
Who earns more?

Saturday, January 8, 2011 5:38 PM
Consider the highest earning, most popular girl at a non-extras club. I am referring to the kind of glamorous, very expensive club which isn't very popular on these forums, the kind described in the first two categories of this article:


There's no doubt that a beautiful woman with a sociable personality and good sales skills will rake in tons of money at one of these clubs.

Now consider the highest earning girl at an extras club. It's likely that she will not be as pretty as the girl at the 'gentleman's club,' but still attractive and just as sociable. She's truly a thrill to have in the VIP room, and there are plenty of guys waiting for fork out some cash so they can be with her.

So...which girl earns more?


  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    xtras girl will make more. looking good only goes so far before you get tired of it. imagine having a trophy wife that doesnt cook, clean or work just spends all of her time working out shopping and in the spa. shyt gets old and you'll get rid of her ass after a minute. imagine a not so attractive wife who works cooks cleans, doesnt spen that much time in the spa, she will go far with you.

    look at most wives most arent knock out 10s but if they are see what number husband they are on, or see how many gf the husband has just to put up with her high maintance ass
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    The best lying thieving whore will always make more.
  • Digitech
    14 years ago
    ^^^ My feeling will be that the non-extra girl tends to lie and thieve more. We've all heard the stories about guys who drop like $300-$400 to enter a champagne room, only to recieve an air dance/light grinding.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    gatorfan, are you dougster. LOL, my bad,I'm kidding.
  • Musta123
    14 years ago
    a working girl will always earn more ..
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Digitech, this is not a simple question because it depends a lot on location and client base.

    I would have to say, IMO, that some of the top girls in the best "non-extras" clubs in Manhattan and Vegas can make a lot of money. But these are very special, model gorgeous, elegant and sophisticated young women that guys with serious money chase after in hopes of bagging a trophy. These are what I refer to as the top 1%ers and they do not make their money off of quantity, but rather taking down the occasional big game. Having said this, moving down from the top girls to the next tier, it can be difficult to make a lot of money in these places without some special advantages. ;)

    Now in places like Boston and Chicago (downtown), the clubs tend to be clean due to heavy LE enforcement, have a lot of hot girls and a lot of businessmen with pockets full of cash. These girls can also do extremely well, particularly the smart ones, and generally do not provide any extras whatsoever.

    Now moving down the ladder, I will agree that, in areas where (1) customers are not so flush; and (2) there is a mix of clean and dirty clubs, it can be difficult for a clean girl to make a lot of money.

    Hope that helps.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    Having been in business for 45 years I am naturally VERY curious about the money in the SC game. I have seen audited figures for one SC in Edmonton (under the guise of a purchase offer) and I was manifestly unimpressed with the profits reported, particularly with the poor return on equity those profits represented.

    I am also VERY curious about dancers' incomes. After my brief time in the hobby, my guess is that $50k is a real good annual income for a dancer. I suspect that most girls make much less. Anybody on tuscl have any good info to share on this particular question?
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    farmer, you might find this link interesting:

  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    You have to bear in mind the sources of this statistical information. Strippers themselves. How much can you believe? We have all heard the stories of the ones who are constantly broke and in need of money. And a few that brag about how much they make. Most will tell you that they do not do EXTRAS. But many of them are not telling the truth. So it a case of who do you believe.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "I was manifestly unimpressed with the profits reported"

    "Reported" is probably the operative word. Like a lot of cash businesses, likely to be some under-reporting, don't you think?
  • farmerart
    14 years ago

    You are undoubtedly correct. The numbers I saw were the numbers reported to Canadian tax authorities. Whatever happened before those numbers made it to the tax people is unknown. Cash is notoriously sticky as it travels through a business before it reaches the tax people.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Well, I have supported my wife for over 40 years, and I doubt all the money I've spent on strippers in those same 40 years would last even a year.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago

    She's not a high maintenance wife is she? lol
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Hedge fund managers are the worst most vile evil motherfuckers on the entire planet.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    It changed to being all about extras around the middle of the last decade. The extras girls will earn more. A girl willing to do FS ITC can fuck a huge number of guys per shift.

    In any case, most of those most attractive girls in GC's are available for takeout these days so they are making a little extra on the side from that.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago

    I think some SC owners may have them beat, with a screw-you mentality that thrills them even more than money. I'm not surprised Rick's is public - besides customers and dancers, they can enjoy screwing investors too!

    Back to the original question, my girlfriend says that at the clubs where she works, she thinks she makes more than the extras girls. On busy nights, most customers aren't regulars, and don't know how lucky they can get. So while the extras girls are servicing a few regulars, the good saleswomen are selling dances to everyone else. Granted, these are not really extras clubs.

    But where extras are the norm, there's no comparison when a girl can collect $200 or more in 5-10 minutes, one customer after another.

    Also, some of the dirtiest little fuckers are also some the best looking and classiest acting, whom you'd never suspect.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    But no SC owner ever fucked up the economy and had taxpayers bail them out. Must give the hedge fund clowns the award for robbing in ways no stripper or club owner could ever.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    Far from it! I sometimes get angry with her when she says something like, "I saw this (fill in the blank) I liked, but didn't buy it."
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    Don't blame those that receive as much as those that allow our money to be used for such!
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    I don't understand. What is a "non-extras" club? What is a "non-extras" dancer?
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    That would, of course, depend on ones definition of "extras". For me, that would involve skin to skin contact with genitals, either way.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Clubber said: "Don't blame those that receive as much as those that allow our money to be used for such!"

    The fence or knowing recipient of stolen money or goods is just as guilty as the thief.

    jackslash: For me, anything less than sucking and fucking is "non-extras". :) I suppose I'd consider handjobs in the "extras" category, but I honestly don't remember the last time I got one.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Clubber you are right. My point is why focus on stripper tax free income when their are ALOT bigger tax cheats ripping everyone off. At least the stripper provided a blowjob.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago

    Although hedge fund managers don't give blowjobs, they fucked more people than strippers did. And they could not have done it without the assistance of our self serving politicians.
  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    preety ROBs will get away with it once, shame on them, if they get away with it with the same person again ... 'once you been fooled you cant be fooled again. he he he'
    again once a ROB gets a customer once she has burned that bridge where as an extras girl will have plenty of bridges to cross
  • Digitech
    14 years ago
    DW, I guess that's why the rip-off tactics succeed best in large cities with plenty of visitors, like New York or Las Vegas. There's a never-ending supply of suckers to cheat.
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    I can only go by my experiences at clubs. The dancers who give a lot of extras at well know extras clubs tend to make more money than the ones who don't, at least $300 an hour from what I have observed.

    A supermodel looking dancer at a no contact club can make a lot more. While she may only gets one or two songs, there are usually have long lines for dances with her. At the largest clubs she can often make more money on stage tips alone, than the extras dancer makes from private dances. I recall one dancer in Atlanta many years ago making $200 in tips every trip to the stage, I have seen feature dancers make less in tips.
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