
Comments by bumrubber (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What if the Stripper freely gives an extra?
    Clubber, I've worn a kilt to SCs a few times. It's a great way to get attention. The girls find it endlessly entertaining. Back to free extras, it seems to me that when you're new, sometimes they go the extra mile in hope that you'll come back to them. Anyone else get this?
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    14 years ago
    OK this is a little weird but how much is an acceptable tip for this
    I like to sit and talk too. If I like them I'll buy a dance. I won't go to places that have overpriced dancer drinks. At Palms in Signal Hill or the Venetian in Anaheim the girls often hint that they'd like a drink. They may be pushing drinks for the club (which are normal priced) but they so sit and drink, and often beer or wine (not mixed drinks which may be fake). This seems normal enough, and if I like the girl I'll buy a dance. Like anywhere else there are people that I hit it off with. I have a couple of stripper buddies who stick around all night because they seem to enjoy my company. They're free to leave, and do, to work the room when new customers come in, but come back to pass the time when they're not busy. Tip a girl for her time? No way. If it's not for real then it's part of her sales process, and if she's not selling quick enough she should just move on. If she doesn't get the hint and leave, I will. Clubs with trolls that glom on to customers, lose customers.
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    14 years ago
    And I thought Virginia was strict on strip clubs...
    As a former Virginian in the restaurant/bar bidness I can vouch for their strict liquor laws, and lax/incompetent enforcement. Bars get away with murder, mainly 'cuz the ABC guys ain't too bright.
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    14 years ago
    What is the craziest/strangest thing you have ever seen in a SC?
    Best so far was seeing a dancer throw a guy out herself, without waiting for bouncers -- just collared the guy, dragged him through the club, out the front door, and threw him on the pavement. Stark naked except for her stripper heels. I can't believe she didn't lose her balance. What an athlete!
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    14 years ago
    Who earns more?
    gatorfan, I think some SC owners may have them beat, with a screw-you mentality that thrills them even more than money. I'm not surprised Rick's is public - besides customers and dancers, they can enjoy screwing investors too! Back to the original question, my girlfriend says that at the clubs where she works, she thinks she makes more than the extras girls. On busy nights, most customers aren't regulars, and don't know how lucky they can get. So while the extras girls are servicing a few regulars, the good saleswomen are selling dances to everyone else. Granted, these are not really extras clubs. But where extras are the norm, there's no comparison when a girl can collect $200 or more in 5-10 minutes, one customer after another. Also, some of the dirtiest little fuckers are also some the best looking and classiest acting, whom you'd never suspect.
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    14 years ago
    The Money Dancers Make
    farmerart - a couple of years ago while in BC I heard that northern Alberta had such a labor shortage, due to the oil boom, that even McDonald's was paying $24/hr!
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    14 years ago
    The Money Dancers Make
    Hot chicks attract guys but dancers still need sales skills, and other skills, to make any real money. A lot of them are lucky to go home with $100. Otherwise, those numbers seem reasonable. Girlfriend, who is quite a veteran, very smart, and a skilled saleswoman, won't go to work if she doesn't think she can make $500. Her thing is getting guys to buy 3-4 dances instead of one, and doing this 3-4 times an hour. She'll go to Vegas if she thinks she can make over $1000/night for a couple of nights. Business is down everywhere. Unless there's a conference, trade show, sports game, or other event that brings in the guys, it's not worth it to her to go in. Lately most clubs are only good for a couple of hours a night, a couple of days a week - if that.
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    14 years ago
    Dancer: When do you want me to work?
    One of my classmates at a pretty good (2nd tier) business school was a stripper. She also had a high-five-figure job at a bank. She liked money! No one looked sharper (or hotter) in business clothes. I have no idea what she's doing now. Stripper I dated a couple of years ago was headed for grad school at UNC Chapel Hill. I'm sure she's doing well there, and maybe still stripping on weekends in other places a day's drive away. Stripper I'm dating now has an Art History degree with a minor in business from Boston U., would like to get an MBA.
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    14 years ago
    Real Or Fake?
    Every one of those women looked better to me in the "before" picture. But every one of those boob jobs was pretty bad. Sadly, some had terrific bodies before, and looked a lot worse after. Some could have used a good boob job to get a better shape, but none got a better shape.
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    14 years ago
    Would you push to do stripper you seeing on reg basis bareback?
    I haven't had sex bareback outside a committed relationship since about 1983, when AIDS awareness (and general STD awareness) became a big thing. I'm amazed that anyone else would.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Talking to strippers in a club with loud music...
    Tips for club managers - the music's too loud. No, it's still too loud: http://stripclubhound.blogspot.com/2010/12/tips-for-club-managers.html?zx=650e16c8f55fb629
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do you feel guilty when you turn down a dance
    If you're really not interested, it's better to turn them down than to put them off with "maybe later," etc. The problem is, when you turn one of them down, they think you're not interested in dances AT ALL. Word gets around, then all the girls avoid you. So I'm back to "maybe later"... I feel bad for the shy girls sometimes too, but geez, if they can't take that in this business... Anyway, I've bought a few sympathy dances. All of them sucked but one, which turned out to be pretty good!
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    14 years ago
    Vivid Names Top 10 Celebrity Sex Tape Wish List for 2011
    Katie with a strap-on, giving it to Tom how he likes it? Yup, that would sell!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Year in Review?
    Great year for strippers. Found a nice stripper girlfriend. Rather, a nice girlfriend who happens to be a stripper. Don't think it's permanent but it's fantastic for now. Still enjoy going to clubs. Now, with her. Just to look, and chat.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Vice cops: Norfolk a hotbed for Web prostitution
    Well, Norfolk IS the biggest Navy installation in the WORLD. Ya think there might be prostitutes there? And it's Virginia, perhaps the most straight-laced state in the US. G-men meets bible belt. Probably even has Utah beat. (Check the reviews of Virginia clubs here.) Good grief. Anyone see the TV documentary about prostitution in Honolulu during WWII? It was practically endorsed by the military.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    The world is full of hot women. Don't get too hung up on the ones who happen to be strippers. If you do want to fuck her, try pressing her limits ITC, and ask straight-up for OTC. Or ITC, if that's feasible. If you want to date her for real, you've probably already lost by being her customer.
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    14 years ago
    Club discussion boards
    I wasn't aware of it either. And I had been wondering why we didn't have it. Maybe make it more obvious?
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    14 years ago
    Best West Coast city for an "extra" vacation?
    SoCal seems spread out but if you time your drives to avoid traffic then trips to COI aren't that far - probably the same or closer to LAX than Anaheim (40 minutes to either one). Anaheim to COI is probably 20 minutes. However there's nothing ELSE out in COI. In San Diego, the best clubs are probably out by Miramar, so it's no different. If there's a downtown club worth visiting, I'd love to know right now. I take the train there all the time.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Emotional involvement, part deux
    If I'm in a committed relationship I tend to stay there. But all my committed relationships have been with women who were better looking than most strippers, and were great in bed. I can't speak for guys with women who might not be as appealing, or guys who might not be as monogamous to begin with. I can't judge about that either. I just haven't been there yet. Not in a committed relationship? Bring on the flesh.
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    14 years ago
    Contact Lap Dances
    Princeton/Bluefield WV is pretty good but if you're going to drive that far from Richmond you might as well go to Baltimore. Virginia is probably the most straight-laced state in the US. Half the population works for Federal gov't, and the other half are countrified bible bashers or uptight academics.
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    14 years ago
    Best West Coast city for an "extra" vacation?
    SCs in Vancouver BC are a complete waste.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper Names
    What shadowcat says. They pick names that they think seem sexy or classy. Freakanomics had a great chapter on names, how they cycle up and down the socioeconomic ladder over the years.
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    14 years ago
    Recognized OTC - should I pursue?
    troop: I told her. Actually she reads through occasionally, and posts fake reviews to get access. A lot of dancers read this site and others, like Zbone, even if they don't post. Plus they have their own private mailing lists and forums, to talk shop and do market research. And figure out who the big spenders and creeps are. Anyway she's OK with this now. Actually she's pretty tough and not much seems to bother her.
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    14 years ago
    Customizing your dance?
    I've been dating a dancer who never runs out of good moves! Another one I used to hang out with, I stopped getting dances from because they're so mechanical. I think she's jaded, and gay to begin with. But she's so hot that she probably has a steady stream of first timers, so it doesn't matter.
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    14 years ago
    tall strippers
    After dating someone under 5' and 100# for a few years, I've been going for the tall ones lately too!