Suppose an advanced biotech company could take the DNA of any woman and create an organism exactly like her, but with the intelligence and docility of a cow. For convenience, let's call this "being" a womcow. Would it be ethical to create womcows? Should womcows have the same status under the law as livestock? Would you want to have sex with a womcow? Would it bother you if what you did to the womcow caused it fear or discomfort? Would it bother you if you caused a womcow pain? Would it be OK to make snuff films with womcows? If you have an SO, do you think she would break up with you for having sex with a womcow?
If your only reaction to this is that I am a sick fuck, you can just respond with "sf" to save typing.
1) sf 2) Its already available as "wine and dinner... lots of wine" 3) We cannot even control bio-engineered corn from wandering around - much less taking part in reproductive actions with a womcow 4) A little to much time on I think!
Don't make fun of a cow's intelligence. I think they are smarter than humans.
Horses have to work. All cows do is eat and play in the grass. The girl cows get their tits played with and the boys get masturbated for semen. What a life.
I hope they give free milk. If the new Farm Bill doesn't get passed, milk might be $7 per gallon. And if milk goes to $7 a gallon, lap dances will have to go to $55 to pay for the dancer's kids milk
I believe human cloning and genetic altered clones have already been developed in some lab in some country where ethical and religious questions are never asked. The information will not be released to the public until (1) the clone is free of mutations and (2) there is a good chance of public acceptance.
last comment2) Its already available as "wine and dinner... lots of wine"
3) We cannot even control bio-engineered corn from wandering around - much less taking part in reproductive actions with a womcow
4) A little to much time on I think!
They got something for everybody……
Personally, even the most physically beautiful and perfect woman would be a turnoff to me if i found her personality repellent or absent.
Horses have to work. All cows do is eat and play in the grass. The girl cows get their tits played with and the boys get masturbated for semen. What a life.
Yes i would fuck the womcow.
And you are a sick fuck but so am I. I want a womcow.