
Advisability of Dating Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Strippers with Sleazy Boyfrie

Blue Ridge Foothills
Wondering if it's any different from dating normal women. I say if it feels right, go for it. Got any stories?


  • Clubber
    15 years ago

  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Found another dancer, and within 5 minutes she was telling me how she got fired from her last club for passing out in the VIP room – not only was she underage but the champagne she was drinking apparently didn’t mix with the pain pills she stole from her Mom. So then I'm thinking 'now we’re talking.'"

    Wow, I guess some people love SS or drama in general. Not I, if I could avoid as much of that as possible in my strip clubbing, I'd be a happy camper.
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    OK Clubber,

    When I find the perfect asian ladyboy, I'm not sharing. :)
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Being "prepared" for some guy who thinks he's a... Let me start over. Being "prepared" for a tranny freak? Not for this guy, unless you count having a .40 slug ready for them if they lay a hand on me.
  • DoctorDarby
    15 years ago
    RE: Puff the magic Tranny: As the immortal Zappa once said to Bobby Brown in the homophobic anthem "Broken hearts are for assholes": I KNEW YOU'D BE SURPRISED!
    So,can we now all work with the acronym "APSDAPSCSSBB" in reference to Steve's Dream Girl? Should we add anything else (Bi-sexual maybe? making it "Abused Psychotic Stalked Druggie Bi-sexual Amateur Porn Star Cheerleader Stripper with Sleazy Boyfriend and Baby" = APSDBAPSCSSBB) before we put it in the glossary?
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    "Anyone here with pictures of dicks and has even looked at 'Tranny Whacker," well, makes one wonder!"

    Really, I'm straight. 100% straight. :) It is my Boy Scouts training. You know always be prepared and all that jazz.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Upon further review, make that: "Abused Psychotic Stalked Druggie Amateur Porn Star Cheerleader Stripper with Sleazy Boyfriend and Baby" aka "My Dream Girl"
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Anyone here with pictures of dicks and has even looked at "Tranny Whacker", well, makes one wonder!
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "I must have missed the picture and story. Did it get deleted?"

    I put it up very briefly. Didn't realize Clubber would react so strongly. It was a picture from the cover of Tranny Whacker 5----the he-she TS Dream is on the cover and unfortunately, imo, he-she is big----11 inches big.

    Not much of a story behind it. I saw some clips of TS Dream and he-she appeared more girly than the cover pic of Tranny Whacker 5 would indicate. The personality as shown on these clips is exactly how I'd like a real girl to talk and behave----they could take lessons from TS Dream, imo.

    You really didn't miss anything shadowcat. :)
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I must have missed the picture and story. Did it get deleted? Who posted it? When? I have two pics of my hard drive of shemales. I only keep because they were done in a humorous way and probably involved photo shop.
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    It is sorta funny and sorta sad that the picture of a young nude he-she is valued less than a baby seal clubbed repeatedly. :)

    The he-she shrinks the package 90% or so---according reviews it is 11 inches---gets perky natural B-cups and I'd be dang curious. The ass looked bubble-butt, but I don't remember for sure. I liked the personality----very soft and sweet. Most he-shes have zero interest to me because they're too masculine even when soft----the butt is off or the tits are off or the face is off or etc.

    The he-she at Angels assuming you love whales was much more attractive than the female whales; better skin, perkier big breasts, no stretch marks, no tats, better teeth, etc. I'm glad he-she kept the panties on; the customers and dancers at Angels might freak if they saw his miniature penis. I'd guess an inch and very thin---like a short little finger. I think his micro penis--if that is technically correct--left him feeling like a woman. Oh well, as a he-she, I'm sure he is in demand. But, Angels??? Go to TRIXIES where you'll most likely get the adoration and money you seek.

  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    DAMN MAN!!!! I didn't even notice till you mentioned it. I agree with founder, and in this case, I would support censorship! That picture needs to go!
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "DAMN MAN!!!! I didn't even notice till you mentioned it. I agree with founder, and in this case, I would support censorship! That picture needs to go!"

    LOL! :)
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    BTW, for those of you interested in shemales---apparently not founder---Trixies (between Ft. Lauderdale and Miami) is supposed to be a good place to go. I haven't got the balls as of date. Maybe I could wear a good disguise? :)
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "jablake: now YOU are my hero."

    Not so fast! :) Are ghetto girls ok with you? If so, then speed along at warp if possible.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "what about a three-some with sleazy boyfriend and druggie stripper? It could be a real turn-on. Downside????"

    He'd want you to be his bottom---of course, some men want to be the bottom.

    I'm too homophobic (as far as men are concerned only) for a three-some i.e. 2 guys 1 girl. However, I did try and get a stripper buddy interested in a three-some with a local TS aka shemale, but she thought that was disgusting. 2 girls 1 guy and it's let's party! 2 guys and 1 girl and it's let's party! 1 guy and 1 girl and 1 shemale and it's that's disgusting! LOL! She didn't want to even check out the shemales stating that she knows what they look like, but needs either females or males and not something in between----that that's disgusting! I think that I'm way too wimpy and homophobic (where guys are concerned only) to go shemale on my own. :(

    My dream? One of those tiny lesbians that dress up like a boy with boxers near their waist---too cute. :) So how in the world do I get one of those tiny boxer wearing lesbians???-----they seem so rare (don't look like they'd care for men, money or not) and I've had my eyes focused.

  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    jablake: now YOU are my hero. Thanks for the tip. I shall miss the arboreal splendor of the Ozarks, and humidity makes me crazy, but if I can get the girls of my dreams: "Miami, here I come!"
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    If *you* are willing to relocate, then hang out over at Angels (W. Dixie Hwy, N. Miami, FL) in rags. For instant results offer pussy licking at no charge and no obligation. That definitely should have the strippers lined up eager to be your girlfriend and meal ticket. Going over the top-----come in bleeding from a broken nose and fat lip. Those hotties (assuming the blubber blobs aren't in control) will be all over you like white on rice. :)
  • I didn't read all the crap on here but go for it
  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    Steve: You are my hero. Not only do you know your way around rock lyrics, you have a great idea about how to be entertained. I am still waiting for someone to give me that lead on the druggie nympho stripper that only wants my tiny dick and 3 hots and a cot. Again, big tits are preferred, but not necessary. Would it sound like whining if I asked that her natural teeth outnumbered her tattoos?
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    jablake: "People taking pain killers because they're in pain."

    In the case of many, it's psychological pain. You say you only experience physical effects, but many experience psychological effects as well. I don't do them recreationally but when I was prescribed some, I noticed that they completely block any worries from the world out, made me sleep deeply, and gave me very pleasant dreams. This when I was only taking 1/4 the prescribed dose too, so I'm sure the effect for junkies is even stronger.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "'escape' drugs like as I would classify heroin and pain killers as.

    Never used heroin due to fear of needles. Some of those needles are disgusting. :(

    Pain killers, for me, do one thing: kill pain. Totally boring other than the pain is gone---there isn't any pleasure. The world seems nasty as ever. Had surgery years ago. Needed to consume almost the entire prescription of pain killers in a single day to eliminate the pain. Called the doctor the next day to ask if there is any reason for not taking as many as I needed besides the nonsense of addiction---the doctor was shocked and amazed that I took almost the entire prescription. Wanted to know how I was feeling. I said fine. How could I take so many? Easy. Keeping popping 'em until the pain stops. He says you sound normal as ever. I said well, I haven't taken any since yesterday. Anyway, do you have any good reason I shouldn't have have taken more than you prescribed? He said yes, constipation. Oh, that doesn't seem to be a problem at all. He says do you need more? I said I don't think so because all the pain seems completely gone and I feel fine, but depressed because I need to stay in bed. He says I'm very glad to hear you don't want more---that is excellent news. So the bogeyman pain killers are, for me, except as a pain killer a big zero; difficult to understand people wasting money on them unless gee they're really in pain! What a novel idea. People taking pain killers because they're in pain.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    In all seriousness, I think a big part of the attraction is that strippers are (usually) not like normal girls.

    One night I met this stunning dancer, obviously very smart, college student with a real day job, dancing a couple nights a week for extra cash, I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop but got nothing, finally realized I was bored, despite her hotness.

    Found another dancer, and within 5 minutes she was telling me how she got fired from her last club for passing out in the VIP room – not only was she underage but the champagne she was drinking apparently didn’t mix with the pain pills she stole from her Mom. So then I'm thinking “now we’re talking.”
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "Although there are distortions as a side effect, an important property of psychedelics is that they side step much of the mind's normal 'filtering' of reality. Psychedelics are definitely not 'escape' drugs like as I would classify heroin and pain killers as"

    Different people may react to drugs VERY differently. The LSD fiend repeatedly described a high that made the world seem like a beautiful place. No matter how sad or disgusting with the LSD he could see "life" that was worth living and worth saving. He talked about colors that he'd never seen before. Without the LSD (a rare event) he was still a very sweet person, but didn't seem able to cope with seeing unhappiness.

    I found him in a very low class drug den and he was so different. Very sociable to everyone and wanting to help. He'd quickly end up broke because he couldn't say no to requests for money. His favorite prostitutes specialized in kissing----some asian places, high end, that specialized in that kind of service. The money charged was mind blowing---money meant zero to him. He just wanted happiness for everyone.

    I don't think other LSD users had anywhere near the same experience. When I asked him why he didn't push people to try his wonder drugs----most had zero interest, which surprised the hell out of me, he replied for 2 reasons. First, he was very concerned about the quality-----it was illegal and you just didn't know for sure what you're buying. Second, he was afraid of people getting bad trips. He'd never experienced a bad trip, but he'd seen too many; too many could mean one in his way of experiencing the world. He was way too sensitive to any kind of hurt or suffering-----he'd only go to the drug den when he was in heaven. Normally, dealers would search him out. Considering his lack of interest in money and a fat wallet, not a bad idea to offer more convenience and personal service.

  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "On second thought, make that: 'Abused Psychotic Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Stripper with Sleazy Boyfriend and baby" aka 'My Dream Girl'"

    Yes, the babies can be very endearing. Gambling dancer's child is very sweet. Unfortunately, he has learned that he is supposed to give money to little girls. Gambling dancer has always wanted him to be a pimp and take money from women. In fact, she wanted me to be a pimp some years ago. In her world slow women are in desperate need of a pimp. :)
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    On second thought, make that: "Abused Psychotic Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Stripper with Sleazy Boyfriend and baby" aka "My Dream Girl"
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    jablake: "A police got in his face and said to him you use LSD because you can't handle reality."

    A pretty ignorant statement. Although there are distortions as a side effect, an important property of psychedelics is that they side step much of the mind's normal "filtering" of reality. Psychedelics are definitely not "escape" drugs like as I would classify heroin and pain killers as. As far as strip clubs go, the interesting point is that psychedelics are the least popular drugs amongst strippers. After marijuana, pain killer/opiates are the most popular.
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    With the exception of cocaine, I think a druggie society contrary to expectations/conventional wisdom might be FANTASTIC!!! :)

    Marijuana is total heaven, ime. An LSD fiend, he seemed to use every day more than multiple times a day, that I knew was the nicest man that I'd ever met. A police got in his face and said to him you use LSD because you can't handle reality. The LSD fiend said officer you are 100% correct; I want people to have fun be happy 24/7. The officer decided not to make an arrest and just walked off shaking his head; damn fine officer. :)

    The roaring 20s? Yes, violate the vile laws and drink drink drink. Auto fatalities? The happy times, imo, are wayyyy worth it. MADD needs to be sent to drinking parties left right and center.

    Opium? An honorable drug in American society. Not saying there weren't victims, but automobiles have deaths numbering in excess of 40,000 YEARLY and most people don't get their panties in a prohibition bunch----sure if automobiles were just for letting the good times roll the prohibitionists would be going nutty for laws to ban or severely restrict automobiles.

    Up, up, up with drugs and herbs and down down down with prohibition and the prison state. :)

  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    what about a three-some with sleazy boyfriend and druggie stripper? It could be a real turn-on. Downside????
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I always wonder about Sleazy Univ of Florida Cheerleaders with druggie boyfriends.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    I liked it when she would model sexy swimsuits for me. She loved to do it too. She would tell me that their relationship was platonic and her excuse for coming to see me was to do some typing for my business. I knew it was all BS......Look at her in the photo - she was not meeting me to to typing....
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    Enjoy her. She will eventually dump you for him. Just don't give her any money for services not earned. If she all of a sudden pressures you for big money, it could be that they are getting ready to leave town and she's playing her ROB card.

    Not to worry about the sleazy BF getting in the way. He's usually pimping her out anyway. You pay, but he gets it for free. Shelly was like that, her GF told me she went home and did him after seeing me.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Seems completely your speed, chandler. Go for it!
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    "Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Stripper with Sleazy Boyfriend" aka "My Dream Girl"
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    MUCH safer and more fun with the stalked druggie cheerleader stripper with sleazy boyfriend. :) If you marry her, then you deserved to be raped repeatedly in divorce court.

    So, say yes to druggie and no to "normal women."
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