Comments by Player11 (page 62)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Have you ever thought a dancer was hot and into one night but more like a golddi
    Dancers are like that - its sorta like gravity. The good news is you are not the only one they are trying to bleed dry. When they hit you with their stories about how they need you to bail them out of a tough situation - about to be evicted, etc. just listen to it for its entertainment value (remember its not your problem and your not the only one they are trying to squeeze). Do use it to get what you want like an otc session at your price.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Clubs with the Most Extras
    Yes and Yes. There are a number of extras clubs in Houston. If you buy a LT VIP at one of these the fun is on. Shop around. At one where I am VIP I do not go there unless I will be banging one of them as almost all of them there fuck. Usually its a gal I set up a meeting with via texting. POP has averaged $100 - $200. Negotiate the price before you go to VIP or CR. Once she goes to work on you she has the upper hand.....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Why do some clubs let the bouncer keep up with the number of songs in VIP
    Never had to deal with that crap here in Houston. What a piss off having a damn Bouncer keep count of your action like that.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Doing a OTC (Or ITC Extras Gal) that is married - Is she safer?
    Rick I agree with you and think too strippers do not have a lot of time to take in the traffic escorts do.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancers and Hookers - Does it get stretched out?
    Dudester my ATF sounds like yours. She is always tight but not so tight its a dogfight getting it in. I am sure I am not the only other one she is doing besides hubby but I don't believe she gets the traffic an escort would.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Giving Advice
    While I agree with Cat, I understand your situation - been there dealt with that - saying she is a good fuck says it all. Forget about the $100 and offer her say $150 to meet you at motel for otc sex if you still want her. If she won't meet go to another girl on the roster. Above all don't give her any more money for services not performed. She seems like bad news and reminds me of Jessica (bad decisions leading to drama). It may not be a situation you want to continue. Your a paying customer and an experienced player, pull back the stick rev up the engines and gain altitude. Just bc you have caught a downdraft no need to let the plane get into a pickle. There are many other targets out there. I met my ATF Friday for bik day at motel (she lives near IAH) - $100 for great sex. Did her monday for $150. She used to dance at SJ now at another club (raid there scared her). Did another gal, M inside VIP at SE club for $200 a week ago and $100 in ViP room (same place) a coupla weeks before that. My point is you can get good pussy in this town (Houston) from strippers for $100 - $200 both itc and otc so dont waste your money on non performers or drama queens. Like Heisman / Natl Champ WR's Stripper ATF's will graduate and you have to be ready to go to next on roster or hit recruiting trail.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I can't believe you cheated on me"
    I have been fed that line from both dancers and escorts. Hilarious, considering all the men they have been with.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Prostitution arrest at massage parlor
    Reminds me of hot tubbing with a Ms Chan years ago at an Asian Spa. She would be in sexy swimsuit and give great HJ while u got to feel her and say "Dont cry out when you cum as husband in other room." I offered her money for sex and she said "only when he no here but add $20." They may be culturally conditioned that the sex is part of the relaxation service.....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A little here, a little there
    Did I Miss A Memo?
    The Montana clubs do not allow touching - they are one way contact. They were a real disappointment for me when visiting there on business. Here in Houston it is full two way contact and many clubs extras are abundant and easily enjoyed. All it takes is cash.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    BBW Strip clubs
    Dive clubs usually have a number of these. Just be careful they don't sit on Mr H as this could cause injury.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    A new one on me.
    Never give them CC number. I don't pay expensive VIP charges just to get dances or for that matter to a girl where its iffy what I will be getting or how well she will perform. If they want to make big money from me then they can meet me otc at motel for FS session. I have paid as much as $55 to enter VIP to get FS with gal I knew. I gave the coctail waitress $60 for the VIP entry (keep the change) which included a bottle of Champagne and some dessert. I paid the girl (20 yr old blonde dancer) $200 for the sex in this semi open VIP area. We had a view of the stage and it was awesome fucking her while being able to see the stage below. I got off with her like crazy after doing her about 6 min and then we enjoyed champagne and dessert - very romantic. I have done her twice more after that but in VIP rom at club where I am VIP (no charge for VIP entry). After the sex she likes to enjoy a bite to eat from the buffet with me. The sessions have been at $200 except for one at $100. Dancers will try the "upgrade to VIP" line with you. There is no upgrade about it except possibly getting ripped. I played along with one about this at PHC. She said $650 would get me sex after paying the $120 ViP room fee. I told her I had been getting it for $150 and offered her that if she would meet me at motel. She walked off in a huff, the typical response of a ROB stuffed in the backfield by an experienced Player.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Negotiation for LDs.
    IMO it pisses them off to try to negotiate lap dance prices plus it makes you seem like a Cheap A. Unless the girl is volunteering some kinda special or the club has a special I would stay away from that. I do make sure I know the clubs posted price on dances and confirm with the girl before thats what she will be getting a dance. If she wants more than the clubs posted price, she is a ROB and I immediately deselect her.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Interesting phone
    Hilarius - Her idiot BF calling the busload of men in her phone. He must be in shock with the realization he has prob shared her with a lot of them. He just does not understand his never gonna own her pussy....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Ever Been Spotted OTC ?
    The only time this happened was when I was about to enter a Kroger and saw a former OTC ATF (Shelly) getting into SUV as husband loading in groceries. I had seen her OTC for around 3 years. She had danced at Lipstick and had 4 kids fathered by 3 different men. Eventually she maried the bum who left her when she was preg with 4th. He sleazed his way back into her life. the daddy of their baby holds the trump card as they say. They did not see me and I certainly did not want to stop and say hello LOL.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    24 Hours A Day
    24 - Thats probably how many penile warts a buddy got from a gal in a Vegas SC. He said it was like someone shot a buckshot load of HPV warts on his cock. He said he could not move the foreskin without it being painful.....going bareback has its costs.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Interesting phone
    I think a lot of them simply don't understand they aren't gonna ever own that pussy. I can't stand gals that let some MF lowlife get in their phone either.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Booty Call Gone Bad!
    There are many unpleasant surprises in going to a girls place you don't really know well. If you do this and she asks you to give money to another man before the session, keep our money and walk away. Once he has your money its possible she may simply rip you. A routine they may use is about how some family member is near death in the hospital and her aunt is coming to pick her up "so we only don't really have much time." Since she had you give the money to her BF before session, its not really like you can just take your money and leave.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Stripper 101
    The OP starting comment sounds like a lot of the plays I have been hit with by strippers. If there is a strippers basic playbook this is probably it. I am sure a lot of them have their fav plays they score the big bucks with. Anyone venture to guess which one is the HB Counter out of the Ace formation or the Hail Mary out of the Shotgun?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    She wants my phone number...
    Interesting thread. I have heard of dancers resisting giving out number but not customers. If your intrest is just itc, thats your business. I am curious if you have made her an offer for itc FS then. I tend to take what they promise with a grain of salt and simply make them an offer. They either play or they don't.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Girl died last week ....
    Sorry to hear about your gal. Many of these gals die young. Others live in the fast lane like they have a death wish. It is always very sad to hear when one passes. I know of one ATF who died in a car wreck and she was prob only 24. I had seen her at two different clubs, she was always fun to get dances with and was very nice. I could tell she was a caring mother bc she talked about her kid a lot. I hope when I pass, I somehow see her again. I had visited that club frequently and knew a lot of the girls. When its a gal you know well with a lot to live for (like her kids) it really hits home. I sometimes believe when they sign on upstairs for this incarnation, a long life is just not in the package / gameplan for a lot of them. Like an English sailor with his "God bless the Queen toast" I will have my own moment of silence for these gals when I first settle in at a SC with a drink. They are there at the club for us night and day and their valiant efforts in doing what they do deserve to be honored.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Dancers' sexual orientation
    I would say a very hi percentage of strippers are bi. It is not uncommon for them to do threesomes with their bi GF. One may be a BJ specialist the other will finish the guy off with sex.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A glittery faux pas (or "Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”)
    Never had the glitter look but came back to work after a long lunch at SC a few times reeking of perfume and cigarette smoke. I quickly made a trip to the mens room to soap it off my face and hands. Some body spray in my desk drawer helped take care of odor on clothes.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Calling to see if a dancer is working
    I text her as many clubs refuse to give out this info. You could be a psyco murdering, stalker for all they know. Plus I don't like someone besides the dancer knowing I am asking about her. If the gal won't even give me a working phone number then she is a non-entity as far as I am concerned. Many times if they want you as a reg they call you and this provides opportunity to probe them for extras or otc.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This horror story hit me hard....
    OTC can be dangerious - you never know how many Annas are out there. Some of these people will do anything for drugs. There are things you can do to contol an otc session and caution should be your watchword. Be wary of gals wanting to stop off and get cigs and then take a long time making a call. It does not phase me much though as your either in the program or not. Me, I am in the program. Seeing strippers can be dangerous, like flying jets. One could argue ITC FS might be safer but a jeoulus BF or husband could rush into the VIP room or CR before you would know whats happening.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do single moms make better strippers?
    IMO - YES. They usually are more reasonable about otc as they need money to make rent, etc. They make good mistresses and I have had a couple the last few years that I did for a long time. Most of the time you can get them down to a good rate if your a frequent flyer. Many are smart enough to realize that a good regular is someone they wnat to hold onto. The downside is they can pressure you for lots of money around rent time with the "we are about to be evicted" or "they are about to shut off our power." Be wary of ROB tactics they may use combined with drama to get handouts. Another prob is if no good bum BF who fathered one of their kids wants to get back in picture. When this happens expect your relationship with her to go downhill. A stripper, Wendy, 27 at Ricks Cabaret South (no longer open) was meeting me otc. She was divorced single mom with 6 yr old daughter. At first she described herself as a "happy prostitute" and that she had a number of big spender clients in westchase area. She would also say she was going to the Scout Bar to "hear the band" sometimes (pick up new clients?). The sex was great but expensive ($250-$300). At that time I was separated living in a trailer and the airmattress sessions with her were awesome. It is really sexy being naked with a stripper on an air mattress....Any way one day she told me she wanted to meet regular and wanted $800 mo as she was not doing many clients. I told her fine but I wanted it 2x week and she went for it. She was really good and her modus operindi was to enjoy a sexy backrub, then get on top and give me a really good fuck. The realtionship ended when she moved to Arizona. Until I met my current fav, I had not found someone who could fuck as good as Wendy, but my fav tops Wendy bc she loves to give fantastic HJ foreplay before sex. She was a Ritz Girl, expert at putting condoms on a guy, and could fuck really good. Sex is her hobby and she does not beleive in monogamy.