
Comments by Golfer3166

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strip Club Fight Club
    A number of years ago I was in a Club down in Jackson, MS. It was about 4 PM in the afternoon so not exactly a hot bed of activity in the old club. A guy was sitting at a table two over from me, small tables that could only really seat two so he was pretty close. He was very drunk and had been since I came in a few hours earlier. He had a number of issues with dancers, mainly because he couldn't understand their instructions. In any event a dancer came over and asked him for a dance, he stood up whipped his dick out of his jeans and put it on the table and said there it is. The dancer yelled for the bouncer, the bouncer grabbed the guy and gave him the bum rush out, while he complained about having to leave his beer. They literally threw him out the door and onto the sidewalk.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My first lap dance with a bonafied porn actress.
    I was up in Alaska about 15 years ago, after a visit to the Great Alaskan Bush Co we headed to another place, think it was Cheetahs in Anchorage. They had as a featured dancer Stacie Staxxx, who was a porn star famous for her 66SSS tits. After a time on stage, where she showed her skills with her breasts and her skills at twirling a banana in her mouth, she did some private dances. Seemed to remember they were $50 and included a photo with her. I got a couple and they were very inspired dances with as much action as you wanted, well worth the $100 I spent.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper seniority has its perks
    Seniority in a club has a huge advantage as do the girls who are the big money makers for the club. Been in several clubs with dancers who have been there for a number of years and noticed they can do whatever they want and do. It's always good to find those and they always give the best dances.
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    7 years ago
    Vegas mileage?
    I've never found any of the Vegas clubs great for anything but a little eye candy. Much easier to order in if you want more than an air dance.
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    7 years ago
    Most common dancer deficiency?
    With breast implants being so common, it isn't hard to find a dancer with big boobs. The biggest deficiency to me is more too many tats, not sure that is a deficiency but more of a turn off. Also not too much into really skinny girls.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Road Trip
    Nashville is pretty dead, in fact most of TN is.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Road Trip
    Nashville is pretty dead, in fact most of TN is.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seeing a Stripper outside the Club
    You should never worry about seeing any of the dancers outside the club and how they might interact with you. Keep in mind that you go to a club and there are a dozen dancers for you to remember and only 1 or 2 that you might recall. A dancer sees 100 men in a club every night and probably tries to erase the memory of all of them as quick as possible.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Can you tell what kind of a dance it will be with an un-familiar stripper???
    I think you can in many cases. First the new girl generally isn't going to give a good dance. Secondly the best looking girl in the place probably is either wanting more money or not giving a great dance. I agree with another poster, if you find a girl who is a little older 25 to 30 you will more than likely be rewarded.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer's Memory
    It is funny sometimes that can remember all the details, it usually is one that you spent a lot of time with while you were there of course. Then you have the one who can't remember your name and comes up and introduces herself 15 minutes after getting a dance from you. Just shows that there is every range of brain in these girls just like us.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How much do you tip when you are at the rail?
    Tip a buck but if you want to get her attention and have her come to see you after her set, $5 generally is the norm.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When they talk about the Tampa Strip, they don't mean steak
    Great town for clubs. Mons is the club with the best looking chicks but best value for your $$ and great all nude lap dances are at Scarlett's at Ybor Strip. It's easy to find, only draw back is no alcohol. 2001 is a rip off and Lipstixx is pretty much just a rundown whore house (not that there is anything wrong with that). Scarletts has 3 for $50 lappers in a private area. You can negotiate deals for multiple dances and pretty much whatever you want. Pretty crowded at night, late afternoon is the best time for the most action.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    Happens a lot. Mostly in the clubs that have a good number of 'regulars' in it. The 3 clubs in Lawrence, KS are great examples of this. You see a dancer on stage and tip her and say you want a dance, she smiles and says she will be right over and then heads straight to her regulars. I realize that these guys come in a lot but I watched on one ocassion where the dancer whom I had asked sat at the same table with the same guy until her turn on the stage an hour later. I would think that they would like to get some of the out of town money as well. I would rather the dancer say I can't I'm entertaining one of my regulars so you can move on to someone else.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    Pretty photo, nice eyes - the photo would have been better to judge had it been a full view though. Knowing the area you are working in would be helpful. Also exactly what do you want to get from dancing, just a job, lots of cash or what. I think if you told a little more about what you intend to do you will get more help. There is an art to dancing on the stage, talking at the tables, where you sit with the customer and of course the lap dance is an art in itself.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Reasons to visit a strip club...
    1) I woke up today and everything still works 2) I have money to spend 3) I need to meet new friends 4) They sell beer there, if it's nude water and that's okay too
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    latch ons / red lights
    I like the system Cat uses but it can backfire. In some clubs the dancers can't come back, they have a defined shift. I tried that up near KC once and when the girl I wanted came by dressed she said she couldn't dance anymore after her shift ended. I'm better now about it, I just end to tell a girl that I'm not interested up front, figure I won't see her again anyway so what the heck. I have a few types I just don't like to get dances from.........I don't like black women and I don't care for really huge boobs so I tend to send them away quickly. I figure it's my money and my time so I will use it as I please.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    My attempt at artwork
    Not too bad, sorry about those collasped left boob.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    It happened the last time the big game was there and I think two things happen when there is a big event in Tampa. First you have a huge influex of girls from other places, who don't understand and go into the Tampa style. The other is that the area seems to sort of make an issue of them in an attempt to eliminate them but in this economy I think there are more important things than the 6 foot rule. If I was a local I wouldn't go during SB week, it won't be the same at YS for sure.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Savanna has always been mine. It's sort of classy. Jade, Diamond, Tiffiny, Rose seem to be everywhere. I always love it when they start to talk to you or get to know you a bit and tell you their real name, like it's a top secret thing. lol
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    Just curious, how many of you work with former dancers?
    I'm retired now but a few years back there was a new clerical girl that we hired that had that look. I always wondered if she had danced somewhere. I was at a club about 2 hours away one weekend and noticed her on stage. Pretty blonde about 25, great body. I tipped her and he almost died, came over and talked a bit. She did it every other weekend at this club. Hard to look at her again in the office lol and yes I did get a dance from her.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Super Bowl in Vegas
    I've been to Vegas during Super Bowl weekend several times. Most of the big Casinos open up one of their show rooms and have a giant screen in there. Vegas clubs are average, the talent is good but they are expensive and don't expect much other than looks. The Olympic Garden is the best club to hit for the Super Bowl if you want to be in a club during it, usually have a flat fee for admission and it gets you some goodies. Best club to hit in my opinion for going to a club is the Spearmint Rhino, great looking girls and a little more action than most. Plenty of IE's around if that what you're looking for.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The skinny, anorexic look: when will it end?
    I totally agree. I much prefer a woman who has curves than the bony skinny fake boob type. Hopefully that look will come back but as long as the women think that if you're 5 6 you should weight 105 pounds it won't.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Blackjack players... I have "Q" for you.
    The standard blackjack shue has 7 decks in it. The old MIT card counting strategy used a team, basically a couple to count, assigning a positive, negative or neutral number to each card. It is boring and takes a lot of time to do but it does work. Trying to count alone is almost impossible unless you play at a casino that has single deck blackjack.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Should I stop???
    I agree the ignore feature is the best. It's silly to pretend you are gay. I can't imagine why anyone who is gay - a male at least would be on this site. Lopaw I'm interested since you are female and gay, what do you enjoy about the club scene. Bet it would be fun to go to a club with a gay woman, we would have a lot in common.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are we all getting a lot more for our dollar in this economy?
    It seems to me that there are two ways the dancers are looking at things in this economy. First they are looking, that I am getting less dances so I keep my prices high or I might not make as much, those are the ones who don't understand business. The second group is okay I have to do more for less and make it up with volume and they will make more in this economy. Face it a lot of the people who go to the clubs are still going to go, I think a lot of the business group is not going and blowing $2k for their customers today. It's a good time for the normal clubber. You just have to demand more for your buck. After a few dancers get told no and why (price) they will get the message and adjust to the new economy.