
Interested in Employment

Thursday, January 29, 2009 2:56 AM
I'm Amanda, I'm 19 years old and interested in becoming a dancer, I would like to hear feedback from anyone willing to give it.


  • muchfun
    15 years ago
    nice foto
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Hi Amanda. I don't know anything about you except that your pic looks good. Do you know some dancers or have you visited some strip clubs and seen what the dancers do? I don't know so I'm just asking.
  • giveitayank
    15 years ago
    Hi Amanda, If I were you, I'd do some searches on the internet for instructional video's that you can order. Video's that will teach you the moves. I'd be curious what part of the country you are in. If you're in my part, then I'd consider relocating to just about anywhere. I live in Seattle and things are terrible here for both dancers and customers. Also, during a lap dance, how do you feel about being touched ANYWHERE??? There are many clubs where this goes on including other things like hand jobs, blow jobs and full service. I just want you to know this so you can make an informed decision. I knew a dancer and, ironically, her name was Amanda too. She made about 1,500 a day. So, the income can be very good. However, you will be expected to pay a daily house fee. They are different from one club to the next. And on slow days/nights sometimes dancers make just enough to cover the house or even lose money. I've heard of it happening and with todays economy...well, you can imagine. Hope this helps... Yank
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    You will learn to smile and flirt with every kind of man on the planet and they will try to grope all over you. Depending on the club environment, it can be like a party almost every night. The economy is down and so are dancers' earnings. Remember, you will be living off the money guys have to throw away. Some guys cannot handle a girfriend or wife dancing in a strip club. Others see it as a way to have a woman earning a lot of cash, while they just enjoy an easy ride. Will your family know and will they object? Will smoke bother you? Can you control drinking? What about drug use? Some managers are gentlemen and some are real pigs who demand services as a condition of employment. Don't stay longer than five years.
  • giveitayank
    15 years ago
    SuperDude brings up a lot of shit that you're going to have to deal with. Talk with some present and former dancers, some of which post comments right here on this board. Try to find out what the club is like before you start working there. Read some of the reviews on the clubs in your area so you have an idea what to expect. Yank
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Just wondering, do you live in a big city or a small city? Also, I would recommend waiting until you were 21.
  • SimplyAmanda
    15 years ago
    thanks so much guys, you've been a big help. No smoke doesn't bother me, my family would know, i tell my dad everything, and he's fine with it as long as he knows where i'll be and when so he doesn't show up haha. i am very good at controling my drinking and i would look into clubs beforehand. But this is exactly the kinds of things i was looking for. thanks again
  • sp
    15 years ago
    Town to town and club to club rules are different. Just check out all the comments on this site to see what is around your location. I would suggest a 45 minute ride from home to work just in case there are some folks out there that you don't want to see your line. I'd be curious to see more photos and where you are located. You can send an email by clicking on my SP heading if you'd like. Best of Luck!! SP
  • how
    15 years ago
    Amanda, You seem to be in control of your actions and that's very much to your benefit if you decide to dance. Remember that you are in control. You establish the boundaries, and you have the right to expect those boundaries to be respected. Be aware that in some areas of the country, if those boundaries are very restrictive, you will not likely make any money. That's just the way things are, but I'm sure you'll agree that money is the secondary consideration in that regard. Cheers!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    There's not a lot to add, but having known a few dancers personally and had many conversations with them, I would certainly like to emphasize one thing. giveitayank mentioned, "Also, during a lap dance, how do you feel about being touched ANYWHERE??? There are many clubs where this goes on including other things like hand jobs, blow jobs and full service." Make sure you have your head around these issues, and not that they are fine with you, but rather that you will likely have to engage in such with sometimes crude, filthy, horrible, nasty, etc. men and women, lopaw excluded. :)
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Also, I would recommend waiting until you were 21." No way...strike *now* while your supposed looks are at their best...
  • PinkyLynn
    15 years ago
    Hey Amanda, Everybody so far has given good advice. There was a great advice given to me when I first started dancing 6 years ago. Leave the alter ego at the door. In other words, your dancer self should live only in the club. She should be a separate persona. Eye contact and smiling are big things too Make that man feel like he is the only other person in the room with you. Make him feel special. Other than what's been said already, that's it. Btw, does anybody here know how to load a photo from a picture CD? I'm very new to this site and working from a friend's computer, mine is not working at all. I've tried for the past three days and it doesn't seem to upload the image I want to use.
  • giveitayank
    15 years ago
    Pinky, I've had that problem too. I just get a blank screen and then it stays that way. Yank
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    No you're not.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Amanda, PinkyLynn made a VERY valid point and perhaps the best help for you! No matter what else, "Make that man feel like he is the only other person in the room with you. Make him feel special." I doubt there is a dancer anywhere that makes more than others that does NOT do that! Best of luck! If you happen to decide to dance let us know, and where.
  • hogsun
    15 years ago
    Amanda, I'm more than happy to train you in the art of lap dancing. You will be an excellent money maker when you complete my free program. Where are you from?
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    If you work in a club where the bouncer doesn't keep an exact count of the lap dances or someone else doesn't, make your better customers feel better about you by giving them some extra time on a lap dance or a free one from time to time. Instead of chatting for a few minutues, they'll value that one free lap dance a lot more and be more interested in getting dances from you. Learn the unofficial club rules. If dancers set their own prices and they routinely do two for one dance prices with regulars all the time not just on the announced special times when the songs are cut short, give your better customers a break. The economy is bad, make the customers feel good.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    These are tips if you start dancing. Have a fake cell phone number or a good excuse like you have a boyfriend excuse for when someone you don't care for won't stop asking for a phone number. Actually I'm not sure if this is the common practice or what it is now. Maybe you want to give them a voice mail number and then you can call them and see if they are coming in. Some of the time, I'm not even sure if I'm going to go to a strip club 2 hours ahead of time. Tell the customers you're new and ask them to tell you what feels good or if you're hurting them while dancing. Repeat the dance cost when you're sure the customer can hear you. If they get multiple dances remind them of the dance count and cost before asking them for more or do so at the same time. I find it easy to get a bit peeved if I agreed to get a two for one set of dances and the dancer keeps dancing for a third or 4th song and then wants a whole lot more money than I was expecting. I expect her to ask if I want more dances after dancing those two dances unless I told her to keep going.
  • PinkyLynn
    15 years ago
    I work in a club where the dance prices are set and monitored. Sorry, I can't haggle over the cost of the dance or give out free dances. They come out of my tip money if I do. What I do instead is buy a drink/shot for a regular, bachelor, birthday boy, or guest of honor. These things don't cost too much, but it is also remembered by the customer. Plus this also give you an open to a new customer. As far as learning the dancing part, go to a few clubs and watch the girls. Learn to give lap dances by getting a few. It's best to learn the laws/rules of the state you will be working in and other states in the surrounding area.. I live in SWPA. I went to work in WVA a few times and they have different laws for clubs than PA. Ohio isn't too far from me either (I never worked in Ohio), but the law is different there from PA and WVA. So look into what is accepted by the state(s).
  • Golfer3166
    15 years ago
    Pretty photo, nice eyes - the photo would have been better to judge had it been a full view though. Knowing the area you are working in would be helpful. Also exactly what do you want to get from dancing, just a job, lots of cash or what. I think if you told a little more about what you intend to do you will get more help. There is an art to dancing on the stage, talking at the tables, where you sit with the customer and of course the lap dance is an art in itself.
  • gridget
    15 years ago
    HI Amanda...I am a dancer...well part time now but was full time for many years in a good club. You are very pretty and will be able to make alot of money as long as you treat the guys well, initially they will hit you up on looks but after that it's about your dance style and your personality...that's what brings them back to you for repeat business. I made alot of money in this business...took care of my kids as a single divorced mother and put myself through school and now I do it when I feel like it for fun or if Shadowcat comes in town(I would come in for you too TUSCL Bro). I agree with some of what you were told on here, for instance never loan your stuff out because you won't see it again, be nice to your customers some of them will become some of the best friends you will ever have..they will stand by you no matter what and help you if you are in need. I also suggest being careful who you friend as far as girls in the club...some of these ladies are really nice and some are really devious...watch out for them. You and only you can decide what you are willing to do and put up with in your dances...some girls will do everything and then some like me will only go so far and I still make the money...you do not have to do full service. You will also get encountered for something called "OTC" this would be meeting outside of the club...this again is your choice and once again I don't do it and I still make money, so make decisions for yourself, since you will be new people will try to pull shit on you and tell you well all the other girls do it be strong and do only what you want...if all the other girls were doing it he would probably stick with them...just make sure you can live with the decisions you make. I also have to say try not to fall into the have to drink or do drugs to be here and handle what I do thing...if you can't do it sober then it's not for you. You should be able to have fun doing this job, after all where else can you go make lots of money and play with guys all day. I hope this helped you some and I hope you make lots of money and meet lots of cool guys. If you have any questions you can message me and I will be happy to answer them:) Good Luck.
  • hogsun
    15 years ago
    Don't wear glitter. Lots of guys hate it(especially married ones). Shower before work so you won't need to drown yourself in perfume(a turn-off for many guys). Let me evaluate your lap dance skills:)
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    I strongly disagree with Samsung's advice to wait till you are 21. If you were immature, you probably wouldn't have started this thread. I know plenty of 18-year-olds that have more maturity than their 20-something compatriots. The most important thing, as others have stated, is to get yourself fully informed as to the actual working conditions, before you start. It won't take very long to learn how to make money in a strip club. Even if you only work there for six months, you will learn a lot about people and about life. I recommend you keep a journal, and that you practice the skills of being friendly, good-natured, and at least moderately sexy. But don't do anything that goes against your conscience. GOOD LUCK.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Amanda, One other thing, IMHO, do something about that pile of chemicals around your eyes! You look like a lovely woman, but all that make up does not look good to me.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    Amanda- Are you looking to dance locally, or are you looking to scout for info on "best cities to work in", and strike out for there, ala starlet striking out for Hollywood? If you live in big metro area, how far are you willing to commute for each shift you work? For me to give you meaningful input, I need to know more about your circumstances, & particular wishes/needs. So, I'll offer my range of "generic advice". If you're living in Podunkville with 1 club in town, and next nearest club 50 miles away, It's a matter of just doing it, much like 1st jump from diving board. If you live in an area with several clubs, it might not be a bad idea to visit a few as a customer along with freind(s), just to get a feel for the atmosphere. You could also pore over the club reviews here, go to [view link], read dancer reviews there, or even pm a dancer that works at a club you might consider. At the end of the day (or night), your on the spot impressions matter the most. Oh, and wishing you good luck.
  • Anna
    15 years ago
    Amanda...cute! Lol...private message me and I will give you my number...
  • JMelbourne27
    15 years ago
    I'm young and I LIKE glitter on girls, tons of it, and I LIKE the 'pile of chemical around your eyes' i.e. eye liner, so it just depends on your preference. I saw an emo girl stripper once, guys she wasn't left alone the entire night. I think it was because she wasn't acting like a bitch, she was just being herself and she was cute and nice, which goes a LONG way with guys.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    Glitter is a no-no in my book. When I left a strip club recently, I was *covered* in the stuff...not cool...
  • SimplyAmanda
    15 years ago
    you guys are a great help. if you want to chat privately feel free to send me a private message, because i just come on here and read this, i dont really act on it. but all of this information is very helpful. thanks so much
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hi Amanda, If you are interest in repeat customers (not all dancers want that and for some good reasons), then also try to be consistent as to when your working. Too many times a customer will make a special visit to find his special girl and she's not there. What happens is the next to he is thinking about making a special trip is that he'll remember back to his last negative trip. It doesn't take many missed days for a customer to get the wrong impression that you're not dependable. Anyway, some dancers don't want anything to with regulars. Drama as far as the customer thinking your his girlfriend or wanting to do OTC (when you're not into that). Maybe it is just me, but high heels and short customers make a poor mix. I didn't even realize how apathetic I was about a dancer in her heels until without asking she took them off. Wow, from boring to very attractive and it impressed me that she knew to take off her heels. Lastly, don't value yourself based on the customer. I see that mistake again and again. Repeat: Do not let the customer decide your value for you. You may be worth $10,000 per hour, but if the customer has very little money then it makes no difference how fantastic you are. It is like a doctor who can save lives, but the peasants can only afford to pay him a few chickens. The doctor's value is high, but the problem is the people who need his services are destitute. I remember this gentleman trying to sell me a fantastic Mercedes. The price was a steal, but unless it was priced like used Datsun it made no difference that he was trying to give me a mind bogglingly good deal. My budget is for used Datsuns at deeply discounted prices. The Mercedes was sweet; but out of my league.
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