The Pink Pony South in Forrest Park GA has a sushi bar above the main stage. SO now you can eat what you smell on stage. lol...
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Chris Rock (stand up comedy) - strip club clip…

avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
One of Houston's best kept secrets is that it has the best restaurants in the country. Strip joints in Houston have great food and I don't eat there as much as I like to.
avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
Some are probably pretty good but some probably serve bad food on purpose, just to see how badly they can rip you off like they do with everything else.
avatar for snowtime
14 years ago
Platinum Plus in Columbia serves a free lunch buffet on Wed. , Thur., and Fri. from 11am til 2pm. It is very simple, about 4 or 5 total selections but is offered on a clean serving cart and obviously prepared elsewhere. I have had it twice and the food is decent. The price is right and gives another reason to visit on these days. My trips to the club are usually during business travel so the lunch on premises frees up more time to spend in the club.
avatar for sauternes
14 years ago
I've never sampled the food in my local club. Can't get the thought of McDonalds or Burger King out of my head. I've bought meals for an ATF a few times, and she always gives me crap about not ordering. But I think she understands after being treated to a couple of high-end restaurants around town ...
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
I have eaten SC food exactly once and it was surprisingly good, cheap, and didn't give me the shits (Coliseum in Detroit). For me, other appetites are satisfied in SCs before the stomach.
avatar for gk
14 years ago
Getting back in on this one, you can also look at it from a business perspective. Good food is a value-added service that better clubs can offer to customers. If a club employs a "chef" instead of a cook, as many do, you know they're making an effort to do something above average. It's not in their interest to mess it up. And if I'm on a big escape day, or a night out, I just might be interested in having food at the club if I'm there at the right hours. And if you're doing business entertaining, it would have to be good or you wouldn't be back, right?.

Free buffets or lunch discounts are all part of the marketing mix of incentives to attract clientele and retain it longer. I've seen this work, so when I'm comfortable with the operation, I trust the food.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
When I go to the club, its usually to take a gal to the upstairs VIP and bang her. Afterwards I have sometimes enjoyed the buffet. I have mixed feelings about this bc after doing the deed I want to just leave and can eat somewhere else if needbe. It can be nice to have her sit with you during the afterwards meal but really who needs this? Your just going to feel obligated to give her few more bucks. No free ride in SC's.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Man I LOVE eating in a strip club bro. After an intense dance session where the girl's got me all hot and bothered, I need some food in my belly to calm me down (I'm not fat, I'm a skinny guy but I just love to eat) so if I could eat at the club, I'd be eternally grateful. Unfortunately i only found one such club and I didn't think to buy food since it was bar empty
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