The Money Dancers Make

avatar for DougS
It's been asked and discussed on this board MANY times. We wonder how much the dancers are making, but other than observation, guesstimation and maybe exaggeration (by dancers), there wasn't a "solid" number in my mind.

I was with my #2 girl, this past week at my #1 club (HH). She's one of the hottest girls there (IMO), and can easily carry on a conversation. I don't remember what brought the topic up during our chat, but she gave me some solid numbers, that I assume are pretty realistic.

Here's what she told me, paraphrased as I don't remember word for word, but it was pretty close to this;
"If you take every girl in the place and average out what she is making, the majority of the girls will be very close... sure some weeks will be good... some weeks will be bad... but it evens out." She claims that $1,000 to $1,500 is pretty much the average that girls are making, though she said there will be $2k weeks, and there will be weeks under $1k.


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avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I believe it...and that is TAX FREE spending money. I am surprised the IRS has not gone around busting these independent contractors for not reporting taxes.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
Back of envelope calculation:

2 lapdances per hour x $20 (Lap Dance Unit) x 8 hour shift x 4 shifts per week = $1280

Simplified example, of course, which doesn't account for tips, VIP/CR sessions, cash gifts from PLs, etc. (on the revenue side) and house fees, tip outs, fines, club cut of dances, etc. (on the expenses side).

But overall, Doug's girl's numbers don't look unreasonable.
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
One of my favs suggested that she calls it a successful 8-hr shift if she can net $400 (after tip-outs). So, $400 x 5 day work week would = $2k, or just about $100K/year (allowing for a couple weeks vacation). I'm sure there are days she makes less than she may not always work 5 days/week. While it's reasonably good (and presumably tax-free) money, she's supporting her two kids, paying the mortgage, etc. It won't make her rich, but probably
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
Hit the "Post" too soon... As I was saying, it won't make her rich, but probably beats most anything else she'd do as a 25 year old single mom lacking a post-HS education...
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
High school education + class 3 driver's licence + 6 mo. company-paid safety training = $120k as rig pig in Alberta ($250k if maximum OT hours are worked). Not too shabby.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
Most dancers I've know (in my area at least) only worked 3-4 shifts per week. Only dancers that were working 5 days per week were newbies that didn't have many regulars yet.
avatar for Otto22
14 years ago
I think Steve is correct that most veteran dancers work only 3 or 4 days per week. There are exceptions, of course, but I seriously doubt many dancers consistently make more than $1K per week.
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
Your perception of how much dancers earn is probably influenced by the clubs you frequent. I have known many a dancer consistently making over $300/shift take home.
avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
Hot chicks attract guys but dancers still need sales skills, and other skills, to make any real money. A lot of them are lucky to go home with $100. Otherwise, those numbers seem reasonable.

Girlfriend, who is quite a veteran, very smart, and a skilled saleswoman, won't go to work if she doesn't think she can make $500. Her thing is getting guys to buy 3-4 dances instead of one, and doing this 3-4 times an hour.

She'll go to Vegas if she thinks she can make over $1000/night for a couple of nights.

Business is down everywhere. Unless there's a conference, trade show, sports game, or other event that brings in the guys, it's not worth it to her to go in. Lately most clubs are only good for a couple of hours a night, a couple of days a week - if that.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
I really could care less what they make. I wonder why this question is asked often.

If we are going to start bringing up overpaid tax chaats how about hedge fund managers the worst of the worst. Rich fuckers who don't pay taxes piss me off not strippers. When was the last time a hedge fund manager earned their money or gave you a blow job?
avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
farmerart - a couple of years ago while in BC I heard that northern Alberta had such a labor shortage, due to the oil boom, that even McDonald's was paying $24/hr!
avatar for mikeya02
14 years ago
Girls at Cheetahs San Diego,make 100 to 500 a day, 500 to 1000 a night. Must be more visiting business men here.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago

Labour is a little bit more available in Alberta now. Fast food restaurants are now allowed to bring in foreign labour on fixed term contracts to staff their stores. Many stores are now staffed entirely with workers from the Philipines or El Salvador. At the height of Alberta's boom, Macdonald's, KFC, etc. would close at 7:00P.M. because of staffing problems!!
avatar for glen_livet
14 years ago
I was chatting with a face who had recently switched clubs. Among the things the liked about the new club was the better earning potential. She said she could usually earn $500/night. Clearly, she was making less at her old club. I've also heard dancers complaining about slow nights when they don't earn back their house fees, so I guess TMMV.
avatar for glen_livet
14 years ago
Fave not face. Fucking I-phone spellcheck.
A favorite dancer tells me that 6 or 7 years ago she could earn $1K a night after tip out. Now $400 or $500 is good. She only works 2 or 3 times a week, so she probably makes $1000 to $1500 a week. This is not bad in today's economy, but she's not getting rich. If we were to assume she doesn't pay income tax or social security taxes on her income, then we know how she can afford a nice car and apartment. But she doesn't have health insurance benefits and is not accumulating credits to qualify for social security when she's 65. All things considered, I don't think "stripper" is the best career choice for a young woman.
Many, not most, have day jobs with salary and benefits. Dancing the night shift is extra tax free money. That's why some only work only 3 nights a week. It's not their only source of income, despite the SS we always hear.
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
I have always thought that an average stripper could easily make $50k/yr before taxes. A hustler who provides some high-margin extra's...$100k. I have know a few girls who actually were able to save a lot of what they made. They bought houses - no mortgage - pay cash. Some actually own their new car. I know one dancer who tells me she files a tax return and pays taxes. Her mother who purportedly works for a large tax-return preparation company makes her do it. It still must hurt to buy that money order to send to the IRS...maybe she makes estimate payments.

Of course, most dancers piss the money away; give it to drug-head BF/pimp, whatever.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
I think even the best ones around here are struggling to make over $1k/week now. The exception seem to be new girls who get regulars flocking to them for a while, but even PLs get tired of the same girl after a while. Back when girls could still do extras here, the ones who would fuck anyone could rake in $1k/night for some period of time. Again, even then, PLs would get tired of fucking the same girl so that was not sustainable.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Last conversation I had about money with a favorite, she made on average, $500 on her afternoon shift.
The problem with using money on which one hasn't paid taxes to purchase large ticket items is that the IRS will eventually figure it out, and start asking you where you got all that scratch, and *make* you pay taxes and penalties on it.

The one time I was in a self-employed situation, we had to pay estimated quarterly taxes, i.e. we had to pay tax on money we hadn't earned yet, and if we earned more than we estimated, we were penalized with not only the taxes, but extra fees! I suspect the "independent contractor" nature of most strippers' employment operates much the same way.

I've known several dancers with day jobs they use to cover the mortgage, car, etc, and use the tax free cash for consumables, gas, food, entertainment, and most often, drugs.
avatar for 10inches
14 years ago
most dancers that i talked with about this say that less than %500 per shift and it's been a shitty day. of course, many of them make extra $$ selling pussy OTC so earnings can easily double if they work at it

P.S --bumrubber--love you avatar, Lynda Carter is the most perfect woman God ever created!!!
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
10inches, most strippers lie. Or as Dougster says lying thieving whores.
I have heard 700-1k per week from dancer at my regular club. I would guess that 500+ per shift is not out of line for tourist traps (Vegas) or high milage locals (TX, FL). Hard to believe dancers would get that kind of money in no milage San Diego. Must be all the conventioners.
Also, don't assume it is ALL tax free. Where I live, each club tracks how many lappers a dancer gives each night and reports those earnings and whatever the girls declair in tips. Sure they under-report, but the tax bastards force the clubs to rat out how much the girls earn. Otherwise, the state fucks the club on their operating licenses.
avatar for dw.buck
having fun
14 years ago
i have been to one club i can remember that it looked like the girls really made money and that was in austin tx plenty of strippers driving german cars 'new' german cars. every other SC i have been in the girls are scratching to make ends meet or making enough. most as i see em piss the money away on BS stuff (drinks cigaretts, drugs, flashy clothes) but hey i dont go there to really care how they spend the money.
avatar for golf123
14 years ago
It more depend on the dancer if they offer extra, they can easily make 1k/shift on a good day. Dancers w/out extras avg 200 to 300 per shift. If dancer is working every day and offering extra,s it will be still difficult to make more than 500 per shift. So any dancer taking home 500 per shift, they consider it good.
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