
Comments by bumrubber (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    how many clubs have you hit in your life...
    Mayve 15 clubs. Maybe 50-60 visits total.
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    14 years ago
    TMZ does Charlie Sheen
    I too am afraid he's going to wind up dead soon. It's happened to many who seemed a lot less out of control.
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    14 years ago
    What's the craziest thing you heard about a dancer doing?
    There was a girl working in Myrtle Beach -- a cute athletic blonde claiming to be an ex-Marine -- who used to get really drunk and talk loudly about how much she hated black people (using the n-word) -- in a club full of black people! She was all over me one night and I was concerned she would set them off against me. Actually they all just looked pretty shocked. She was otherwise pretty wild, sitting on faces during her stage show, plopping in laps while chatting guys up and giving more grind for free than some give in the VIP, tits out all the time, etc. All the time harping on how horny she was and just wanted to fuck. Fun to a point but after awhile just gross and scary.
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    14 years ago
    Are you a sex addict?
    7 here. With a compatible partner I have no problems -- basically someone who likes to have sex a lot, and doesn't mind me looking around. I'm inclined to be monogamous, but between committed relationships I'm inclined to be a tomcat. Current stripper girlfriend says she struggled with sex addiction in the past, after being sexually abused in her teens and early 20s. Getting into stripping was part of that.
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    14 years ago
    Strippers (and Escorts) - What do they do for fun in Offtime?
    georgmicrodong: No, that's college sororities. Dreams crushed again?
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    14 years ago
    Strippers (and Escorts) - What do they do for fun in Offtime?
    I was at a sushi place recently in a neighborhood where I know a lot of strippers live, and by golly, half the women in there for lunch had to be strippers. Outside of a SC, I've never seen so many skinny young girls with big fake boobies in one place. And they all had that stripperesque hyperalertness where they're constantly scanning to see who's looking at them, and who's coming in the front door. Some friends own a pool hall and say their clientele seems stripper heavy, along with the younger biker/mechanic/machinist types that come in there.
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    14 years ago
    How do you politely tell a dancer you are not interested?
    But if you tell her you're not spending any money it will get around to the other girls and they'll leave you alone too. Some of these bitches will make sure that if they don't get your money, no one else will either.
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    14 years ago
    How do you politely tell a dancer you are not interested?
    One dancer in a local club won't get the clue no matter what I do, so if she won't go away I just leave. I'm hoping management will get the clue.
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    14 years ago
    3 Recent Vegas Reviews
    I can't believe people throw away money like that, but I guess they do.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Clubs Exposed
    Not to put the guy down completely, there are some great stories in there and I have to respect anyone who manages to run an operation that size, with so many human resources issues.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Clubs Exposed
    I skimmed through it. Ya think the money is being played up a bit? Dancers can indeed make thousands a night in Vegas but the way this is written it's as if they're all making $300-500k/year. Sure. Betcha there's a bunch of wannabes who will buy it though. Best recruiting tool ever! Some of his comments about the IRS, and others' cheating the government were pretty laughable too. Also, I'm sure he's enjoyed as much free puss as some of the employees he puts down for doing the same.
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    14 years ago
    Why no stage tipping - or even stage watching?
    runnoft, Get thee to COI, you might get more than you bargained for. Still, the lack of stage inter-ACTION is weird, especially considering what goes on in back.
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    14 years ago
    Why no stage tipping - or even stage watching?
    lopaw, I've been mostly to OC clubs, plus a couple of times in COI and LA, but not near LAX. I've heard those two clubs can be fun though. Maybe a no-contact rule is to blame, but overall the crowds are pretty dead compared to other places.
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    14 years ago
    Average turnover for strippers - 3-6 months?
    It seems to me too, as DandyDan says, there are newbies and veterans and not much in between. I'm surprised how many of the same faces are there year after year. Sometimes I wait at least 6 months between visits, hoping to see fresh meat but not finding any. It probably depends a lot on the club though. Girls might stick around at "good" clubs but the bad ones can't keep 'em long -- as BaddJack points out.
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    14 years ago
    Do you live in a target rich environment?
    "The OC" near the beach - definitely target rich.
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    14 years ago
    The Wisest Dancer I Have Met
    I've known 4 or 5 over the years who seem very levelheaded and really have their acts together. I've met more than a few who seem exceptionally bright. I've known a couple who are exceptionally bright and high functioning, but still completely fucked up. They have material wealth and the outward appearance of success but are still batshit crazy on a personal level.
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    14 years ago
    Wear a pink shirt to a club?
    Pink shirts = preppy = money or comes from money.
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    14 years ago
    Pornstar/model working at clubs
    Gossage54: maybe in porn but in every other aspect of life it seems women of a certain age (whatever that age may be) have it better than ever. Look at how many top tier "sex symbol" stars are not just over 30, but over 40. Back to pornstars working in clubs, there are plenty of dancers who have done porn films, photo shoots, escorting, or whatever else. Whether they're stars or not is another story. For most actresses, a scene in a porno pays no more than she could make in a good shift in a SC. Only when she achieves some kind of stardom does she make more money. So yes, there are lots of girls who are doing both. A friend who is a cinematographer has shot some porn to pay the bills. We were out clubbing one night and he ran into a dancer that he had shot some scenes with. First she avoided him, then they wound up talking shop for like half an hour.
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    14 years ago
    Hawaii Theater to close (as early as tomorrow)
    <a href="http://www.hawaii-theatre.com/">Their website</a> has a message saying they'll be closing the 31st.
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    14 years ago
    A Familiar Siren Song
    In general I agree but I'm involved with a stripper right now who's decidedly un-crazy and together. Ditto another that I was with a couple of years ago, but that was a more limited relationship. I think the secret is never being their customer, or allowing the succubus relationship to be established. In both these cases I got one very tame dance from them after talking for a long time, then never saw them in the club again. The relationships came out of chance meetings outside the club, one at the gym, the other around the neighborhood. Getting a bunch of dances then becoming a stripper's real boyfriend? Probably not gonna happen. Getting a bunch of dances then having a crazy, needy stripper glom on to you, hang out with you, and maybe fuck you for the hell of it? Maybe, but you could give yourself a lot of grief trying to make it happen again, and again...
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    14 years ago
    Hawaii Theater to close (as early as tomorrow)
    More from SC Hound today: <a href="http://stripclubhound.blogspot.com/2011/01/hawaii-theater-cont.html">http://stripclubhound.blogspot.com/2011/01/hawaii-theater-cont.html</a>
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    14 years ago
    Hawaii Theater to close (as early as tomorrow)
    I don't think the stadium matters either. If anything the lack of resistance in COI is why they chose that site to begin with. I'm actually amazed that the island of vice that is COI has been allowed to continue all these years in SoCal.
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    14 years ago
    Another day, another stripper lawsuit
    SC economics are simple: take as much money as possible from everyone. Many/most who get into this business are as much into the game of screwing others as they are into the money itself. DJs may have to "pay to play" to the manager or owner, out of the money they get from the girls.
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    14 years ago
    Daryl Hannah Helps Oregon Police Fight Sex Trafficking
    Back in the 80s I used to see Daryl Hannah around town a lot, usually wearing jeans and a hoodie - like any other low-key 20-something. Always in a hoodie though - for one thing she was really shy, for another she was supposedly hiding bruises. Jackson Browne, who she was dating at the time, supposedly beat the crap out of her. Anyway she was very beautiful, with the most perfect fair skin. I'm sure she still is. Hollywood is full of pretty people, but most of it is packaging - hair and makeup, and clothes. There are a few real standouts though, and Daryl Hannah was/is definitely one of them.
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    14 years ago
    Women in important roles.
    Ever been involved with a non-profit board? It's the professional MALE doctors/lawyers/executives who just assume taking charge, and get all huffy when others face up to them as an equal. Talk about a sense of entitlement! My accountant and family doctor are both women. My experience with women, in everything from restaurant kitchens to operating boats and airplanes to business, is that because they're "the odd man out," they make the extra effort to know their stuff - while men just try to "cowboy" their way through. I'll put my confidence in women - who aren't afraid to ask for directions, and don't feel compelled to make up bullshit answers.