
Most common dancer deficiency?

Thursday, June 29, 2017 12:15 PM
In your opinion, is it: A. Too old B. Overweight(too skinny for papi chulo and the likes) C. Too ugly D. Other, tats/emo/alternative/weird hair colors/baby damage/b.o. Which are you most tolerant of?


  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    D - Other For me the biggest deficiency is lack of big natural breasts - when I look at a cam-site like [view link] I see a whole bunch of naturally well-endowed women I would love to see in the clubs yet I do not see those types of women in the clubs.
  • hump_my_leg_12346
    7 years ago
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I would say drug use and I don't mean smoking pot too many of them are using much more hardcore drugs.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    among your options, its easily D. generally speaking, strippers are YOUNG women. strippers are also mostly attractive women....so that eliminates A and C. letter B is more subjective....but personally, i don't find too many dancers who in my eyes are over-weight so D is the answer and usually what bothers me the most is too many tats.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Always with women, the primary deficiency is in how they are wired up between the ears. SJG
  • JackAstor
    7 years ago
    D She's the queen of the trailer park so thinks that should carry over to a club . When it's not working for her or you tell her " not interested " the bad attitude is one I can do without. These are the kind why usually trying to fly as a pair too. Sorry, I'm interested in her but not you fatty.
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Alt look is for the birds. Usually those kind have a nice bo though.
  • Golfer3166
    7 years ago
    With breast implants being so common, it isn't hard to find a dancer with big boobs. The biggest deficiency to me is more too many tats, not sure that is a deficiency but more of a turn off. Also not too much into really skinny girls.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    D and D. Too much ink, the tats they do have are crappy in quality and taste. Piercings in abundance show up too. Poor attitudes are much too common as well. Picky bastard aren't I!
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    What SJG said. The next observant dancer I meet will be the first (okay, maybe the third or fourth).
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ 'observant' ? Might you clarify? SJG
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I'd have to go with C - too ugly, but D is a very close 2nd. It happens too many times where a decent looking girl looks like complete shit because she's all tatted up with jailhouse looking tattoos, big ass gauges in her ears, half of her head is shaved, and a damn bull horn in her nose. It's like one or two of these things are okay but all put together and you look like you should be at a "Motionless In White" concert. I will happily take a pretty girl that needs to lose a little weight.
  • motownkid
    7 years ago
    For me it is other - lack of hygiene - Body odor, pussy odor - once i get a whiff of that funk - I'm out.
  • motownkid
    7 years ago
    By the way personality has nothing to do with it - are you guys serious? You guys would bang a serial killer if she was hot with a nice ass!!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ ???? The main problem with many of these girls, in and out of strip clubs, is just that they are so screwy that you can't relate to them. Motown, sounds like you want an inflatable doll. SJG Amelia - Joni Mitchell [view link]
  • motownkid
    7 years ago
    San Jose Gay - Your in the clouds - "can't relate to them" - if you are looking for a girl with personality you can relate to - go to one of those dating sites find a fat bitch with no teeth. I am sure she will have a nice personality and it will be a lot cheaper. Strippers are there to take your money - number one goal. I would never pass on a hot girl because she wasn't a good conversationalist and didn't have a good heart. I have met strippers that hardly say a word and smoking hot - about making their money - I have no problem with that.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    If you can get along with the girl, then things will go well. If not, even if she is psyched up for sex acts and taking your money, it won't really go that well. Mechanical. You want a fembot. That's sad, don't know what would have made you this way. Good sex, with a woman you can relate to, even if you've only known her some minutes, can be mind blowing for both parties. SJG
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Definitely deficient in common sense. Time and space relationships seem to be difficult for them to grasp, which in turn is why they're always in poor relationships in general. They lack common understanding of universal rules and regulations, and even if they do understand their outright entitlement to abide by their own rules typically leads to the stripper's downfall. Down the rabbit hole they go!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Gassagain, if you are talking about strip club dancers and their limitations, then you and I are on the same side. SJG
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    ^ Most common dancer deficiency? All of the above!
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    over protective baby daddy/BF
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    I thought of another one, unwillingness to meet me OTC for a romp.
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    7 years ago
    The only deficiency I consider is she asks for too much...
  • sshrfrsky
    7 years ago
    A. Don't know if all you guys are understanding the question. It said what are you most tolerant of, did it not? So age for me cuz if she checks off all the others what's it matter? Prefer young because generally they are going to be more fit and attractive but not always. With b, c and d it's going to be obvious for the most part but unless she's a dried up prune do you know the dancers age for sure? My ATF is probably the second or 3rd oldest in the club but, yes this is my opinion, the hottest there. And what I believe is the oldest is a smoke show as well.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    I'm relatively tolerant of overweight if it comes with big natural tits and a prettty face
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I dont know that it's a "deficiency", but the thing that would most commonly get me looking the other way in a civilian, that I routinely overlook in strippers, is tats. Even then, some stripper tats I can't overlook, but given that most girls in anything but the highest-end clubs have tats, it's either deal with it or find a new activity
  • hump_my_leg_12346
    7 years ago
    Yeah. C I guess if we are limited to the options. Ugliness doesn't work for me or my veiny penis.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Haha! No tats or piercings, but I saw Motionless in White last summer lol.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    E. Attitude
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    I find the suggested choices inadequate to answer the question. One by one ... A. Too old = 2% Doesn't happen often enough to count, though it's a technical possibility. If she's UNATTRACTIVE to me due to age, then she is "too old to be a dancer," yes, but I find this a rather rare occurrence. Generally if a woman is older than most dancers, but also "fit-looking enough to be a dancer" then I consider her attractive enough, and often she will give a great private dance because of her experience. There are ALSO plenty of women whose age helps deposit them into B, C, or D, but that's a different issue. B. Overweight or underweight = 5% Here, I try to consider all potential reasonable customers when making an assessment. I like 'em kinda skinny; some guys like 'em fatter; so, for a girl to be literally TOO overweight or underweight, there must be so much of an extreme of that characteristic that she has gone into the realm where NO likely customer would wish for her "to be a dancer." I personally would have most current dancers lose weight or stay right where they're at, out there in the average-dancer world. But gentlemen generally in the aggregate, I'm guessing, would have only some current dancers lose weight, and some gain. Consequently, this too is a rare-ish phenomenon. C. Too ugly = 5% By the reasoning of A and B, I lump now C into the same category of "depends." First, we must assume we're talking about FACIAL ugliness or prettiness, right? Because otherwise we'd be discussing problem B., the overweight-underweight issue. So, for me, the "butterface" (= "but her face," a.k.a. "she's got a great body, I'm attracted to that, but her face is unattractive to me") is this question. I personally kind of LIKE butterface girls. Their capacity to be confident despite natural detriments which are due to nothing but luck of the genetic draw is an appeal to me. Their willingness to work on that which CAN be worked on, and not worry about that which CANNOT be changed, is impressive to me, I guess. You can't "work out" your face very much; but you can spend a lifetime of dedication and devotion getting a better and better body. So, personally, I give them credit for that. I don't think this pro-butterface attitude of mine goes fully to all girls -- a really ugly face? with some scarring, some kind of serious genetic mishap? I might not be able to over come it. And I don't think this pro-butterface attitude of mine translates to a general conglomerate of the whole male population -- most customers may be more face-oriented than I am. Nevertheless, most customers also are wearing beer-goggles. Facial disappointments fade with alcohol, low lighting, stage-make-up, and the waggling of tit or ass nearby. I think this is almost a non-issue. Aside from a weird small percent, every customer has some kind of pro-butterface-effect going on in his head, either my kind or the beer-goggles kind. D. Other issues = 20%, or more You lump baby-damage (saggy tits; belly creases, folds, skin-flap from childbirth; scars) in with tats/emo/weird. I totally disagree the former is a lifetime choice that ruins a woman's dancer-worthy appearance, to me. If she's had a child AND IT SHOWS BADLY, I am totally uninterested in her, even if I know she has skillz or is willing to do extras. If, to the contrary, she has chosen a particular appearance, then I might not mind that fact at all. Sometimes tattoos appeal to me; poorly done, trampish, or prison-oriented, generally do not; whereas nice "body art" can be a turn-on for me. And you certainly can NOT lump b.o. (body odor, hygiene) into that category, I think. Hygiene is a slovenliness issue; the others are longer-term choices. What about bad breath? And then ... E. Attitude. Stupidity. Inability to work it like a dancer SHOULD. That would be 99% of the problems I see. Any girl who is "hot enough to be a dancer" can fix all of the above A through D, simply, easily (except childbirth stuff) through greater care, finding customers who find her type to be appealing, and a little bit of planning ahead. The next step, is to FUCKING GET OFF YOUR ASS AND SAY HELLO TO CUSTOMERS continually. Hey girls, are you sitting at the bar with one guy but still wondering why you aren't selling any dances? STOP SITTING AT THE BAR WITH THAT ONE GUY. Hey girls, are you trolling the whole room with "wannadance? wannadance? wannadance?" but still wondering why you aren't selling any dances? INTERACT SOME MORE and butter them up BEFORE asking about private dances. Get your solicitation and conversation quotient somewhere in the middle, learn what parts of you and your visual outward performances are the appealing parts that act as good loss-leaders or simply as positive advertising, maximize your chances. Lower your prices, raise your service, increase your desirability (see items A, B, C, and D, above), be pro-active, or stop dancing because you're using up valuable floor space unproductively, thank you. One of the biggest things that Mons Venus has FIGURED OUT is item E. The girls are out-there asking, but not asking over-the-top offensively. Sure, the girls are ALSO winners in categories A through D, and that doesn't hurt. But I've seen PLENTY of near-Mons-quality girls who are true winners in categories A through D who also reduce their own chances by means of idiocy in item E, attitude. The overall ATTITUDE exuding from so many of them, sitting alone or with the club's inhabitant whale or dealer is, "I hate men and don't fucking touch me," portrayed in some abstract manner, sent either by lack of approach, or lack of capacity to sanely approach, or lack of willingness to engage in silly conversation small-talk that puffs up the male's ego and sense of confidence, or lack of willingness in general to EXTEND herself towards the needs of other people. Yeah, THAT's going to work, right? Not.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Holy shit, we got a San Jose Guy alias in the making!!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    -^^^Holy fuck Batman!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Book Guy, I agree with you that the dancer's attitude is the usually show stopping problem. But letting her sell you dances is still for chumps. You approach her and get friendly and let her get softened up and get a front room makeout session going. Strip clubs are the ideal place to learn how to meet a girl and right away get that friendly with her. SJG Pat Metheny, Joni Mitchell, Jaco Pastorius, Michael Brecker - "Shadows And Light" [view link] 8 Body Language Tricks [view link] James Dean, Rebel Without A Cause, clip, method acting at its very best. [view link] The James Dean Story - Documentary by Robert Altman (1957) [view link] JAMES DEAN: BORN COOL (2000) - a documentary by Denn Pietro & Denver Rochon [view link]
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Change your profile name to Encyclopedia Guy to warn us properly.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    Dude, a Book is long enough. :)
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I see two questions. Most common deficiency? I will group B, C, and D together as looks. Since I'm usually only interested in a small handful of dancers based on looks alone, maybe only one or two in some clubs, I will say most clubs are not full of 9's and 10's that guys are dying to get dances from. I will list E as attitude or personality. It takes a while to discover this one. What am I most tolerant about? Since age is rarely a factor and I'm not at all tolerant with a dancer with a bad attitude, I must be most tolerant when it comes to a dancers looks. That doesn't mean I'm willing to spend my money getting dances from the ugliest girl in a club. If she looks repulsive to me though or not my type that is almost just as repulsive as a bad attitude. Example, hot dancer approached me a couple weeks ago. First thing she does is ask for money like I'm an atm machine. Extremely repulsive attitude.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I'm tolerant of bruised knees.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Topic: "Most common dancer deficiency?" #1: Moral deficiency. That has some benefits but also some disadvantages when dealing with them.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    A lot of business transactions are built on trust, and since I've yet found a stripper I can trust that seems to be their biggest deficiency to date.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    ^ do you mean bc strippers lie, or bc they are unpredicable?
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Pick either one Bj99, and you'll be right. Understood it's a business model to say whatever sounds good to keep the guy spending.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @SJG I'm with you on the connection issue. I'm not a big fan of mechanical sex with a stranger (although the occasional BJ from a stripper I've just met can be exciting). I wish my favorite club would allow front room make out sessions, but no such luck. (Although, there was this one Russian dancer years ago when the club wasn't quite so strict that was quite the make out artist.) @Papi I'm with you! There's been too many times I go to Follies and there isn't a decent pair of big natural boobs to play with. And as far as what I can forgive . . . I can forgive age and/or overweight if it is compensated for by great personality and exceptional customer service.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    Age is not important to me as long as she is HOT! (of course she will still be way younger than me.) that also covers B and C. as for tats... i prefer none, butt i will NOT let tats stop me from enjoying a HOT girl! ditto with emo, hair, piercings and fake boobs, butts and surgery. if there is HOT there... i'm there!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    @joc: The lack of kissing in clubs is mostly the girls not liking it, especially in front of other custies in part b/c the other custies will also want the same treatment, but it's mostly the girl not liking it
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ they don't want their customers to taste the sperm residue and find out they just gave a bj to someone else.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    Sad but true, flagooner ^^. I think that "sulfite" breath is a turn-off; many girls try to cover it with mints, but actually garlic and onion dining probably makes for a better masking odor, though a worse ultimate smell unless everyone's been eating garlic and onion ...
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I was just wondering if some dancers breath smelled like listermint. Might depend on what she's been sucking on. Lol.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    joc13, the only way to know if a club will allow front room makeout sessions is to try it. If the club allows touching, then the answer is probably yes. Some clubs try to force all contact into the back rooms. These are clip joints, they just sell a fantasy. Because if it is done that way, the girl has to lead it and you just have to go with it. So she will be dissociated, not actually lowering her psychological defenses. She won't be opening up to you. Papi, yes it is true that girls know that other custies will want the same. But some girls don't care. That is how they make money, and how they have a good time too. So some encourage it, and it does make other custies want the same, but it also gets other dancers doing the same. :) Mostly you just have to find a girl you like, and learn how to let her get softened up. Always in the front room though, and with feeding her money and being open and honest with her. Most of the time this works for me in AMPs, and then the sessions are phenomenal. And in our underground strip club circuit, girls can be gotten into this very easily, mostly because they are pitching OTC. My world was completely changed by a front room makeout session with an extremely cute black girl at SF New Century, decades ago. Now, with Deja Vu, and unbranding most of their clubs, we still don't really know how it is, clip joints, or where it can just happen, between you and the girl. SJG Ashley Graham's Swimwear. Even for slut wear, showing the tummy is not important. People finally figuring this out. [view link] Erik Satie [view link] Whole Tone Scale [view link] In elementary school I used to like to play scales like this, they are spacey. Bernie Sanders, resisting Trump [view link] Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers [view link]
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    I personally have to go with attitude/personality. The older I get, the more it's about how much I enjoy hanging out with them. Yeah, some of them only care about the money, but the good ones know it isn't only about the money.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    It's all about the $$$, the good ones just don't make it feel that way :)
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @SJG I've been going to SCs for 30 years, so I know how to figure it out. When I said "I wish . . ." it's because I've been going to that club for 20 years and know good and damn well they don't (had to be very sneaky with the Russian girl).
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ So don't go to clubs which apply arbitrary front room restrictions. They are the modern version of clip joints. They prevent you from establishing the right kind of rapport with your girl. Dance booths are not the place to establish that. Is the club in question part of any corporate chains? SJG Debussy, adapted for organ, watch this guy's heel and toe work, and how he also uses toe pistons. [view link]
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    ^^^ no they are not part of a corporate chain. I work with the options available. And, I don't have any trouble establishing rapport when she's dancing with her arms around my neck and my hands are planted firmly on her ass. :-)
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