
Are we all getting a lot more for our dollar in this economy?

Avatar for Cougar289

Not sure if its the time of year or economy, but lately I've been getting a lot more for my $$$.

Have to say that today was one of the finest stage action days this year. These girls at my favorite club are terrific and having my ATF there made it perfect. It's obvious the economy is working in our favor as these girls are willing to do more for the precious dollar. Lots of DATY at the stage followed by great sex at the stage. Even though there were plenty of customers at the club I was the only one at the side stage and had a great time.

There weren't many going to the stage and the ones that did were only floating $2 tips . By going $4-5 tips I got so much more for my tips than those offering $2. As for the sex at the stage, I talked about $70 and she would have been happy with the $70, but it was so erotic and lasted such a long time that I added another $40 when it was over and had a great time. When she climaxed there was juice flying everywhere. I really enjoyed seeing how excited and grateful she was for getting the extra $40. Yes I hate this economy.


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Avatar for how

Sounds like quite the scene, Cougar...

Avatar for Jpac73

Not with me. Not enough customers coming to the local bars, so most of the good looking dancers have taken their business elsewhere.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

No, not yet. I see that there's more choice -- there are more women willing to wait around all night for JUUST ONE lap-dance customer, than previously. There are more newbies getting into the biz. There are more people scraping by, willing to negotiate. But the general price points haven't changed.

Avatar for Dudester

I went to a club recently with a VIP room. In most places, the managers try to keep the naughtiness to a minimum. Not only were we both fully nude, but we were fucking noisily. People came in and left about thirty seconds later, after hearing the creak creak noise of the couch and hearing my grunting and her moaning.

This is just this club, but I wonder if some other clubs are turning a blind eye?

Avatar for chitownlawyer

Cougar, judging by the clubs you have reviewed, we seem to live in the same area. I am certainly familiar with the clubs in northern Washington Park. Although over the last year I have increasingly been "outsourcing" this type of entertainment South of the Border, I may have to head down Route 111 to see if I can find some of the bargains that you are describing.

However, the Christmas Week murder outside Dollie's gives us all a little bit to think about...

Avatar for ozymandias

At the more "neighborhood" type clubs, the dollar is absolutely going a lot further - I'm amazed at how cheaply girls are offering up the goods.


Avatar for shadowcat

Well yes but it is rare that I don't do better than most of you except for the guys that go across the border to the whore houses. It is a rare day that I do not have to go wash my hands frequently. And it keeps to continue. I guess that the economy has something to do with it but also think that my repeat business is a major player.

Avatar for Cougar289

Shadow - I think your assessment is pretty accurate. After posting this I thought I probably wouldn't have this type of experience in a club that I didn't go to frequently. I should do a little more exploring at some other clubs to test this theory out, but my play cash is also suffering some in this economy to not go to a sure thing.

Chitown - I live in the area and would be happy to give you any details that will aid you in your quest for new experiences. Just send me an email. I appreciated your info on Dollies because I know that club very well.

Avatar for mmdv26

At the only club I go to things are getting pretty lose. Nobody seems to care who else is watching. One dancer with whom I seldom get dances because the mileage has always been fairly low, guided my hand to the "good place" the other day and let me discover just how lubricated she was. "The place isn't as busy as it was, and I'm facing a lot more competition; I need to get the extra dances whenever I can", she matter-of-factly explained to me.

Avatar for Electronman

This discussion thread would be even more interesting if the posters would identify the clubs, or at least the cities, that were offering more extras for the dollar in this economy. I live in Michigan and many of the girls in the Detroit area clubs (e.g., Penthouse, Bogart's) are very wiling to bargain for extras. Not too surprising given the floundering auto industry and the impact on the dancer's customer base.

Avatar for Golfer3166

It seems to me that there are two ways the dancers are looking at things in this economy. First they are looking, that I am getting less dances so I keep my prices high or I might not make as much, those are the ones who don't understand business. The second group is okay I have to do more for less and make it up with volume and they will make more in this economy. Face it a lot of the people who go to the clubs are still going to go, I think a lot of the business group is not going and blowing $2k for their customers today. It's a good time for the normal clubber. You just have to demand more for your buck. After a few dancers get told no and why (price) they will get the message and adjust to the new economy.

Avatar for FunSeeker

You mentioned about the murder at Dollie's.

Was it a robbery, random or a gang related shooting? - Thanks in adavnce for your reply.

Avatar for casualguy

I haven't noticed any change. As far as the economy goes I keep hearing two sides. First the state lowers the property tax. Then our local county government comes along and reassesses my house and then says it is now worth over 20K more than it used to be so my taxes are going back up to where they would have been if not higher. Now I live in the highest home appreciation area in the entire state and probably one of the highest in the nation. All thanks to the local government wanting to collect more taxes from me. Not much seems to be changing in my local area.

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