
Dancer's Memory

Thursday, February 12, 2009 12:53 AM
Anyone else been impressed with a Dancer's memory? I only go to clubs when I travel on business, which means that several months may go by between visits to a particular club. One girl that I seemed to hit it off with at a certain club gave me her number at closing and told me to call her the next time I was in town. As it turned out I didn't make it back to that club until maybe 4 months later, so I really didn't expect her to remember me at all. Not only did the dancer remember me, she demanded to know why I hadn't called her. At a different club a dancer that I vaguely remembered from a few months earlier sat down and gave me a blow by blow description of what happened on my previous visit, to include mentioning some personal details I had shared (thinking that dancers didn't really pay attention to what their customers were saying anyway). Is this some occupational skill dancers learn?


  • elvis2
    15 years ago
    Yes, it has amazed me at times. I have had dancers remember me for a year or two between visits,or maybe I met them at one club, and 6 months later they will be at another.They will come up and call me by name, and I will have a blank look on my face.Can not recall our meeting previously. Then they strip , and I will remember their boobs [maybe].When I have asked the girls about their good memory skills, they always say 'that is my job, to remember guys who spend money'.Next thing they say is " Wanna dance" ?
  • giveitayank
    15 years ago
    IMO, they usually try to remember you because it equates into $$$ for them. Although, sometimes there are a few dancers who will remember you with no ulterior motive behind it. But, I think that doesn't happen very often.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    Then there's the girl that comes up to you to say "Hi" and initiate a conversation about having a LD, when you just had a LD & CBJ with her not more than an hour ago...ugh...
  • curiousgeorgefun
    15 years ago
    best memory story, friend of mine, a professional magician, had a deck of cards asked dancer to pick one which she showed everyone except him. then he did an amazing trick that lasted a couple of minutes and finally pulled the card out of her outfit which I never saw him touch. her question, "I don't remember putting that there, and what was my card?" great trick greater laugh
  • now_starring
    15 years ago
    I got a dance from a girl a almost a year ago, and she remembered me. Nothing special happened between us so it surprises me that she remembered me.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    It always impresses me. There have been girls I haven't seen for years who will come up to me and know my name. The most impressive of all is this one girl who works at the Lamplighter in Ottawa, IL. She remembers where I'm from and everything, despite the fact I only go that way once a year, and not always when she's there. She would be my ATF if I saw her more often.
  • how
    15 years ago
    I've been impressed--almost freaked out--by the recall of some dancers. I guess not all of them get drunk or stoned to gear up for work...
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    If they have such good memories, how come they can't remember how many songs have been played? ;)
  • how
    15 years ago
    They have no concept of time... Or so it seems!
  • Tucker40
    15 years ago
    It's not in their best interest to "remember" unless you remember a significantly smaller number (most clubs I've been in, there's a manager, bartender, etc. keeping count -- especially if they're getting a per-dance cut.
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    I have occasionally been surprised to have a dancer I haven't seen for months call me by name -- in one case it happened in a different club than the previous time we met. However, on two separate occasions I have had dancers "remember" me (not by name) in situations were it was physically impossible that we had ever met before.
  • Dain
    15 years ago
    I, too, am amazed at most dancers' memory of me, whether I've gotten a "dance" or not. Occasionally a dancer knows my name even though she and I haven't yet played; girls talk, of course, but that, too, amazes me.
  • Golfer3166
    15 years ago
    It is funny sometimes that can remember all the details, it usually is one that you spent a lot of time with while you were there of course. Then you have the one who can't remember your name and comes up and introduces herself 15 minutes after getting a dance from you. Just shows that there is every range of brain in these girls just like us.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Dain noted, "Girls talk, of course..." Understatement of the millennium thus far! Dancers gossip and talk about customers and other dancers relentlessly. Many do it for sport, while others seek some advantage over their co-workers (their attitude: "You must fail so I may succeed.") I detest gossip, but you'd better be aware that things you say and do (and possibly some things you don't say and don't do) will be discussed behind your back in clubs.
  • Most of my dancers don't remember my name nor recall what we've talked about.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    It can cut both ways as others have said above, but IMHO, yews, it is an industry skill to notice and remember things and customers. Some of the more succewsful dancers I know would succeed in marketing and sales in the real world, many just don't give themselves enough credit for having that in them.
  • Officer
    15 years ago
    I'm impressed with a dancer's boobs!
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