
Fake tits

layin low but staying high
Wednesday, August 24, 2016 11:53 AM
How many non-strippers do you know with fake tits? I'm wondering how common enhancement is among the general population. Of course it's difficult to be sure unless you see her topless, but given our experience on tuscl I bet most of you, like me, can make a very good educated guess just from a revealing summer top. For me, I only have one female friend that I know who definitely has fake tits. I suspected it all along, and those suspicions were confirmed when she had to go back in for a procedure to fix something that was wrong with her bolt ons. There are a couple of other women I know who I suspect, but the vast majority of the women I know have natural tits. Thankfully.


  • cresetstidas
    8 years ago
    Agree that the vast majority are natural, but I have quite a few civvies in my circle who have bolt ons. I have 5 good friends with confirmed bolt ons and another 3 or 4 acquaintances at work who are highly suspected. I have another 2 friends who had them put in their early 20s, but had them taken out a few years later. Still in the minority by a large margin, but not too rare.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I know a few who have undergone "breast reduction" surgery for cup sizes above DD. I know one had her tits removed. Neither of those are what you are asking. But none that I know have had a BA in the normal sense, sorry.
  • johnbrwon001
    8 years ago
    Maybe two. According to an estimate at FiveThirtyEight ([view link]), "almost 4 percent of women in America, or one in every 26, has breast implants." Furthermore, the breakdown in recent years is that the 30-39 year olds are the largest group getting them: 2013 ASAP Breast Augmentations, by Age 13-19 — 8,234 20-29 — 83,638 30-39 — 105,877 40-54 — 85,516 55+ — 6,934 [view link] My question would be, how does one go about asking an acquaintance or even a friend if she has implants, especially if you want to keep being acquaintances or friends with that person?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I know a couple civvies with fake tits. Fortunately my current g/f is plenty big naturally.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    --> "My question would be, how does one go about asking an acquaintance or even a friend if she has implants, especially if you want to keep being acquaintances or friends with that person" --> end quote If you can't empirically tell, as John suggests, and you cannot comfortably ask the woman directly, the best way remaining (IME) is to ask a mutual female friend and see if she knows. Chances are, IME, females talk openly about this, or because they similarly equipped with tits, they are a better judge empirically than men. The trick is to find a female that you can talk to enough in confidence. not everyone has access to one of those. The old Cold War analogy would be "keeping the lines of communication open" as certain CIA and KGB operatives were rumored to do so.
  • Daddillac
    8 years ago
    I thought about this at the pool this summer. I did a quick look around the pool and I would guess about 25% of the women at my neighborhood pool were augmented. However most of them are stay at home moms. I had three friends get divorced last year and all three of the ex wives got a new set of boobs within 6 months of the divorce.
  • Timbuck12
    8 years ago
    In Atlanta it's very common for non-strippers to have fake tits. You'll probably see more fake tits on a night on the town than you will in the strip clubs.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    30-39 — 105,877 == Not Married putting out bait. I have known 2 women in my past. Only fucked one of them. Deep down I know that's why they did it. both were A cup before and both were miners (hint). Both got married within 1 year of the surgery.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I live in a neighborhood full of soccermoms who live in workout gear, and drive Cadillac Escalades and GMC Denalis (you'll see an Infiniti, Mercedes and Lexus here and there) I'd say over half of them have fake tits. It's not the huge fake tits like you see on The Real Housewives of ------ more of the "I'm and A cup and I want to do to a C or small D." The way I can tell the real from the fake is when I am at the gym and watch them workout, the fake boobs don't move.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    I bet the answer to this question would vary greatly based on geography. Compare, say, Los Angeles, CA, to Boise, ID.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    Only one that I know of.
  • georgebailey
    8 years ago
    Strippers make up a small minority of women. A lot of women have work done. A lot more than you think. And a lot of women have tattoos. A lot more than you think.
  • BigPoppa99
    8 years ago
    I agree with Shaiynn, totally depends on geographic location. I live in a pretty ritzy beach town, and at the resort/beach club I workout at, 70% of the women have some sort of augmentation done. Most of the time you can easily tell- because they look to damn perfect.... Which I guess is not a bad thing! :):)
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    I have seen some enhancements said truly most excellent but that seems to be a small percentage in comparison to the overall number of fake boobs that I see.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    0 in my trailer park
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