Comments by Player11 (page 61)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    As Strip Clubbers we are often called WhoreMongers - What Say Ye?
    Bill does not directly pay his women to sleep with him but buys each one a house and a car not to mention other things. He is more of a owner vs a lessor. While his money provides much of the power base for his multiple wives, the religious dogma of his faith empowers the process. On the TV show "Sister Wives" the women have been brought up in Polygamy hence brainwashed into accepting (if not preferring) that lifestyle. Life is good if your a Mormon Alpha Male like Kody. I have never advocated all dancers sell sex but they do sell other things like lappers and company at ones table. I do view all dancers as sex workers so as to what degree they engage in sex work, its a moot issue to me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    What to do, what to do..?
    I think you should rotate them if possible. Its all in the suction.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Ever visited a strip club just because they had free admission?
    Yes but its bc I am VIP there. As its an extras friendly club I will go there to "chill" then a gal who I have done a few times will come over and the next thing I know I am taking her up to VIP to do her. I can not resist her - she is 20 yr old hot blonde. $150 to $200 later I may have saved the $7 entry fee but the unscheduled stop in Pussyland does not sit well with my wallet which was already reeling from some otc fun earlier in the week.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    As Strip Clubbers we are often called WhoreMongers - What Say Ye?
    Good point Dudester. I definitely believe that once Mormon Polygamy is unmasked its pretty ugly. Joseph Smith was killed by an angry mob of men primarily pissed off bc he had taken their wives and daughters to be in his own little harem. B Young then fled with the followers to Utah and caried on where ol Joe left off and had something like 55 wives, Alpha Male at its finest. The rest is history you can go research the accounts yourself. I had a manager in company HQ above me who I am convinced was a mormon polygamist based on what a friend had told me about his home after a visit. I really had no prob with this but he was such a self serving pompass little SOB. I met his wife at a company function and she had to have been under age when she had their 34 year old son. I guess she was the head wife LOL. Had I ever expressed anything about my strip clubbing or that I was keeping one as a mistress I am sure I would have been fired, etc. I am sure he made twice what I made or more but probably needed every dime to support his family. I am sure he smugly saw himself as an alpha male and looked down on the rest of us. He had railroaded numerous older workers out in favor of younger mostly foreigners he had transferred in to establish his "legacy." I remember on one occasion how much I would have loved to tell him of a SC DJ I know who had 23 kids with 23 different women mostly strippers and hookers (and did not marry one of them).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Half finished dances
    Never had that happen but would be steamed if I had paid for a full dance. How would you like to be banging a dancer in the upstairs VIP and hear the DJ calling her name to come dance while she is rushing you "are you going to come soon?" This happened to me and while I got off it was a bitch hearing the damn DJ call her name over and over from downstairs. It did take away from the session which was my fifth with her as the previous four had been great. Of course he had no idea where she was in the club or what she was doing. The whole thing pissed me off bc in the past there I could simply buy them off the floor for $20. Another girl I had been doin there is smart enough to let me know where she in the rotation (enough time for the extra) or else give me a chance to buy her off he floor. She no longer dances at the club but sees me otc weekly. Another reason why its important to know where the dancer is in the dance rotation before you partake in her services. The more experienced smarter ones will keep you informed.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    As Strip Clubbers we are often called WhoreMongers - What Say Ye?
    Not only is their whoremongering tax exempt but if they are regarded as a Profhet their religion empowers them over believers to take a mans wife away from him to become the profhets wife (incorporated into his harem). The rationale of this absurdity is the women are convinced to go with the Prophet bc he is supposedly more spiritually advanced and the husbands have to concede to this (to maintain church membership) by giving up their wife. On the HBO series Big Love this was practiced by Bills father in law at their main compound as he was regarded as a Prophet by the believers there. Another example of their religionsist dogma empowering them to expoit their fellow believers to experience sex enjoyment with under age girls and wives stolen from husbands.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Sonic Girls
    I tip them when they bring me my food. They make dismal minimum wage if that much and it always helps to get in good favor with a waitress. Some of the hot ones you have to wonder if they would put out for $. You know many of them grow up to be strippers or providers. Of course I am not one to try to proposition them sitting there in my car with the license number plain as day LOL especially if they are under age.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    As Strip Clubbers we are often called WhoreMongers - What Say Ye?
    Before I was kicked off SW, I was repeatedly attacked as a WhoeMonger there or called a PL.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    $2.00 lap dances?
    I went to this club before it became Onyx and it had just been taken over by Ricks. It had a VIP room which was a sorta wide open area and an CR which was more private. In the couple of months I was going there I did a gal (FS) in CR and a different one in VIP (FS). One was a 22 yr old tall brunette the other a 35 yr old hooker who stripped to recruit clients. While I did not care about a repeat with the 35 year old (L), I did want to get some more with the 22 yr old (D)I had done in CR (she was good) but I believe she went back to her husband as efforts to contact her to set up otc were not successful. I later learned both had been fired.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Review or Advertisement?
    I believe we are more tolerant here than if one of us was at a site like Stripper Web and wrote a review about how we paid big $ for extras as a self promotional ploy to pick up dancers at a particular club. When I mentioned on EDN (defunct I beleive) about extras clubs here in Houston I was blasted with hostility from other posters (mainly strippers) and called a WhoreMonger. I received spiteful emails from one dancer mod calling me a PL and another from a male mod (probably a fag) accsing me of bragging. Not too long after I was kicked off completely from the site (I had already been kicked off SW).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    SC Culture : Canada vs. USA
    Montana SC's are also no touch - one way contact only. Customer can not touch dancer. Sucks.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Customer Shit
    Lying to strippers you are loaded only makes them jack up the price. I use a sorta of reverse psychology when negotiating extras "Honey I know your price of $300 for FS up there in VIP is well worth it I am sure, but business has been slow - I only have $160 on me - what say you?"
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Consequences Of Being Drunk In SCs
    I avoid alcohol for health reasons so this is a moot issue. Dancers love it when guys drink bc it loosens the wallet.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Connecticut cheerleaders want uniforms with more coverage
    I think Cheerleaders in short skirts and skimpy outfits is as American as apple pie. Shame on anyone trying to change this. Everybody knows Cheerleaders make good strippers.....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are you getting friskier?...Another artice stolen from FOX NEWS.
    Yes - I have been friskier and I think this is the impact of SC's and Strippers. Strippers are young, hot, half naked, and uninhibited (love to fuck); a winning combo however you slice it. For me its kinda like mixing gun powder with fire. While I have been lighting a lot of fires, the explosions have been tremendous!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What condom to use...stolen from FOX NEWS...
    I prefer Trogan Magnum (large) Thin. I avoid the fire & ice (burns) and girl did not like it. Also many gals do not like ribbed.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Ever change your mind about OTC?
    Yes - Gal was messed up on drugs, late, in crappy mood after fight with BF who had come out to car and said "It will be a few before shes out - you know how women are." It pissed me off bc I suspected he was pimping her out to guys he worked with. When she tried to up the price beyond the agreed rate of $110 to $200 (drama about truck in impound)and scolded me about having an attitude, I simply turned the car around and took her back. Sad ending to relationship bc she had been good performer with around 24 sessions. A complete surprise but heck sometimes these things end abruptly. When they are on drugs and have BF (or pimp) who knows your doing her thats always bad news.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Does Meeting OTC Gal Take Away going to SC's?
    When my ATF was dancing at the club, I would go there to see her and do her itc sometimes. This would usually be a Saturday shortly after the club opened at noon. There usually have been a session earlier in the week for say $150 and then she would text me to see her at club for $100 in CR. Once the deed was done I was usually out of there but sometimes would grab a bite from the buffet. She would sit with me but would wander off to hustle customers (for dances). I sometimes would do other gals itc in the club if she was out of town or I knew she was not working. I do not recommend this (banging more than one gal at a club), but sometimes temptation for different stuff was just too much. Besides she is married, I have seen her take other men into CR (or leave CR with one), and she has mentioned another client or two. I do not press her about other partners as the sex remains good and the pussy is tight. I do not believe she has anywhere near the partners a callgirl would.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Prostitution charge at strip club
    Many Dancers who don't do extras deeply resent the competetion from the ones who do. This is very evident at sites like SW. I can see where they would rat on the other dancers or even customers who take extras. Whle I have done many dancers at various clubs itc, I believe otc at motel is better due to many factors especially safety and security.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Some of them get breast enlargement and don't really need it. Then they look like some big boob cow. Later with carer concerns setting in they get reduction surgery.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    North Iowa
    Be careful, everybody!
    I avoid alcohol but one should always be careful for sneaky cops when leaving SC's. Another danger to the SC Player is leaving with a girl who has drugs in her purse. They pull you over and find them on her your going to jail too and kiss your car goodbye.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Any clubs or massage parlors in the miami area that give out extras
    A gal I have enjoyed at the Ritz lately is from Miami and tells me there are a lot of Jack Shacks near Miami Beach. I told her I would like to see an amusement park with bikini girl call girls along the beach. She laughed and said "Most of the hot gals at the beach are hookers anyhow, just smile at the one you want. Then get her to your room"
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Bolder and Bolder
    It seems easier than ever here (Houston) to get dancers offering extras. I believe its the economy and the competetion dancers are having from the whores who have been offering GFE / FS as low as $80 for hh / $120 for hour. It seems reality is telling the bitches on SW who don't fuck and who want to knock SC Players where to shove it. I have gone to SC's for years to find otc girls and it seems like the clubs are overflowing with them now except many will only do itc. If they don't do extras they will not make it in this town.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Tips for a first time VIP-room goer
    At the SE Houston club where I am VIP I can enter the upstairs VIP or downstairs CR for free (normally $120). Usually I am meeting a girl via texting so its just a matter of going to the club, hooking up with her, and taking her to VIP or CR to fuck her. Same deal at a club like CF but $55 fee for not as private area. I do not take gals to VIP unless extras are involved. You can ask a girl if she likes to play and then negotiate the service letting her know what it is you want. If she does not give extras in VIP then she probably is not worth that kinda money.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Prostitution article
    I have always hoped there would be a Prostitution Oriented Adult Theme Park in Galveston along with Casinos. Unfortunately such a progressive thing is light years away. Think of walking into a Disneyland of Strip Clubs, Brothels, Bikini Girl Prostitutes allowed to freely market their wares, and Johns able to propostion girls for sex with impunity. Think of POP at say $50 a shot and a private enjoyment room a few feet away you can take her there with no charge as this was included in your fee when you entered the park. Instead, we live in a world with all kinda zany religious zeolots locked in never ending war. Will sanity every prevail?