
Beyond the Taboo

<div author_possessive="carinadolce's" is_pmrepliable="1" author="carinadolce" class="bodytext" id="item_body">
<p><span class="insertedphoto"><a href="http://carinadolce.multiply.com/photos/h… border="0" src="http://images.carinadolce.multiply.com/i…" class="alignmiddleb" alt="" /></a></span><br />
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A person's sexual power is the strongest power that may be raised from man or woman.&nbsp; The politician and the priest have understood from the very beginning that sex is the most driving human energy.&nbsp; If people are allowed total freedom in sex, then there will be no possibility of dominating them; making slaves out of them will be impossible.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Have you not seen it ?&nbsp; When you want a bull to be yoked to a cart, you castrate him, destroy his sex energy.&nbsp;</p>
<p>The same has been done to human beings, the sex instinct has been curtailed, cut, crippled.&nbsp; A man does not exist as a bull now, he exists like the ox, and each man is pulling a thousand and one carts.</p>
<p>Sexual energy is life energy. The priest and politician are not interested in you, they are interested in channeling your energy in other directions.&nbsp; There is a certain mechanism behind it that has to be understood.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Sexual repression, tabooing sex, is the very foundation of human slavery.&nbsp; People can not truly be free unless their sexual energy is allowed natural growth.</p>
<p>There are five tricks through which the human being has been turned into slave.<br />
1st - Keep people as weak as possible if you want to dominate them.<br />
2nd - Keep people as ignorant and deluded as possible so they can easily be deceived.<br />
3rd - Keep people as frightened as possible.<br />
4th - Keep people as miserable as possible.<br />
5th - Keep people as alienated as possible, so they can not band together for any purpose the priest or politician may not approve of.</p>
<p>When you repress things on the surface, they go deep inside and into the subconscious.&nbsp; Sexual energy has been poisoned.&nbsp; It can not be destroyed, it is life energy.&nbsp; It can be purified.&nbsp; Listen to the Tantra message.&nbsp; Try to understand it.&nbsp; It is against all those poisoners who have killed joy on the Earth just so people can be reduced to slaves.</p>
<p>Reclaim your freedom.&nbsp; Reclaim your freedom to love.&nbsp; Reclaim your freedom to be and then life will no longer be a problem. It is a mystery, it is ecstasy, and it is a benediction.</p>
<p>Expansion<br />
Tantra means expansion.&nbsp; The state were you have expanded to the utmost.&nbsp; Your boundaries and the boundaries of existence are no longer separate .. they are the same.&nbsp; Less than that will not satisfy.&nbsp; When you become universal, you come home.&nbsp; When you become all, when you become one with all, when you are as huge as the universe, when you contain them all ... when the stars start moving within you and earths are born in you and disappear ... when you experience this cosmic expansion, then&nbsp;you have come home.&nbsp; This is the goal of Tantra.</p>
<p>&quot;Tantra the Way of Acceptance - Osho&quot;</p>


  • Excalibur205
    14 years ago
    So I guess I shouldn't feel guilty for enjoying going to a strip club? I mean, I'm single I certainly wouldn't go if I were in a committed relationship. I just didn't want to go my whole life without seeing a naked woman lol I don't really think that's a seriously bad thing.
  • TessaMia
    14 years ago
    I do not think it is bad to go on strip club even in committed relationship, spices it up at home :)<br />
    and i have plenty of couples come in and see me ... thanks for your comment <img src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/kiss.gif" alt="" /><br type="_moz" />
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Great Article.&nbsp; IMO SC's are like the Temples of the Goddess Religion which was repressed by politicians and religionists as they resented its power.&nbsp; I have enjoyed a number of strippers in sex sessions both itc and otc and found that these women are just as excited as I am to have a number of sex enjoyment partners.&nbsp; In going to Strip Clubs and engaging in these activities much of my anger, frustration, and stress has been removed.&nbsp; Certainly tantra means expansion.&nbsp; With the stripper I have been seeing 2 years, climax has been very intense with her and she has experienced lots of enjoyment as well.
  • TessaMia
    14 years ago
    <span style="font-size: larger;"><i><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">Thank you for your great comment and insight<br />
    Goddess blessings <img src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/kiss.gif" alt="" /></span></i></span><br type="_moz" />
  • maurader
    14 years ago
  • maurader
    14 years ago
    &nbsp;I've been married for over 3 years, but have visited SCs a few times. I thought I'd feel guilty afterwords, but it was more exhilirating. I always feel as if I have this sexual animal in me, that no one understands. Except at the SC. But even then, I can't connect cause the $ factor. I don't know how real the stripper is. (the ones that I actually connect). Althought there have been times I think were real and intimate. Meaning, the connections were real, and the way our bodies moved together was something words can never match. The same from an affair I had with a girl. we were complete opposites and couldn't stand each other, but our sexual energies matched in a way I never could imagine 2 people could. It wad amazing and so real, natural and intuitive.&nbsp;<br />
    <br type="_moz" />
  • TessaMia
    14 years ago
    Thank you :)
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