
Regulars vs guys night out

Sunday, January 17, 2010 8:24 AM
As you freaks know I don't go to strip clubs. I don't see the draw. My wife will do a 3 song set for me anytime. Plus I can bang her on my portable stage and pole. Anyway, I spent some time discussing "regulars" aka money men. Wow these fucktards amaze me. Ok..... Guys night out I get. College roomates at the tittie bar. Fine. Have fun. While still a waste of money , I can see the draw. But then there is this other breed. The regular. He's probably in his 40's. Divorced. Doesn't see his kids. Decent job. Wears khaki pants and a cheap tj maxx shirt. Drakkar. You know this guy. He goes to the same sc week after week year after year. He has a "fav". She's pretty. Young. Greedy. This guy pays her 2,3, maybe 400 bucks a night to sit with him and drink. He may or may not be fucking her on the side. He pays her rent. Maybe co signs for a car. Lives a dream for a time. Then when this vulture of a woman has gotten sick of showing her birth canal for 10 dimes, she's gone. He's out 35,000 and moves on to the next one. If this is you, kill yourself now you pathetic loser. 2 things you never pay for....pussy and water. They are both free


  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    I view all of his posts with a certain amount of skepticism. Some are filled with this type of sanctimonious bullshit that makes you want to scream and hit "ignore." However on occasion, he has produced some really funny parodies of a "playa's" night out in the clubs. Take him any way, but don't take him too seriously. It's not worth the aggravation.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    If this is a DickJohnson wannabe style post, it failed. Miserably.
  • Lol at the "regular" reading this. Losers!
  • brewerfan
    14 years ago
    And the reason that you are on this site is because you.....?
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    LOL, brewerfan. I have to admit I was scratching my head at def's post also ragging on people. It's hard to say what his motivation was, other than he is married to a dancer and hears some mighty strange things. But to each their own.
  • rockie
    14 years ago
    dngv: Let's try your math in a working model. Loser makes $50,000 - spends $35,000, oops that doesn't work. Most likely your "Loser" makes between $85,000 and $300,000. As you move up the earned income ladder, more than the $35,000 (net) per year is at risk for your Loser in the more traditional "marriage" relationship that you suggest is so wise. Trading in the stripper - Priceless! Trading in the Trophy Wife - It might cost the rest of one's play money. Paying your rent, but receiving pleasure from your wife - I'm fine with that. This Loser is still married to wife #1. I visit and spend to my level of comfort. Your wife doesn't pleasure me! There won't be a wife #2, because the costs to me are to "real"!
  • Be a regular gym member. A regular giver to charity. A regular at your favorite spot to eat. A regular at your kids school meetings. A regular church attender. But good golly almighty Joe Friday don't be a regular at a place where women show their tits to desperate morons with mo chance of a real relationship with a girl.
  • I am not married to a dancer lol. Are you serious? My wifes naked body is not for sale for a dollar. That's my pussy. The day I let her dance in a club is the day judyjudy wears an A cup bra
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    "My wifes naked body is not for sale for a dollar. That's my pussy. The day I let her dance in a club is the day judyjudy wears an A cup bra". Let's look at these statements... A $1, likely not. Now $100,000,000? You bet it is for sale! A whore is a whore is a whore! No, the pussy is hers and that is why you do what SHE wants and not what you will LET her do!
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    DNGV----you've already told us your wife is an ex-dancer. Can't even keep your BS straight, can you. You're about a -5 on the Troll-o-meter.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Plenty of times it makes sense to pay for water. In any case, looks like pothead has busted definitely_a_green_troll.
  • earlyriser60609
    14 years ago
    DNGV: take your sorry, sanctimonious ass to another site....maybe some "good christian" website where the regulars can pony up $35,000 and MORE to a hypocrite like Jimmy Swaggert. Not speaking for anyone else, I go because I like seeing naked women. My wife knows it, she's okay with it....and she reminds me regularly "they really don't like you, they like your money". Some guys spend $400-500 a month playing golf, others spend $2,000 a month on a boat. Get off your soap box.
  • stripclubspy
    14 years ago
    guys, don't even bother. Just hit "ignore".
  • My wife danced 10 years ago. She hates her decision. Hates it. Now has to deal with the baggage. Thousands of nasty men used her for her body. It's her biggest regret. I swear. We have talked about it a lot. I don't judge her or look down at her. At all. So fuckers, I know a lot about sc's. More than you. I see the damage. I've been to clubs all over the country. Vegas. Myrtle beach. New York. Cali. I used to like them. But now that I'm 33 Years old Im over it. You should be too. I see those girls as daughters, moms, sisters. Not a sex item. Y'all go ahead and do your thing. I on the other hand will take an all nude dance in my private VIP room. Players club is open. VIP. Full service. 1 member. Free. And she's fucking hot. I'm about to eat her pussy so y'all excuse me.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Dude, no one gives a fuck about you and your ex-whore wife and her "damange". Get a clue.
  • uscue13
    14 years ago
    I get what you're saying, but not gonna lie, all the contradictions in your posts don't make any sense.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    marriage is overrated!
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    doesn't it get boring fucking the same woman over and over again
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    His wife has been boarded more times than the Queen Mary. Thousands of men have been inside her. Fucking DNGV's wife is probably like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. LOL
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    My guess is he is not fucking anything.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Check of greenvegas's review of Lady Godiva's in which he calls the girls there "black sluts" and brags about getting BBBJ's from them in the VIP all afternoon long. Looks like you are busted again MisterGreenTroll.
  • My wife is smokin hot. I get pussy every night
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    can we see some pics of your smokin hot wife?
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Yeah, what samsung1 said, pics of your wife and you. We can have a straw poll.
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