I think overall that todays girls (not strippers) take better care of themselves than the girls of my generation. They work out, they get tans, they eat vegan but they also have a lot of boney ass, scared to eat a bite, POW looking, I wish I looked like that filthy ass whore Paris Hilton, vampire wannabbes. I made a rare church visit this morning and there were dozens of these upper middle class white teenage girls that from a distance resembled skeletons. All I can say is I hope they grow out of it.
Usually people complain that America is getting obese. I frankly find, that the current "beauty norms" (as accepted by most men; though, not necessarily, as presented in "the media") are EXTREMELY large relative to what I would consider either beautiful or healthy. Frankly, a 5'5" woman, at 25 years old, of generally average muscularity, should NOT have large deposits of fat around her arms, neck, or belly EVER, and the notion that this somehow means she's "feminine" is idiotic. It's not "feminine" to swill alcohol and develop a beer-belly.
I only remember seeing one really skinny anorexic girl. She was a stripper and you could see where all her bones were pushing her skin out. Terrible. I haven't seen any other girl look anorexic since then. In fact I think the norm is to be slightly overweight.
I guess we are talking Twiggy. I know a couple of dancers that fit that description and they are very popular. I even like em. gridget is 5'5" 112lbs (her numbers). A nice flat belly, firm 34B's and a great bubble butt. My perfect female body. #2 favorite dancer is meatier. A 36D. I told her that gridget had the body that I adore but that she met the competition with her great personality. I have 3 favorites that I consider to be a little over weight. But as long as they have good attitudes and treat me right, I don't care.
Lately, I haven't seen anyone who I would call skinny or anorexic at any of the clubs I regularly visit. Some are thin, but you can't see where their ribs are. Most of them seem on the way to being overweight, if not downright obese.
I totally agree. I much prefer a woman who has curves than the bony skinny fake boob type. Hopefully that look will come back but as long as the women think that if you're 5 6 you should weight 105 pounds it won't.
I travel internationally often, and whenever I've been away a few weeks and come back, the first thing I notice off the plane is how goddamned fat everyone is. It's pretty disgusting and, frankly, inexcusable.
I don't like the American media either, but because it is too pro-America. Perhaps the media if they'd followed The Wall Street Journal's lead and reported on the sleaze of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac years earlier, then perhaps just perhaps the mortgage mess could been prevented. I was watching it and thought well maybe these guys know what they're doing, but it sure in hell looked criminal and unsustainable.
Perhaps if the media was a little more honest about the government's wars, then there would be a lot fewer deaths of both Americans and non-Americans. Oh well, I assume most Americans probably agree with you.
Now one area where I believe that I'm in the majority is revulsion towards "curvy" dancers---well, actually the normally healthy male will screw anything with a hole. At least they claim to be revolted by blubber butts. As our long lost David would say if need blubber go to Walmart---one of America's few great treasures.
100% agreed. I'm one of those obese Americans, I'm unproud to say. My excuse is a bad foot, bad knees, bad back, etc. When I was able to walk, I was somewhat trim. Not skinny. But, a lot more muscle than fat.
I understand Jablake's pain, I got a replacement knee about a year ago. Before that I ate like I was still running an hour a day and I blimped up to nearly 250 - which was way too much for my 6'1". Now I can walk without pain (though the new parts click and pop a lot and metal detectors go wild) and I work out daily. My weight is down to 215 (still 25 lbs to go), muscle mass is way up so I burn more calories and I do feel at lot better. Jablake, you might consider talking to a Dr about medical options - it worked for me.
For the rest of the country - we really are fat! I accept that fastfood and bad nutrition play a role, but that's just another result of the core problem. IMHO we have raised a generation in this country that do not understand the concept of personal responsibility. TV ads do not force people to eat, McBurgers and fries will not make you fat unless you pig out and then sit on your a## until the next pigout. When did it become someone else's fault when we stuff our face and sit on our a##?
In Europe several times over the past 20 years I noticed (gleefully) that evening meals were wonderful events that involved hours (literally - hours) of eating. (Italy has the right idea 2 "main" courses with a meal!) I also noted that most people walked for miles around town getting to and from the resturants and generally walked everywhere in town. Public transport and private autos were basically a means to get across cities or between towns. People were thinner and better looking.
Perhaps, if people here wake up and accept that we are each responsible for what we eat and how we take care of our bodies, the "fat problem" might shrink a little. ;-}
As far as the title issue, I don't like the anorexic look either, but it sure beats the waddling blimp look I see too often (especially when the blimp chooses to wear stretch pants and show the world every roll she's got -eech!)
I guess there are two extremes on any continuum, and of course the middle path should be ideal. But males being males, we tend to prefer (and this is biologically pre-ordained) females who look like they're right on the cusp of child-bearing, which means we like 'em to look like they're 16. Consequently, although overweight is only equally as unhealthy as underweight, beauty isn't 100% about health.
America is a disgustingly obese nation. I'm not happy with the few extra pounds I carry, and yet I'm considered by most to be well under my "normal" weight. But there are WAY too many over-weight strippers (and other humans) out there right now. (And of course, we really should be talking about body fat PERCENT and not total body WEIGHT.) So, if someone is complaining (as the original poster is) about too many "skinny" girls, I must conclude he's not attending the average American club, or his preferences are not average to the average American male.
I also don't like the EXTREMELY under-weight look. To me, Kate Moss was always unappealing. But frankly, there's nobody that size in any of the strip clubs I've ever been to lately, and there are very few who even TEND in that direction from the "ideal in the middle" size. There are some few who are slightly over-weight; many many who are very over-weight; and 1 or 2, out of every 50, who are of ideal weight; and maybe 1 out of 100 who is under-weight at all; and NONE who are so under-weight they seem unappealing or unhealthy.
If you like looking at fatties, why do you need to go to a strip club? There are tons of unappealing women waddling around the malls and Wal-marts all desperate for your attention. Act like they're beautiful "just like Paris Hilton" and you'll be the first -- AND ONLY -- man in their lives stupid enough to respond to their obese bodies with desire or attraction.
A knee replacement sounds extremely painful. I've talked with the family doctor and also with 3 specialists (for the foot). The knees are related to the way I walk; seems strange cause I don't walk much at all. Bottom line there was NO help. A lady friend of mine has bad feet and bad knees and probably will end up under the knife. I'll see how that ends.
My confidence in American medicine is fairly low---I assume it is better than some other countries. I watched a very old buddy die and extremely painful death because the doctor was afraid of the DEA. If I was the doctor, then I'd probably also have been much more concerned about the government taking my license than with the patient. For many many many years I've suffered a horrible cold allergy. After too many doctors and too many medications, I finally stumbled across Drixoral which for me was a miracle drug. And, I could buy it over the counter. Well the government is a menace and sure enough this once easily available cold and allergy medicine isn't available: I was reading I think it was the Christian Science Monitor what a wonderful victory this was for the government. Yes, sooooooooo wonderful----might as get rid of all medicines as far as I'm concerned and then maybe just maybe the anti-drug fanatics would grow a brain. Heck, I think I'd just settle for them telling the truth 50% of the time.
I can't imagine any man finding that there is a shortage of women with "curves" in America. They must be searching for 500 pounders and even those are somewhat abundant.
And, the beautiful thing about loving these giants is that they should be fairly receptive. Wear a sign at Walmart proclaiming your love of fatties and you may very well be trampled by women eager to love you. If that doesn't work, then try the old chocolate bar lure. True, you might lose a few fingers, but a small price to pay for love.
I'm so sick of fatties (please remember, I'm fat) that the skeletons even look appealing.
I am 5'10 1/2". Weighed 150 lbs when I graduated from high school and still weight 150 lbs. Just lucky. I guess. I don't have much tolerance for fat women. Do they wonder why men do not want to fuck them?
I did get seduced by one when I was in my early 20"s. These 3 girls threw a party at the house they were sharing. 12 -15 people in attendance. A lot of drinking and MJ smoking (not me). It was a friendly group. We all new each other very well. Ever done a group shower? I hooked up with the better looking of the 3. We spent a long time on the sofa. DFKing and fondling. Then she tells me that "sorry but I am on the rag". Bummer. The party starts to break up. A lot of couples left. I was too drunk to drive. So I crashed on the sofa. I was awakened by the fat girl and she offered to share her bed with me. Well, I was so smashed that I didn't care where I slept. We got into bed. The next thing I know she is fondling my dick and he is liking it. Remember, I was young then. DFK and mutual fondling followed. It of course ended with a very satisfying FUCK. I slept very good for about 5 hours. Woke up and discovered who I was in bed with. I did not stay for breakfast.Thruthfully for a fat girl, she did now sweat much. I found out a month later that she was already pregnant. I guess everybody has different likes.
Here in LA the people tend to be in better shape. You can definitely tell the recent arrivals, since many of them are much fatter than the natives.
What I'm seeing at my gym now is what I see every year around this time - the new year's resolution people invading, hoping to kick start that resolution to lose weight. Virtually all of them will be gone by Feb 1st or so, and we gym rats will get our gyms back....at least until this same time next year.
As far as the OP's question about girls in general (not strippers) looking anorexic - as long as the media crams images of skinny models & actresses down the throats of our very impressionable female youth, we will have girls starving themselves to replicate that look. And as long as Hollywood & media advertisers keep pushing that look for women, it will never end. Thankfully, most girls eventually mature enough to stop trying to look like runway models, and (hopefully) maintain normal weight.
The last and only anorexic dancer I remember seeing I saw over 10 years ago. I'm more likely to see a big fat dancer rather than someone who looks too skinny. When I mean big and fat I mean someone I wouldn't be interested in even looking at walking down the street. However I guess you can say the same thing about a number of dancers if you saw them in brighter light. Fortunately the trend in the last year seems to be dancers who are looking better. Even one of my favorites who had gained a few pounds during the summer got a tan while working at the beach and lost some weight and looks pretty darn good now.
Wow...interesting subject guys....i am curious as to what exactly you call anorexic, as Shadowcat said I am 5'5 and about 112 pounds and I do not consider myself "anorexic" looking. I do not obsess over weight as some of you have posted small girls do...I have just been small my whole life as may be the case with some of these other girls. I also do not use drugs as some of you have assumed about small girls. I work everyday at a regular job and come to the club to see my friends like Shadowcat and have a good time. I also find that different guys like different things...that is the good thing about clubs, so my point is if you don't like the "anorexic" girls then don't tip them or look at them..it is your choice but some guys like little girls. Oh and Shadowcat your #2 dancer as you call her does have a wonderful personality and she is pretty...she is the total package:)
I'm just really curious as to what you guys consider is fat. I personally agree with the poster of this thread that I don't like for women or dancers to be too skinny because I don't like seeing bones or being poked during a lapdance. On the flip side though I don't like for a woman to be fat either...it should be well porportioned, you know nice set of tits, flat stomach, big thighs, hips, and a nice bubble ass that are all cellulite free. That's a nice body in my opinion.
My girlfriend was 5'4 and 100 pounds. Surprisingly, she wasn't skinny and was in good health. Some women are big boned. Even if they're the proper healthy weight they're going to be heavy compared to some norm.
When I think of 100 pounds and 5'4, it just seems like that means skinny--it doesn't. I don't how the hell she could look so good and be only a 100 pounds. A friend is her size and when she started to starve herself (horrible divorce) and got near a 105 pounds you could see bones (horrible looking). She said she wasn't starving herself, but the court proceedings were so upsetting she just didn't feel like eating. After I told her that she looked like shit, she surprisingly got back to a healthy weight (she thought I was cruel).
One thing I really appreciate about stripclubs is they abolish the notion there is one perfect look. Yes, different racial or ethnic groups may agree strongly on an ideal, but different men have different tastes. My barber's girlfriend is to die for. She is that stunning. And, yet among his fellow Haitian barber's she is considered a dog as far as looks. The Haitian barber doesn't like their ideal of big women. These big women that they consider hot are so unattractive to me that I would pay them to stay dressed. Back to the Haitian barber's girlfriend, she has medium large natural breasts that defy gravity and a wonderfully shapely butt that also defies gravity. No blubber at all and yet somehow she has these fantastic curves. Even at my age, my heart started pounding.
Her weight? I couldn't guess, but I'm sure it was much heavier than my girlfriend.
How can anyone even bother with this? Each one of us has our own view of that "perfect woman, body, whatever"! I thank God that we do. If everyone like the same thing and everyone tried to achieve that, what a BORING fucking world! Thank God for VARIETY!!!
Well, there is fashion. If the fashion is fake tits, then low and behold depending on the culture the entire female population will be sporting fake tits. It is depressing for me to see a beautiful woman disfigure herself for fashion.
So, blubber butt lovers should speak up if they desire blimps. Who knows if enough blubber butt lovers speak up perhaps fashion models will need to weight a minimum of 300 pounds.
However, over at The Trap I was fairly certain that I knew what the old white men liked. You see the right look and that dancer was going to be busy making $$$. There are some standards depending on the group. I have a rough idea what the Haitian barbers wants. BIGGEST!!!!!!!! My Haitian barber was very much the odd man out in that he liked small in shape without the so called "curves." Seems like when a man or woman speak of "curves" it means bowling ball. Another word that has been twisted into meaning fatter than a barn is voluptuous. :(
Let me have RIBS! :) OK, maybe not ribs. If the the choice is ribs or blubber, then ribs win by a landslide.
what is the obsession with weighing as close to 100 lbs as possible. there are gorgeous, sexy, healthy women who weight 135 or 150. Women who would turn heads and make men drool on themselves. GIRLS in high school should weigh 100 lbs. not grown, sexy, natural women.
what is the obsession with weighing as close to 100 lbs as possible. there are gorgeous, sexy, healthy women who weight 135 or 150. Women who would turn heads and make men drool on themselves. GIRLS in high school should weigh 100 lbs. not grown, sexy, natural women.
Shadowcat says he weighs 150 lbs. Sorry, I have no interest in women that are equal to or heavier than a normal man. You like 'em big as 300 or 3000 lbs that is fine and dandy, but do you need a stripclub?
Yes, I realize you are writing about 150 lb women---but, even those women aren't in short supply. Walmart will meet all your desires. Now for those that like hot women; well, that is where the stripclub comes into the picture. Yes, they're more expensive than Walmart. That's is why some hefty government subsidies would be just.
I guess, to simplify, I'd simply say, there are TONS of unattractively overly fat women in America today, and VERY FEW unattractively overly skinny women in America today, and that trend follows through in strip clubs as well. So I don't know what the OP is complaining about.
Shotdisc: We have known each other for 7 or eight years but have never met personally. We came close 2 years ago. For the guys that don't know him, He was once number #1 with the guys with the most reviews. Yeah, you knew my ATF. I got over it. Like Shehitout says, we "found new toys" She was a Goddess but life goes on. I love petite but never say NO to a girl that treats me right.
last comment"When strip clubs are not full of people selling meth & coke."
Dang, if that is the case, then in my area the people selling meth & coke, need to get off their butts and get to work. Gridget's numbers are ideal.
I travel internationally often, and whenever I've been away a few weeks and come back, the first thing I notice off the plane is how goddamned fat everyone is. It's pretty disgusting and, frankly, inexcusable.
Hi TUSCL_Brother,
I don't like the American media either, but because it is too pro-America. Perhaps the media if they'd followed The Wall Street Journal's lead and reported on the sleaze of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac years earlier, then perhaps just perhaps the mortgage mess could been prevented. I was watching it and thought well maybe these guys know what they're doing, but it sure in hell looked criminal and unsustainable.
Perhaps if the media was a little more honest about the government's wars, then there would be a lot fewer deaths of both Americans and non-Americans. Oh well, I assume most Americans probably agree with you.
Now one area where I believe that I'm in the majority is revulsion towards "curvy" dancers---well, actually the normally healthy male will screw anything with a hole. At least they claim to be revolted by blubber butts. As our long lost David would say if need blubber go to Walmart---one of America's few great treasures.
100% agreed. I'm one of those obese Americans, I'm unproud to say. My excuse is a bad foot, bad knees, bad back, etc. When I was able to walk, I was somewhat trim. Not skinny. But, a lot more muscle than fat.
When I was able to walk without pain
For the rest of the country - we really are fat! I accept that fastfood and bad nutrition play a role, but that's just another result of the core problem. IMHO we have raised a generation in this country that do not understand the concept of personal responsibility. TV ads do not force people to eat, McBurgers and fries will not make you fat unless you pig out and then sit on your a## until the next pigout. When did it become someone else's fault when we stuff our face and sit on our a##?
In Europe several times over the past 20 years I noticed (gleefully) that evening meals were wonderful events that involved hours (literally - hours) of eating. (Italy has the right idea 2 "main" courses with a meal!) I also noted that most people walked for miles around town getting to and from the resturants and generally walked everywhere in town. Public transport and private autos were basically a means to get across cities or between towns. People were thinner and better looking.
Perhaps, if people here wake up and accept that we are each responsible for what we eat and how we take care of our bodies, the "fat problem" might shrink a little. ;-}
As far as the title issue, I don't like the anorexic look either, but it sure beats the waddling blimp look I see too often (especially when the blimp chooses to wear stretch pants and show the world every roll she's got -eech!)
America is a disgustingly obese nation. I'm not happy with the few extra pounds I carry, and yet I'm considered by most to be well under my "normal" weight. But there are WAY too many over-weight strippers (and other humans) out there right now. (And of course, we really should be talking about body fat PERCENT and not total body WEIGHT.) So, if someone is complaining (as the original poster is) about too many "skinny" girls, I must conclude he's not attending the average American club, or his preferences are not average to the average American male.
I also don't like the EXTREMELY under-weight look. To me, Kate Moss was always unappealing. But frankly, there's nobody that size in any of the strip clubs I've ever been to lately, and there are very few who even TEND in that direction from the "ideal in the middle" size. There are some few who are slightly over-weight; many many who are very over-weight; and 1 or 2, out of every 50, who are of ideal weight; and maybe 1 out of 100 who is under-weight at all; and NONE who are so under-weight they seem unappealing or unhealthy.
If you like looking at fatties, why do you need to go to a strip club? There are tons of unappealing women waddling around the malls and Wal-marts all desperate for your attention. Act like they're beautiful "just like Paris Hilton" and you'll be the first -- AND ONLY -- man in their lives stupid enough to respond to their obese bodies with desire or attraction.
A knee replacement sounds extremely painful. I've talked with the family doctor and also with 3 specialists (for the foot). The knees are related to the way I walk; seems strange cause I don't walk much at all. Bottom line there was NO help. A lady friend of mine has bad feet and bad knees and probably will end up under the knife. I'll see how that ends.
My confidence in American medicine is fairly low---I assume it is better than some other countries. I watched a very old buddy die and extremely painful death because the doctor was afraid of the DEA. If I was the doctor, then I'd probably also have been much more concerned about the government taking my license than with the patient. For many many many years I've suffered a horrible cold allergy. After too many doctors and too many medications, I finally stumbled across Drixoral which for me was a miracle drug. And, I could buy it over the counter. Well the government is a menace and sure enough this once easily available cold and allergy medicine isn't available: I was reading I think it was the Christian Science Monitor what a wonderful victory this was for the government. Yes, sooooooooo wonderful----might as get rid of all medicines as far as I'm concerned and then maybe just maybe the anti-drug fanatics would grow a brain. Heck, I think I'd just settle for them telling the truth 50% of the time.
And, the beautiful thing about loving these giants is that they should be fairly receptive. Wear a sign at Walmart proclaiming your love of fatties and you may very well be trampled by women eager to love you. If that doesn't work, then try the old chocolate bar lure. True, you might lose a few fingers, but a small price to pay for love.
I'm so sick of fatties (please remember, I'm fat) that the skeletons even look appealing.
I did get seduced by one when I was in my early 20"s. These 3 girls threw a party at the house they were sharing. 12 -15 people in attendance. A lot of drinking and MJ smoking (not me). It was a friendly group. We all new each other very well. Ever done a group shower? I hooked up with the better looking of the 3. We spent a long time on the sofa. DFKing and fondling. Then she tells me that "sorry but I am on the rag". Bummer. The party starts to break up. A lot of couples left. I was too drunk to drive. So I crashed on the sofa. I was awakened by the fat girl and she offered to share her bed with me. Well, I was so smashed that I didn't care where I slept. We got into bed. The next thing I know she is fondling my dick and he is liking it. Remember, I was young then. DFK and mutual fondling followed. It of course ended with a very satisfying FUCK. I slept very good for about 5 hours. Woke up and discovered who I was in bed with. I did not stay for breakfast.Thruthfully for a fat girl, she did now sweat much. I found out a month later that she was already pregnant. I guess everybody has different likes.
What I'm seeing at my gym now is what I see every year around this time - the new year's resolution people invading, hoping to kick start that resolution to lose weight. Virtually all of them will be gone by Feb 1st or so, and we gym rats will get our gyms back....at least until this same time next year.
As far as the OP's question about girls in general (not strippers) looking anorexic - as long as the media crams images of skinny models & actresses down the throats of our very impressionable female youth, we will have girls starving themselves to replicate that look. And as long as Hollywood & media advertisers keep pushing that look for women, it will never end. Thankfully, most girls eventually mature enough to stop trying to look like runway models, and (hopefully) maintain normal weight.
Best answer.
When I think of 100 pounds and 5'4, it just seems like that means skinny--it doesn't. I don't how the hell she could look so good and be only a 100 pounds. A friend is her size and when she started to starve herself (horrible divorce) and got near a 105 pounds you could see bones (horrible looking). She said she wasn't starving herself, but the court proceedings were so upsetting she just didn't feel like eating. After I told her that she looked like shit, she surprisingly got back to a healthy weight (she thought I was cruel).
One thing I really appreciate about stripclubs is they abolish the notion there is one perfect look. Yes, different racial or ethnic groups may agree strongly on an ideal, but different men have different tastes. My barber's girlfriend is to die for. She is that stunning. And, yet among his fellow Haitian barber's she is considered a dog as far as looks. The Haitian barber doesn't like their ideal of big women. These big women that they consider hot are so unattractive to me that I would pay them to stay dressed. Back to the Haitian barber's girlfriend, she has medium large natural breasts that defy gravity and a wonderfully shapely butt that also defies gravity. No blubber at all and yet somehow she has these fantastic curves. Even at my age, my heart started pounding.
Her weight? I couldn't guess, but I'm sure it was much heavier than my girlfriend.
Of course, I'm "more right" than other people, but still... variety is a good thing :P
Well, there is fashion. If the fashion is fake tits, then low and behold depending on the culture the entire female population will be sporting fake tits. It is depressing for me to see a beautiful woman disfigure herself for fashion.
So, blubber butt lovers should speak up if they desire blimps. Who knows if enough blubber butt lovers speak up perhaps fashion models will need to weight a minimum of 300 pounds.
However, over at The Trap I was fairly certain that I knew what the old white men liked. You see the right look and that dancer was going to be busy making $$$. There are some standards depending on the group. I have a rough idea what the Haitian barbers wants. BIGGEST!!!!!!!! My Haitian barber was very much the odd man out in that he liked small in shape without the so called "curves." Seems like when a man or woman speak of "curves" it means bowling ball. Another word that has been twisted into meaning fatter than a barn is voluptuous. :(
Let me have RIBS! :) OK, maybe not ribs. If the the choice is ribs or blubber, then ribs win by a landslide.
But trends change regarding societal "ideals." I like a line from Jewel Kilcher: "They say Miss J's big butt is boss; Kate Moss can't find a job..."
Yes, I realize you are writing about 150 lb women---but, even those women aren't in short supply. Walmart will meet all your desires. Now for those that like hot women; well, that is where the stripclub comes into the picture. Yes, they're more expensive than Walmart. That's is why some hefty government subsidies would be just.
guys that don't know him, He was once number #1 with the guys with the most reviews.
Yeah, you knew my ATF. I got over it. Like Shehitout says, we "found new toys" She was a Goddess but life goes on. I love petite but never say NO to a girl that treats me right.