OK this is a little weird but how much is an acceptable tip for this
As much as I enjoy getting dances, I find it to be even more entertaining to sit down and have a few drinks with a stripper and talk. I do realize these girls do not work for free, how much is an acceptable tip to give to ask one of the strippers to sit for a while and have drinks?
One time, she came over and sat down and talked to me for at least 15 minutes or so. Believe it or not, it was almost as enjoyable as getting a dance. Just looking at her (and how gorgeous she is) and carrying on a conversation was a lot of fun.
Most of the wait staff are annoying pests about hitting you up for drinks, too.
If you are not going to do dances or a VIP, then if she sits with you for a long time IMO you should give her something. I usually use a $20 if she sits for a long time.
If you don't want to give her anything then you should tell her early on so that she can move to her next prospect. If you burn a lot of her time and give her nothing, she may burn you with other girls or the other girls may otherwise take note. Net-net, burning a lot of a girl's time for $0 will quickly make you a leper.
Just my two cents.
Most of the wait staff are annoying pests about hitting you up for drinks, too. I've pissed them off a number of times by asking if they really thought I'd changed my mind in the last 30 seconds.
At Palms in Signal Hill or the Venetian in Anaheim the girls often hint that they'd like a drink. They may be pushing drinks for the club (which are normal priced) but they so sit and drink, and often beer or wine (not mixed drinks which may be fake). This seems normal enough, and if I like the girl I'll buy a dance.
Like anywhere else there are people that I hit it off with. I have a couple of stripper buddies who stick around all night because they seem to enjoy my company. They're free to leave, and do, to work the room when new customers come in, but come back to pass the time when they're not busy.
Tip a girl for her time? No way. If it's not for real then it's part of her sales process, and if she's not selling quick enough she should just move on. If she doesn't get the hint and leave, I will. Clubs with trolls that glom on to customers, lose customers.
All that being said, I like gators formula.
If the dancers are not aloud to drink alcohol... buy them a redbull and you a shot of vodka... ask the dancer to drink about a shot of redbull and and you can... pour the shot in the can (make sure she can see you, but not bouncer/dj/door guy etc...) loosens them up a little
xxx manuela
Try to find the dancers who want to have a conversation and spend time with them. They are the ones looking for some diversion from the craziness around them. They're not hard to find. The problem with that is--giving up being part of the craziness.
As Rick says, if it's a slow day or you are the only one in the club, no, you don't have to tip them. But if you spend say half the shift or longer with someone, common courtesy might dictate that you give her something because she hasn't made any money.
but i usually do give them a dollar or two just for coming by if the club is crowded...
I WILL make an arrangement with a girl to spend the rest of her shift with me, which is KINDA like what you are asking, but the amount then is for ALL of her time (less when she must go on stage, or take a "potty break" - which in some cases is probably a "weed break") and unlimited dances. Usually, my favs will do this for $250 - $300, which sounds like a lot, but if I have 30-40 dances throughout the shift, it's a bargain. Its also a plus for her 'cause she no longer has to hustle to make money and can relax and enjoy the company of a nice guy (moi).
If you go at a slow time, I bet a lot of the girls would be happy to chat for a half hour for the cost of 5 table dances.