Seeing a Stripper outside the Club
As my username states: I am a rookie to the whole SC deal. Normally I only go to clubs while on business cuz the road can get boring and I want companionship. That being said I have been recently tempted to go to some of the local clubs (I live near a Midwest big city) but have been nervous because I'm worried a dancer might see me on the street and say something like " cant wait to see you in the club" or whatever. Do any of the more experienced mongerers have advice regarding this? Do dancers say something when or if they recognize you outside the club? Not like im anticipating a stalker :) but do dancers sometimes try and search for your information (where you live, where you work etc.)? Or am I just being paranoid. Thanks in advance!
OP – are you married? If so – then don’t exchange any personal info w/ a dancer and if you want to keep in touch w/ a dancer; then get a burn ph that will not be traced back to you.
Dancers are professionals and they are often less problematic than a mistress – they know it’s business and that is how they treat it.
Not going to a SC b/c you are afraid of interactions w/ a stripper is like not wanting to leave the house b/c one is afraid they can die in a car accident (and actually; the latter is more likely to happen statistically wise).
If you are married and don’t want anyone to know you hit SCs; then you are more likely to be outed by some customer that knows you and saw you there – not saying this would happen – but a more likely although slim scenario.
NewbieStrip, in the strippers eyes, you're just another number.
makes some excellent points. I ran into a dancer in the grocery store a couple months back and she was with her baby daddy. I just smiled and said hello and winked. She smiled back with a big smile and a wink and just that one word hello was exchanged. My wife was with me and asked me who that was and I told her it was one of the check out clerks from another competitive grocery chain who just got busted by me for shopping at another store LOL !
Seriously, if you're a middle class businessman with a wife & kids, living in the suburbs, the chances of you running into a stripper outside the club are slim.
unless you have a wife or SO who is prone to going ballistic that you are scared shitless of... you shouldn't worry about it.
As an example, my ATF and I found out we both knew others inside the club scene and outside it. When he first "met" outside the club, we both just acted as we would in the same situation had we not known each other. Never was a problem.
The first time I saw my ATF OTC was at an IHOP in Columbia. As soon as I sat down in my booth for breakfast, I saw her sitting with her husband. He had his back to me. She smiled and waved at me as soon as she saw me. Every time I looked in her direction she smiled back. When they got up to leave, she smiled and waved again.
A little later, at the club, I tried to tell several dancers of our chance meeting but they had already heard it from her.
My daughter, one of her friends, and I walked into a fast food joint, and there at the counter with some guy was a dancer whose charms I'd sampled a few times. She turned around when we walked in, and appeared to not recognize me, just as I appeared to not notice her. As we were leaving with our food, though, and my companions' attention was directed out the door, she caught my eye and winked.
Fast forward to about a week later, and she's in the club.
Her: Thanks for not recognizing me in front of my boyfriend last week.
Me: Thanks for not recognizing *me* in front of my daughter.
Her: What say we go in the back and not recognize each other for the next half hour.
How could I resist a line like that?