
Comments by DoctorDarby (page 17)

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    15 years ago
    Rookie Mistakes
    I made a classic rookie mistake back in the 1980s the first time I moved up from the bikini bars to a juice bar in the big city, I got burned by a hottie on a private booth dance. She let me know that for a substantial tip beyond the minimum, I would be treaty to all manner of visual delights. I actually left the club, went to an ATM, came back, and dropped $135 for a lame 10 minute dildo show behind a glass partition. After I was done (but had not "finished" much to her dismay) I saw her get dressed and head out the door. I was her last "fish" of the night. It took me a long time to go for private dances after that, which probably cost me some opportunities in better places with better dancers along the way.
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    15 years ago
    New regulations in Detroit?
    This kind of nonsense comes as no surprise to us here in Ohio. This state has been in an economic spiral for years, so what did it's legislature do in the midst of this fiscal crisis? Pass a restrictive law against Adult establishments and strip clubs that furthers the state's reputation for being backwards, clueless, and as about as cosmopolitan as an Amish barn-raising. Now the governor has proposed adding slot machines to racetracks to increase revenues. Gee, wouldn't having a viable adult entertainment industry to go with your gambling be a good way to draw tourism, conventions, and income to the state? Yeesh! Sounds like some of that mental paralysis has drifted north across the border. Hope it doesn't screw up what seems to be pretty good thing in the Motor City.
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    15 years ago
    This club is kinda different
    LOL. I had a sneaking supsicion that something was up. The "skewwy wabbit" wesponses shoulda been the giveaway. Oh well, as you can see, I like to rant a bit but feel free to give it back when needed--I can take it! Thanks for the good-natured heads up. And you may be right about the Mustang Range, though the Bunny gets lots of free publicity via mass media. Looking forward to future exchanges and silliness.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers wearing Glasses?
    I agree with most of you that glasses work nicely on the right girls and are maybe not so hot on others. The librarian look is fine, but right now I am a big fan of a pale little goth girl who wears those trendy glasses with the rectangular black frames. YUM.
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    15 years ago
    EXTRAS - Your definition.
    I'm an old fart who spent many years in bikini bars where a bare titty or glimpse of pussy was an extra that kept me going back to the place. Many years ago there was a young cutie at a scruffy little bikini bar who decided to charge a standard $5 to see her pussy during table dances(and it was a nice long look from a number of angles). She was the most popular girl in the place for a few weeks, but when the other dancers found out about her little enterprise, they got her fired. Amazingly enough, a number of topless places in Ohio still make it difficult to get extras, even in VIP. So for me, a passing rub, a peek at a pussy, or a nipple across the lips is still an extra in some of these clubs. In nude places where contact is not allowed, watching a girl use her fingers to penetrate various of her orifices would also be an extra, since it is often discouraged or forbidden by management. You guys who are getting all manner of goodies (and who are disappointed if you don't get laid) are fortunate to live and play in more friendly and productive entertainment environments.
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    15 years ago
    Are you planning on spending more money, the same, or less in strip clubs in the
    Probably more. I have a bit more income, no steady girlfriend, and a couple of regular places that seem to be heating up a bit in spite of my state's draconian laws. Yippie!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    This club is kinda different
    I hate to be a complete tool on my first post, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that a red-blooded American male who hangs out in strip clubs and subscribes to TUSCL did not know the name, location, and modus operendi of the most famous legal whorehouse in the United States of America. Just the tiniest bit of research on Nevada's adult entertainment scene (isn't that what the internet and TUSCL are for?)would have saved DJ (or any other traveller) the embarrassment of being the obvious, out-of-town and out-of-touch "fish out of water." Since you "left bitterly disappointed" it seems that you were so utterly clueless that not one of the legally available prostitutes bothered to clue you in. Good God man--it was a whorehouse. The extras were there for the taking (the "menu" listed the available services, price, etc)!!! Let this be a lesson boys and girls: do your research, ask the right questions, READ THE MENU, and for crying out loud, when you find yourself in a legal, disease-free whorehouse, be the screwer, not the screwee!
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    15 years ago
    My blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold. My angel is a ...
    True, porn isn't a big step beyond stripping and lap dancing, but it's still a rush to realize that the girl you visit on a regular basis has done the deed on video. There is a big chested lovely at one of the local clubs in Ohio who has a nice little career as a magazine model. She says she doesn't do hardcore, but her solo work includes anal, so where's the line? She gives really good dances and I am anticipating a long-overdue VIP session with her in the near future.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shot girl is the hottest girl in the club?
    Some clubs just rotate dancers and shot girls on various nights, so there is no real difference. However, on occasion you get a shot girl or server who is stunning that is not a dancer. While I still get shots from them, I agree that if you wait and watch, many of them will finally start to realize that the money is in the dancing. Some are allowed to do dances and its always nice to sample something that's not on stage. One of the most popular dancers in the Stark County (Ohio) area started out as a waitress in a dancers-once-a-week place called Buddies (now Sadie Rene's-- it still has dancers on Thursday nights)where she easily outshown the rest of the girls even before she started dancing. She is still there and looks pretty good for a 30-something veteran, but I have fond memories of the times she put down her tray, jumped on stage, and knocked our socks off.
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    15 years ago
    T-bro made me feel welcome when I was a newbee here and his insights, enthusiasm, and humor made this board a pleasure to visit. I wish him well. We have big shoes to fill, so lets keep the good energy flowing and not let the occasional troll get us off track. Morons come and go, but good people should be celebrated with good cheer, cold beverages, and guilt-free overindulgence in the things we all enjoyed together. Lap dances all around!! Woo-hoo!!
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    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    I described this debate as "ugly" not because it was unimportant, but because it was getting personal and the tone was increasingly angry. We just went through a hoop-rah over trolls starting off-topic political threads and came to a consensus (I thought) that we didn't like it. To see this thread go in this direction seemed to go against the understanding that it the board works better when religion and politics stay absent. Whether we got punk'd or not, some folks sure rose to the bait with a fury. Clubber, feel free to flog jablake on his bare bottom with a nice piece of wet celery for being such an ornery boy :-)
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    15 years ago
    Aren't You an Environmentalist?
    Heeeeeey. Yer the feller what rites them letters in the Penthouse magazine. my buddy Bubba says they are true and I got all excited while reading them on the crapper. But now I know that some clever feller like you rites them to make us do goofy stuff. That's purty funny. And I waz gonna use that en-viro thingee on my wife Gertrude while she waz in the tub, but now I think I'll just poke her while she's doin dishes like usual.
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    15 years ago
    (Booty) Shakin'
    I have always been a butt man, but I like 'em firm and proportional rather than big and floppy. The bootie shaking really isn't a big turn on for me. A slow bend or "buns up kneeling" and a nice "wink" makes me much happier. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Advisability of Dating Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Strippers with Sleazy Boyfrie
    RE: Puff the magic Tranny: As the immortal Zappa once said to Bobby Brown in the homophobic anthem "Broken hearts are for assholes": I KNEW YOU'D BE SURPRISED! So,can we now all work with the acronym "APSDAPSCSSBB" in reference to Steve's Dream Girl? Should we add anything else (Bi-sexual maybe? making it "Abused Psychotic Stalked Druggie Bi-sexual Amateur Porn Star Cheerleader Stripper with Sleazy Boyfriend and Baby" = APSDBAPSCSSBB) before we put it in the glossary?
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    15 years ago
    Cheerleader strippers?
    With all due respect to Vivienne (welcome to the board by the way!) I think cheerleading is more than "just a sport like football" to many of those who participate (gymnastics is somewhere in between: very rigorous and athletic but with skimpy outfits; floor exercises can be sexy; vaulting and uneven bars not so much). I do agree, however, that cheerleading is less narcissistic and perhaps more exhibitionistic at its core, although the two are often connected. It takes a fair amount of self-confidence to put yourself out there in a skimpy outfit and perform a variety of stunts, which both dancers and cheerleaders (and gymnasts?) do. Girls join cheerleading to acquire or build self-confidence; strippers do the same on one level or another. The big difference is that in most schools, cheerleaders are members of the elite social group rather than outsiders. Dancers, particularly in conservative places like the midwest, are seen as part of a social fringe that many disapprove of (working at Hooters falls somewhere in between). If most cheerleaders fulfill their destinies as elites by going to college, marrying well, or getting careers, then they won't end up working in strip clubs unless they really crave the attention. The few former cheerleaders I have encountered are often the ones for whom the success-train jumped the track via early pregnancy, bad marriages, substance abuse issues, and other unfullfilled goals. But in either case, the need to be seen and appreciated is still there and the joy of performing pops out when they are on stage.
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    15 years ago
    Just Asking
    1) Both: topless in the bar part, nude in the back area 2) Booths with couches :-) 3) Hot, but revealing. When there is lots of flesh on display, it's sometimes nice to just have a peek at the unavailable treats. 4) Full bar in topless, which often allows the nudity in the other half in states or regions that have such restrictions. If there is food, then milk, juices, etc. would make sense. 5) Food is nice for both customers and dancers. Although watching dancers eat is not always sexy, they tend to be happier when they are well-fed!
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    15 years ago
    She's Got the Look
    A girl who can actually do sexy dancing to heavy, powerful rock songs gets my attention every time. If we click on the music, then there is a chance we will click when it comes time for her to dance for me. Choosing good music also suggests that there might be a functional brain in that pretty head, which is also a huge turn-on for me.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Favorite names for strip clubs.
    I started watching bikini dancers years ago in a place called "The Last Resort." It was every bit the dive that its name implies, but I sure had fun there. I'll join you guys at Deano's. It's nice to know that "the boys are back in town!"
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My favorites keep bailing on me.
    I've known one girl in a local club since she went from waitress to dancer 15 years ago. She's still the queen of the place and holds down a day job hanging wallpaper. Over the years I have had occasion to say goodbye to a few favorites on their last nights, but most just disappear, as tends to be the nature of the business.
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    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    I figure that I am enlightened enough to deal with shemales, tranny's, and drag queens in some kind of stage show revue where everybody knows who's who and its all in good fun. But don't be slippin no penisouruses in amongst the girlies and having them rub up against me. I would consider that a major violation of all the accepted rules of man-dom. I also cannot imagine a club full of female strippers tolerating a shemale in their midst. It would traumatize the customers and be bad for both business and morale. And, as noted, they would most likely "get the shit beat out of them."
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    15 years ago
    Ever pegged as the high roller regular?
    I had a weak moment at my regular club and got a VIP room with an OK, but not a favorite, dancer. Somewhere in the process I ended up with a VIP card, but managed to avoid getting pegged as a high roller. I think I maintain my positive status at this place not by spending a lot of money, but by being consistent in my spending. I'll buy a round or two of shots from the shot girl, but say "no" to more. The same goes for drinks and dances. I am always good for a drink and a couple of dances with my regulars, but usually can say no to more without pissing off the girls. The only one who persistantly bugs me for expensive VIP dances is the one I had the original session with, and even she realizes that it's not likely that I go with her again. High roller? No. Consistently good regular? Yes. VIP? Maybe, but I figure they are still making money if I show up more often and spend less.
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    15 years ago
    Regulars vs guys night out
    I view all of his posts with a certain amount of skepticism. Some are filled with this type of sanctimonious bullshit that makes you want to scream and hit "ignore." However on occasion, he has produced some really funny parodies of a "playa's" night out in the clubs. Take him any way, but don't take him too seriously. It's not worth the aggravation.
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    15 years ago
    Do you remember your first time?
    My first SC was the Outpost in Kent, Ohio around 1980. It was a typical working class, jukebox, bikini bar that actually had a couple of girls who did 3 song sets with costumes and props. I must have heard Bob Seger's "Love to Watch her Strut" a thousand times in that place. I met a dancer there that I ended up knowing as a "club buddy" for nearly 10 years. The place is still there as a live music club. My first nude dancer experience was during the late 1980s at the old State Burlesque in Cleveland. I saw Annie Sprinkle and Marilyn Chambers there before it finally went the way of all those old dives.
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    15 years ago
    Wow. I am having a hazy recollection (or a flashback) of a place with dancers that showed porn on TV's in the club. It had to have been in the 80s or real early 90s . . . in Ohio . . . Akron maybe? . . . not there anymore . . . argggg . . . damn all that pot smoking in the old days. Can't . . . remember . . . anything . . . Help?
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    15 years ago
    Akron woman robbed in strip club parking lot
    As I recall, this club has a big parking lot and is not crammed in between buildings, so its not your typical mugging environment. It just shows what a pathetic class of criminals we are dealing with these days.