avatar for Golfer3166

Comments by Golfer3166 (page 2)

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16 years ago
avatar for giveitayank
Escorts who also dance are hard to find...
Stage dancing is definitely a skill, one that 75% of the dancers don't have I might add. You notice that a lot of the girls well let's say 1/3 of those in a club never dance on stage. Usually they are the best looking and get by without it. I like to see them on stage and how they act with you before getting a dance so in 99% of the cases if they haven't or don't dance I don't get a lap dance from them. At the old PP in Memphis you could pretty well judge the best lap dancers from how they took your tits. Lots of them never danced but just moved around the stage and took tips. Escorts generally don't hang around the clubs, too much competition I think and in reality a different market. You hire them for something specific at a stated price. A dancer you try to get to do something in or out of the club usually on an impluse and as a challenge.
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16 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
All night!
I would only do this with a dancer that I have seen at least once outside the club and that I feel good about. If you are going to dinner with her you feel pretty comfortable with her already. In the case of a club like Mons in Tampa you will find a lot of the dancers come in for a weekend from all over and are looking for an all night gig so they don't have to pay for their hotel rooms, same in Vegas, a lot of 'dancers' and even just hot girls come in rent one room for about a dozen of them knowing 80% of them won't be using it. In my experience it is nice but I only have done this with two dancers and I had known them for a couple of years.
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16 years ago
avatar for gk
Falling off the stage
In the old Million Dollar Fantasy Ranch in Missouri, a very drunk dancer (this is a juice bar by the way lol) leaned over to get a tip from me and did a complete flip landing directly in my lap, her 6 inch heels missed my face by about 1 inch. She was stunned, bumped her head on the edge of the stage and took out about 3 drinks but laughed it off. The manager gave me a couple of free tickets to get in next time. All in all funny but I'm not sure how the insurance claim would have gone if her heel had taken out my eye.
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16 years ago
avatar for reignfire
South Carolina
Customers that just sit with dancers
Some clubs have dancer drinks that you have to buy to allow them to continue to sit with them. What always bugs me is when the limited dancers at a small club flock to their regulars as soon as they get off the stage, even if you have told them you are interested in a dance. I realize that those guys are there pretty much daily but I doubt they would mind if the dancer takes a 30 minute break. The worse club I saw for this was in Kansas, I think it was some bird name (the club). There were some great looking dancers, but only 4 or 5 and I had one sit with me during my 2 hours there even after tipping them on the stage.
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16 years ago
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Dude, I got kicked out of my favorite stripclub tonight...
This can happen pretty often. I have never been kicked out myself but I have been asked to leave with a group. In my case one of my friends was soliciting a dancer at another table behind us. The bouncer came up to us, after the dancer who had been talked to told him and said you guys have to leave. We had no idea what he was talking about, the guilty party had gone to the bathroom. The bouncer explained it and we told him that it wasn't us and that the dancer in question had actually offered OTC to both of us and was refused. I told him that I thought it was just a misunderstanding and he let us stay but it wasn't much fun after that.
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16 years ago
avatar for Fibber
District of Columbia
Female Customers
The place that I have seen the most females at a club was in the old PP in Memphis and always on the night shift. Many of these were dancers (current or former) just having fun. In Vegas the Olympic Gardens has a lot of women there during the late afternoon and night. A lot of these are partying and there are a share of escorts who are checking out customers.
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
I need to get laid OTC.
I definitely have to make it to the Columbia PP one time when Cat is there. My luck there has never been that great. Cat try out a new model just for a change, it sounds like there are 4 or 5 available for you. Thanks for all your help during my two trips to the PP, even though I didn't have the luck you seem to have, it was fun, I wish I could remember dancer names lol I forget them as soon as I hear them, they all sound alike.
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Where is your best source of strip club entertainment?
This is the only site I use. Big Doggie.net used to be a good site especially for the clubs in Tampa but now it's 99% escorts on there. I talk to a few guys on here, Shawdowcat has given me a few pointers about his favorite club and the guy from Memphis whose name I have forgotten used to email me and we went to some Memphis clubs a couple of years ago. He seems to have disappeared from here, can't remember his handle but he took a lot of the pictures for the site.
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17 years ago
avatar for casualguy
You ever decide just to stay home and save your money?
I generally don't go to clubs much except when I'm traveling so the gas I use to get from my hotel to the club isn't a big deal. The money isn't either although I do have a limit that I plan on spending and very rarely exceed it (there are exceptions lol) but I think the main problem is that if you go and you plan on spending say $200, you tend to spend it anyway, even if the dancers and the milage is low just in hopes of finding the fun girl. I've done that before in several clubs. Sometimes you just need to have your drink and tip at the stage and realize that the quality just isn't there. I do know that some of the better dancers do call in and see what the crowd is like before they go so on a slow night that can happen.
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Waitress turned dancer.
I think that many of the 'hot' waitresses end up becoming dancers. They serve drinks for $2 / hour plus tips, you know that seeing and hearing how much the girls are making moves them that way. Plus I would think being around it makes them less likely to worry about what people think. In a club in Nashville, there was a very very hot waitress that was serving us. I mentioned that I thought she was the hottest women in the club and joking asked her if she would dance for me (this was an all nude club with pretty good two way contact at the time). Without hestitation she said let me deliver these drinks and I will be right back. She said she dances from time to time and the management allowed it. Had a short black skirt on and heels and in the VIP room I quickly noticed that she wore nothing under, even while she served drinks, lol She was obviously ready. Great dance, well dances lol
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Porn stars as featured performers...
I was up in Ankorage, AK about 5 or 6 years ago and a porn star called Stacy Staxx was appearing. She was avertised at 66SSS up top. It was at Cheetah's I think. She didn't disappoint, she was about 5' 2" and probably had a 24 inch waist, she could take a folded dollar off both your ears at one time with her boobs. She also had a trick where she took a fresh banana and swallowed it whole, then pushed it out and twirled the part you could see with her tongue. She signed pictures with you for $5 and would do a lap dance for 2 for $50 (normal fee was $10 at the time there. She had a bodyguard but not for the private dances. I got the impression that she definitely was looking for OTC action but I was with a couple of others and didn't check into it. She was the only featured performer that I have seen that was worth seeing, the rest were pretty lame.
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17 years ago
avatar for 10inches
pubic hair
I don't care for the afro look from the 70's. The shaven look is okay on some dancers, basically those who have a perfect little pussy which means probably no kids, etc. I actually love the landing strip look on a real blonde or redhead. I guess the truth is that as long as I'm looking at it I'm pretty happy lol
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17 years ago
avatar for casualguy
Dancer asks "do you want to be my boyfriend?"
Shadowcat was on the money here, especially for us older guys. Who wants a girlfriend with all the problems of a stripper who is 25 years old. If she just wants to have dinner and fuck your brains out while you are in town, then that's a good stripper/girlfriend. However what you find most of the time is that they want an ATM machine when they need one and someone to tell all their stripper problems too and who needs that.
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17 years ago
avatar for Danton
mud wrestling like old Hollywood Tropicana
Have not seen that in many years. An old club I used to visit would have an ice cream social (dance) at midnight every Friday night. Two girls on stage fully nude, ice cream and all the toppings, mainly whipped cream and toppings. You would pay $5 to get a spoon and sit at the stage which was covered in plastic for the dance. It was a lot of fun, the whipped cream was the most fun, I always took an old tee shirt for that after my first experience.
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17 years ago
avatar for MisterGuy
Rhode Island
clapping for a stage dance
I think that most of the dancers couldn't care less about the clapping after they finish their stage set. They understand that tipping while they are at the stage is you way to say I appreciate the dance and like what you are doing. A lot of smaller clubs and even larger during the day will have the dancer come through and give the tipper a little kiss or smile and of course check out his interest in VIP dances. I always thought that the dancer who comes out in the crowd and does this is the better dancers and I have noticed that they usually are equally appreciative in the VIP room as well.
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Party animals....
There used to be a lot of those around at a number of clubs. Most of the time they come in pairs so it seems. My experience is that when you get them to dance for you (in a pair) they tend to pay more attention to each other than the dance and as someone else mentioned, the milage goes way down. They are there mainly to show off their hot bodies and make some money doing it. They aren't what I consider the professional dancers and they do come and go often.
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17 years ago
avatar for Zerzan
Strange requests in the VIP
Not most of the time. I have seen a lot of hair pulling and spanking but the more exotic requests seem to be better handled in the hotel rooms.
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17 years ago
avatar for 10inches
older dancers
I think it depends upon a number of things so you can't just choose an age. First the number of children has a great deal of influence on a woman's body and that should be taken into account. I have seen a dancer who was in her early 40's, no kids, kept herself in shape, etc. that could out do most of the 25 years olds in the club. I have also seen several 25 year old who have 3 kids who should have retired already.
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Dancer sues Strip Club.
I don't think her suit has much merit as it stands. The club did not force her to drink, but rather encouraged her to have the customer buy her drinks (she always can have the bartender make them non alcoholic). However the fact that the club might have let her leave in a drunken state and if the club keeps good records about what she consumed, then she has a better chance. My experience with suits like this is that the good record keeping is the first problem. If the club keeps track of all her drinks bought by customers and records them as alcoholic drink purchases then that will be used against the club.
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17 years ago
avatar for njscfan
What is a fair price for a travel companion?
If you are getting 'everything' for a two hour session for $300 a day consider yourself lucky as hell.
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Drunkest dancer I ever saw...
Back in the older days when the Million Dollar Fantasy Ranch in Missouri was at it's prime. This is a juice bar but the dancers obviously stash drinks in their lockers. I was sitting on the stage tipping the dancers, all nude club nice girls. One dark haired girl whom I had seen several times before in my visits was doing her 3 numbers and couldn't walk on her heels. Finally she managed it over to me and got on her knees and leaned over to get a tip between her tits. Went head over heels right over my head, almost took a 6 inch heel in the head. She landed on her back, got up and tried to walk back up the steps to the stage but was lead back by one of the bouncers never to be seen again.
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17 years ago
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Stripper With Smelly Vaginas
I have had this happen on 3 occassions. The first two I just finished the one dance and moved on because as many of the people have mentioned, take a look at some of the dirty sweaty guys who get off work and head to a club so look what they deal with (the girls). That being said there is no excuse for a 'professional' dancer to not smell nice everywhere. The third time I told the dancer that she just didn't smell well and ended the dance before it even got started, gave her $10 and she stomped off. One of the other dancers came up to me later and asked what I did to piss the other dancer off, I told her and she said she didn't blame me and then proceded to tell me all of her bad dances with the unclean men that come in so it works both ways.
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17 years ago
avatar for carteblanche
Economic Stimulus Payment Incentives
I have never tried a check. I once was in a club having a great time and had reached the limit I had brought to spend. They didn't have an ATM machine and I made a joke that I would go back to the VIP room again but all I had was a check (I always carry one spare check in my wallet). The dancer immediately said that the club would give you an advance on your credit card. It seems that they charge your card, as they would for drinks, etc. and deduct 10% for a convenience fee. I declined but I have seen a number of people do this in the past at several clubs.
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17 years ago
avatar for jimhalsted
Why don't more clubs have a website?
I think it's a little of the less seen the better for most clubs. If you have a web site it could show up in a search and make someone upset. I think most of the owners are willing to give up the little extra publicity for not being seen. Lot's of people probably don't even realize that some of the clubs exist since many are in out of the way or industrial areas. Tampa is a good example, they have all those clubs right in the middle of the main drag to the stadium and they have constant issues. Look at Ybor Strip (which does have a website) it is out of the way and you rarely hear it mentioned in the Tampa club battles. I guess in their case the website is worth the exposure because it is out of the way and the site has directions and a discount. I can see both sides of this issue.
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17 years ago
avatar for jimhalsted
Why don't more clubs have a website?
I think it's a little of the less seen the better for most clubs. If you have a web site it could show up in a search and make someone upset. I think most of the owners are willing to give up the little extra publicity for not being seen. Lot's of people probably don't even realize that some of the clubs exist since many are in out of the way or industrial areas. Tampa is a good example, they have all those clubs right in the middle of the main drag to the stadium and they have constant issues. Look at Ybor Strip (which does have a website) it is out of the way and you rarely hear it mentioned in the Tampa club battles. I guess in their case the website is worth the exposure because it is out of the way and the site has directions and a discount. I can see both sides of this issue.