avatar for johnbrwon001

Comments by johnbrwon001

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8 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
I don't understand the little head sometimes
"or pedo" Why this site doesn't have an edit or delete feature is baffling.
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8 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
I don't understand the little head sometimes
Getting hard over someone who doesn't fit your particular "type" is nothing to get worried about. It's when the "little head" only gets excited over shit like snuff over pedo is when it's time to check yourself out.
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8 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
The ultimate blow job queen.
More like ultimate cunnilingus queen.
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8 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Porn on Netflix?
Too bad it isn't being offered in 3D as it was meant to be seen, offering those without glasses or goggles the closest experience of getting a cumshot in the eye without actually getting it in the eye.
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8 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Hypothetical scenario. Which would you want?
Having had both to a limited degree, I only went back for the dancer who gave me the hm dance with no sex but the full GFE. The dancer who offered extras was maybe slightly prettier and more what I was looking for, and certainly gave me a memorable experience, but the dancer herself left almost no impression, and I didn't end up going back for her. Of course it was just my luck that the GFE dancer ended up quitting before I could see her again and stupidly I didn't think to get her number when we had our fun.
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8 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
Fake tits
Maybe two. According to an estimate at FiveThirtyEight (http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/dear-mona-what-percentage-of-women-have-breast-implants/), "almost 4 percent of women in America, or one in every 26, has breast implants." Furthermore, the breakdown in recent years is that the 30-39 year olds are the largest group getting them: 2013 ASAP Breast Augmentations, by Age 13-19 — 8,234 20-29 — 83,638 30-39 — 105,877 40-54 — 85,516 55+ — 6,934 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/elisabeth-dale/real-or-fake-reasons-wome_b_5537372.html My question would be, how does one go about asking an acquaintance or even a friend if she has implants, especially if you want to keep being acquaintances or friends with that person?
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8 years ago
avatar for joewebber
Restroom Etiquette
Some of it might be not wanting to touch the handle, but then that's what toilet paper is for. Other times they leave something that can't be flushed down, which could have been prevented with a courtesy flush. Mostly though it seems to me assholes taking "public" to mean not giving a shit, so to speak, for whoever might use the toilet next or have to clean it, as opposed to "public" meaning something that is shared by all and for which users have some responsibility for not leaving the place worse than they found it.
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12 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Piers Anthony wrote a short story, "In the Barn", which dealt with exactly the situation you're describing. http://everything2.com/title/In+The+Barn Personally, even the most physically beautiful and perfect woman would be a turnoff to me if i found her personality repellent or absent.
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13 years ago
avatar for yankee428
New York
VIP for review submission?
If your review posts then you should have VIP access. Worked for me yesterday.
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for gatorfan
Are married customers looser with their cash than single customers? y/n?
When many people get married they shift their thinking from "my" and "mine" to "our" and that especially includes finances and assets making it harder for one partner to spend large amounts on something that is essentially selfish and not shared by both or going to the kids.
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13 years ago
avatar for 10inches
If it's a dancer whose face and body I'm really into then that can make make up for less than spectacular lap dance skills but usually it's based on how intimate the dancer is and once her mouth gets going on my nipples, chest, stomach and my own mouth then a trip to the more private areas with longer face time is pretty much given.
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13 years ago
avatar for bang69
North Carolina
licking strippper pussy
Herpes? Thrush? Gonorrhea? AIDS?
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13 years ago
avatar for rell
washington dc
OTC catchin feelings
This is why they made bluetooth, hands-free headsets. She calls, you put on the headset and while she yammers you continue to do whatever it was you were doing before and occasionally murmur, "mm-mmh" or "huh".
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for deogol
Fuck the GOP and anyone else who squawks about small or limited government and then supports intrusive legislation like this while hiding behind the flimsy cover of "decency" and "protecting the children". You really want to protect children how about offering free pre-natal care for mothers and health coverage for children instead of using them for convenient political cover and cheap campaign talking points.
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13 years ago
avatar for Dudester
CGI Nudity
She had no problem baring it all in the movie Alpha Dog. Hopefully she won't rule out doing future nudity since she is not only lovely of face but of body as well.
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13 years ago
avatar for SammyGold
New York
Stripper Shoes in Public
The younger girls in their teens and college-aged wear platform heels when they go out and you see it overseas as well. Sure it's fashion but it's also being six inches taller and when you're only 5'2" makes a huge difference in how you see the world and other people and also how they see you. Of course any height advantage you may gain is offset by the fact that you can't run in those things if you need to get away fast.
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13 years ago
avatar for TABB
First time you went to a strip club
At a conference in Baltimore and decided to see the Block. Told the cabbie to take me to the best club on the Block and he dropped me off at one of the classier joints. After ordering a drink a pretty young black dancer sits at my table and starts massaging my crotch through my pants asking if I was having a good time. I think the growing bulge told her everything she needed to know. Got a dance from her with plenty of grinding and much roaming of hands. Sat back down at my table and the prettiest little elfin brunette sits down by my side and spends most of the evening with me. Talked about her family, things to do around Baltimore and even tried to arrange a date (a real one; didn't know about OTC back then) but she only had time later that week and I was flying home the next day. Fell for her pretty hard even though she was the only dancer who kept her top on during her dance but was so stunning (I remember thinking she looked like Winona Ryder's prettier younger sister) that she was easily the sexiest dancer even dancing non-nude wearing a purple lace bra and panties. The next day before leaving Baltimore sent her a small gift (stuffed animal from the Aquarium, I think) through the club. Don't know if she ever got it or not. Thinking back to that first time I realize I'm probably still looking for that first time experience. Came close to it one time after, but still haven't found it.
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13 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Chris Rock Stripper Scandal: Pays 'DIAMOND' $5,000
Does he love this stripper? Probably not. Will he give up his wife and kids for her? Not likely. Did he have unprotected sex with her? Article says no inappropriate contact was made. So what's the big deal?
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13 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Shit happens in Canada too...
Used to bother me when I saw cops outside of clubs but then you hear about shit like this and suddenly the cops seem a lot more useful.
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13 years ago
avatar for 10inches
It all depends on my mood and what I want. If I just want to hang out and relax than constant solicitations are annoying. But if I'm looking for some action and have cash to burn then being ignored is not just annoying but insulting. Anyway flashing cash in the direction of the dancer you want has always worked for me although like shadowcat says it's better if they go after you since it puts you in the position of power.
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13 years ago
avatar for johnbrwon001
Is it possible to ever grow tired of sex/naked girls?
The reason his response surprised me is because he's been in town two years and besides his brother I'm pretty much his only friend (he works from home) which doesn't mean he isn't friendly but like I mentioned before he just doesn't get out much. Plus I've never seen him with any girls and only talks about them when I bring up the subject and even then usually not in a flattering way like in the stories he tells about LA parties. He's also pretty young (late 20s, early 30s) to be "tired" of partying and even then I have another friend in his 50s and married who is one of the biggest horndogs I know. I've never met another guy with as little interest in sex as him.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Flint Women Apparently Vanished after Visiting Detroit Strip Club
http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/dpp/news/local/bodies-of-2-women-found-in-vacant-home-on-detroit%27s-east-side-20110622-mr?obref=obinsite They were shot to death. Thank god for the 2nd Amendment.
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14 years ago
avatar for Mr.Martian
I've never been to a stripclub.
Don't get carried away. Set a budget and stick to it. If you have credit or debit or bank cards leave them in the car. Keep your ones separate from your larger bills. Don't bring anything into the club you can't afford to lose except your virginity.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
The Social Network Facebook Can't Beat
Good point Book Guy. Social networking seems like the perfect vehicle for adults to hook up but FFN will never reach the heights of FB or even Craigslist if they make users pay up front or have a tiered structure where some pay and others don't. Unfortunately our society is so straightlaced and puritanical that FFN has probably already lost 90% of potential advertisers compared to FB and the advertisers that one would think are the best fit already saturate the web and often with unwanted viruses and trojans (heh).
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14 years ago
avatar for johnbrwon001
That's an awesome story. Looked up some of your reviewed clubs and it looks like you get around the Lexington KY area. Did this happen down there (down to me since I'm in middle Indiana right now)? I think I made a trip down there for other reasons and stopped by a club to chill out and wasn't too impressed. Anyway I've learned over the years to keep a condom handy just in case.