Contact Lap Dances

avatar for GoVikings
Alright, so I like to visit different strip clubs, but I've only been to a few so far. In Virginia, the laws enforce that EVERY strip club is pastie. There are no nude strip clubs in Virginia.

There is one strip club in Virginia that I've been to 4-5 times. The first couple of visits, all I got was the standard lap dance which costs $20.00. It's no contact, and all you can do is sit back with your arms to the side and enjoy the view. But after a couple more visits, I finally gave in and coughed up $60.00 to get a contact lapdance (it's 2 songs, it last for about 6 minutes) with this gorgeous girl that I had talked with and received lap dances from in the past. I enjoyed it. It was ten times better.

All I want to know is, for those of you that have been to many different strip clubs all across the US, is $60.00 for a contact/touch lap dance a rip off? On average, how much does it usually cost to get a contact/touch lap dance at nude strip clubs?

I'm assuming $60.00 is a rip off. But I don't know for sure, because like I said I've never really been to a nude strip club.


last comment
avatar for steve229
14 years ago

I see you've been "Paper Moon"-ed, lol.

"is $60.00 for a contact/touch lap dance a rip off?"

In general, yes, but it's also a "price of water in the desert" type question. If you live in Richmond VA area, you just don't have many options.

"how much does it usually cost to get a contact/touch lap dance at nude strip clubs?"

If you could make your way to the Baltimore area, you could get equal to better contact dances for $40 (high end) to $5-$10 (low end, PG county black clubs), with the average being $20-$30.

I feel your pain (and to add insult to injury, the Vikings suck this year, too).

avatar for hornyhobbit
14 years ago
I don't know much about clubs outside southern California, but $20 per song is pretty standard here. Some clubs have bskini lap dances for less. Anyway two songs at $20 a song plus tip would run $50, or more if you're generous. Six minutes sounds short for 2 songs. I guess I would say $60 isn't a bargin, but it's a bit short of a rip off.
avatar for ILiveAtStripClubs
14 years ago
No nude strip clubs in Virgina? Gold and Silver in Roanoke is full nude with full contact lap dances for 20$. It's not worth making the drive from Richmond though.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I feel your in columbus clubs are no contact with pasties, even the $40-50 VIP dances are hit or miss with contact.
Thankfully, only 1 hour away are clubs in Dayton without pasties, $20 dances, and good contact.
avatar for creativeshadow
14 years ago
Why don't you just boycott these kind of places? It's stupid that they make people pay for so much for so little at some places, or rather that the law imposes such restrictions on such establishments. Wouldn't surprise me if there were some swinger clubs out your way, that with enough effort, you could try getting into to find your "oasis in the middle of the desert"
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
Here in L.A. an UHM nude dance can run as high as $50 per, or as low as $20, depending where you go. One club I visit regularly has a 3for$40 nude special that runs constantly during some dayshifts. Needless to say, I visit that place ALOT.
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
steve229- :(, yeah my Vikings are having an awful year. But thanks for the info about the Baltimore area. I've actually been to Deja Vu Showgirls in Minnesota too, but from what I remember that one was topless. I don't remember seeing any girls dancing fully naked on stage.

ILiveAtStripClubs- I think Roanoake is on the outskirts of Virginia. That club might be the one exception.

creativeshadow- Transportation was an issue for a while, but that's about to change. The main reason I kept going back to this club is because it has 2 dancers there that are drop-dead gorgeous in my eyes. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have kept going back because although Papermoon is a nice strip club, it's a tad too expensive.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
Here in Houston it is 2-way contact and dances are $20.
avatar for scpatron
14 years ago
GoVikings - I've visited the Paper Moon you're talking about (in Richmond), and felt the same way about the $60 dance. It IS too much for what you're getting, even though the girl who danced with/on me was pretty gorgeous (and had an intriguing personality, to boot). The night I went, it was a 2-for-1 at $60, and I still felt it was high. There was also no privacy whatsoever in the "VIP" area. The club in general struck me as over-priced; they're trying to be all "Vegas-y" in Virginia, which is kind of a joke.

Steve229 is right: Get thee to Maryland if you want more skin with far better value, and far less boundaries. Some of the Maryland clubs can be pleasant surprises. You should definitely check out The Block in Baltimore at least once (just for the experience), and then maybe settle into one of the MD clubs closer to Northern Virginia/D.C., such as Fuego or Showcase Theatre. A word of caution, though: once you hit these places, you'll probably never want to go back to a VA club (since you'll realize how truly lame they are).
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
How'd I know this guy had been to the "World Famous" Paper Moon???

Head for the Hamilton clubs in Detroit for their $10 dance days. Course once there don't be surprised if the dancer, once in VIP, recommends an upgrade to $20 per dance. Yeah, it will be a hard sell ...
The cost of full, two-way contact, nude LDs that I've seen ranges from $10-50/song.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
Baltimore, Houston, Detroit...hell, apparently even Armenia is a better option, lol.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Gator, TUSCL has a man in Armenia apparently.
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
I agree with Steve299's "price of water in the desert" comment. Yes, $60 was about as expensive as it gets. Even in Vegas, you can get decent nude mileage in a private booth fro 3 for a $100. And don't get me started on what that same $60 (or ~50 Euros) will get you in Germany.

If you're really hard up for nude contact, I think it'd be worth your time to simply travel (either fly or drive) and make it a weekend of decent entertainment. After only a few dances, you will have saved enough to pay for your transportation/lodging and get what you're really looking for.

One suggestion is to hop a $200 roundtrip flight to Atlanta one weekend and hit Follies during the afternoon hours. At $10 per very-high-mileage dance, you're sure to leave with wetness down below and a smile on your face. Just be sure to save your favorite dancer to near the end of your time there on any given day, so you don't blow your wad too soon - both physiologically and financially.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"In Virginia, the laws enforce that EVERY strip club is pastie. "
"Gold and Silver in Roanoke is full nude'

I'm not a lawyer but strippers tell me I look like one, so here goes...

I believe this is actually tied to getting a VA liquor license. A strip club can get a liquor license (beer and wine only) but then the dancers have to wear pasties.

I'm assuming that Gold and Silver gets around this by not serving alcohol.

As far as I know, they're the only VA club using the juice bar/private club business model.
If you want to fly to Detroit, you can get full contact dances for $25 from very attractive strippers. The clubs are topless, not nude, but when you get into the VIP room, you can negotiate nude dances and more.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
steve229 says: Posted: 12/19/10
I'm not a lawyer but strippers tell me I look like one, so here goes...

huh? you mean you look shifty, have slicked back hair, and salivate at accident sites? lol ;)

avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
Princeton/Bluefield WV is pretty good but if you're going to drive that far from Richmond you might as well go to Baltimore.

Virginia is probably the most straight-laced state in the US. Half the population works for Federal gov't, and the other half are countrified bible bashers or uptight academics.
avatar for bigdude012
14 years ago
I live in VA and the best bang (no pun intended) for my dollar is Candy Bar. Do your selection carefully and you can have a very good night.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
I can't find Armenia on a map much less a strip club there.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Ask any Azerbijani ... they're like the Hatfields & McCoys of American history. Just hope they don't start up during your lapper.
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

scpatron- I've had that 2 for 1 $60.00 contact dance at that Paper Moon twice. And you're right, it's not worth what they charge. Only reason I did it is because both girls that gave me a dance were gorgeous. You hit the nail on the head about the Paper Moon. It comes across as over-priced, but I guess they feel the need to bump up the prices due to how fancy the club is.

And yeah, I told a co-worker of mine that I had been to the Paper Moon before, and he said" Paper Moon ain't no real strip club" And then he went on to tell me" once I hit one of the clubs in Washington or Maryland, I'll know what a REAL strip club is like".

bigdude012- Yeah, I have a co-worker that has been to the Candy Bar. I've never been there before, but him and I are going to go there one of these days. By the way, does the Candy Bar have a mix of ethnicities? Personally, I LOVE exotic looking women.
Detroit. Jackslash has it right.
LMAO, troop.
avatar for surreyfun2008
14 years ago
So how rare is it to see a finger in both holes, and enjoy a little tongue action on her, with some over trousers purring?
Armenia, go all the way East across Turkey...if you hit Azerbaijan, you've gone too far....if you hit Iran, you're in trouble:…
avatar for dw.buck
having fun
14 years ago
dude for $60 you better be getting off ITC. go down south you'll find better SC for better prices
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
What does ITC stand for?
ITC = Inside The Club. The glossary link in the side menu has most of the abbreviations and jargon used on this site.
avatar for Dancingdelight
7 years ago
Old post I see but why not rent a woman for the evening to give you a lap dance in the comfort of your own home ?
chances are the clubs are charging what the market will bear. people will pay even if it's overpriced. lots of variables artificially raise prices such as cost of living, whales, large numbers of tourists(Vegas), monopolies, few dives to offset the upscale overpriced clubs, etc. if the strippers are getting money itc(they most likely are in these overpriced clubs) why would they otc?
avatar for sharkhunter
7 years ago
I can get two for ones in South Carolina for $30 and there is contact. 50% off so I say 60 is high.
It's like asking if Apple stock is high if you paid $2000 a share but I can buy it at $1000 a share. Unfortunately strip clubs are dominated by local laws and freedom to run that business is not uniform across the country. I guess it doesn't matter in real estate and strip clubs what someone else can get at a price, it's all dominated by location. I think health care might be just as uncompetitive. Probably more so because the average person has no way of knowing that the urgent care center charges 1000 bucks less than the local hospital for the same procedure or visa versa. Medical plans have to cover everything instead of offering people basic care health plans. I say let the rich pay for every option if they want it, let the poor and middle class opt for less.
@Dancingdelight: "but why not rent a woman for the evening to give you a lap dance in the comfort of your own home ?"

Because if I'm "rent[ing] a woman," I'm after lots more than lap dances.
Dancing Delight, this is an international forum. How about telling us where you are, on your profile. And if you dance in a strip club how about identifying it and giving us your stage name. Some guys probably will come out to see you.

And you can post pictures on Google Blogger or Sites. Just don't tell them what the pictures are for, and don't flag you site as Adult.

Welcome to TUSCL.

sharkhunter, well said.
avatar for DoctorPhil
7 years ago
@Dancingdelight. be aware that san_jose_guy is a psycho rapist misogynist and you should not disclose anything about yourself that would help the creep stalk you
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