Restroom Etiquette
Why is it so hard for people using the restroom to flush the toilet?
so many times I've walked into the restroom to find a seat with piss on it, and an unflushed toilet.
and guys, please wash your hands!
so many times I've walked into the restroom to find a seat with piss on it, and an unflushed toilet.
and guys, please wash your hands!
Other times they leave something that can't be flushed down, which could have been prevented with a courtesy flush.
Mostly though it seems to me assholes taking "public" to mean not giving a shit, so to speak, for whoever might use the toilet next or have to clean it, as opposed to "public" meaning something that is shared by all and for which users have some responsibility for not leaving the place worse than they found it.
When it comes to bathroom etiquette, here's my pet peeve. I don't want to talk to you at the urinal. It's always some drunk guy, and they always say the same stupid things. "Sure is a lot o' pussy out there!" "You see dat one with tha titties?!" Etc. I talk to anyone on the floor, even other customers, but in the bathroom, I don't want anyone talking to me.
I must visit places where the guys flush the toilet 99% of the time or the bathroom trolls do.
An unflushed toilet with floaters is nasty.
Sometimes it's incredibly rude, inconsiderate people, but sometimes it's a function of the fantastically drunk. Some guys see two toilets, they aim for somewhere in the center, but really they're pissing on the stall door.