
Comments by BaddJack (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    im looking....
    harrydave: is it the coquette I lived across the street from in junior high in Tempe, or is it her Mom? and, more importantly, is she still hot?
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    15 years ago
    im looking....
    My alltime favorite was a dancer named Cricket in KCMO in the early to mid 1980s. Anyone know her? I am looking for her. And the stripper with the grey leather bikini that I only tipped one dollar after she shook it for 7 1/2 to "Bat Out of Hell" that nearly caused a Bikers vs. Professionals riot. I am also looking for my innocence and sense of fair play. I seem to have misplaced those as well. Thanks.
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    15 years ago
    Weird questions dancers have asked you?
    It was not in the form of a question, but I once had a stripper tell me that I looked EXACTLY like her old high school history teacher. Oh yeah, the same one that she performed her first blow job on. After she handled my meager equipment she knew that I wasn't the same guy. Oh, well......
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    15 years ago
    Sugar Pie Honey Bunch
    Unlike DandyDon, I AM a big guy, and I get a lot of "Big Daddy." South of the Mason-Dixon I get a lot of "Sugar." North I get a lot of "Sexy."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Years ago a cowgirl type that always danced to country music and wore a cowboy hat (for the second song, she wore it on her tits) decided to get into shape, quit stripping and join the Army. I went into the club one late afternoon and she did some excellent pole work, followed by grabbing the chin-up bar bolted to the ceiling and began doing chin-ups. Most girls used it to swing on, and here she was working out. I told her I would give her a dollar for every ONE-handed pull-up she could do and she took me for 40 bucks. 20 with each hand, and I think she gave up only because she got bored. I seriously wish she would have man-handled me.
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    15 years ago
    Dating Strippers
    "...head.....was never found." If I was ever going to date the blonde, bimbo stripper, I would make damn sure I knew I wold be findin' frequent head. Again, the wise old man of the family, my Dead Uncle Jack always told me: "Don't ever marry the stripper."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "Who Let The Dogs Out"?
    Sassy Red's has NO extras. You cannot even get a lapdance. The ENTIRE experience is the booty-shakin' on stage. I get a cold chill when I think about it.
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    15 years ago
    Girls, Girls, Girls and other uptime songs
    "Pussy Control" by Prince, the artist formerly known as the Artist Formerly Known as Prince, appears to be popular. I always thought that "Shakin'" by Eddie Money shouod have been more popular.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "Who Let The Dogs Out"?
    There is a funky club in Springfield, Missouri called "Sassy Red's." The whole building is 30x40, complete with gravel parking and next-door to a no-tell that rents rooms by the hour. It has the ugliest dancers I have ever seen. The girls are nowhere in the norm in terms of figure: they are either much too large (like me) or methamphetamine skinny. Typically, their tattoos outnumber their natural teeth. What I do not understand (and, sadly, I have been there several times over the past decade or so--I don't get THAT, either) is why girls work there. The guys treat it like a neighborhood bar, and no one pays attention to the dancers on stage. Never seen a remotely pretty girl there. Never. Typically, the girls in the many clubs of Springfield, Missouri are sub-standard, due to the restrictive rules on nudity and alcohol.
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    15 years ago
    How often do you tip the bathroom attendant?
    A buck. What an otherwise thankless job. Imagine working in a room where drunks dudes are pissing and farting. Ouch.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strippers and the military
    My Dad's first tour, as the pilot of a Huey that got shot at every day, was done as a Warrant Officer. Then he went to OCS, as he wanted a bit more power to make decisions. Second tour flying Hueys he was a commissioned officer. He many times wished he had stayed a Warrant.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "Everything I need to know, I learned in a Strip Club"
    I spent too much time reflecting on this topic. I agree with many here, that there is much to learn in a SC, if you keep an open mind. Here is my list. I have learned: "Out of sight, out of mind." When the hot girl you tipped lavishly at the stage disappears, you inevitably will find someone else to sit with you. And, perhaps, on top of you. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." The longer I am away from any SC, the more I enjoy the next visit. I forget the stale cigarette smoke in my clothes and what is left of my hair, the obnoxious DJ and the girl with BO. I remember the promise of exotic titillation. "You cannot judge a book by the cover." Hot girls do not always give hot service. The plain Janes may be exceedingly interesting when left to their own devices. She looks hot in her costume, she may be funky when nude, and vice versa. "Two heads are better than one." 'Nuff said.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do guys in Strip Club washroom ask you about girls in club?
    Whenever they talk to me, I grab a mint and in my best Boris Badinoff voice I say: "supărat, I a face nu speak englez , tu patetic bărbat." Which is Romanian for "Sorry, I do not speak english, you pathetic bastard." Practice it with a lot of glottal hitches and sounding like you are getting ready to lob a loogie at him, and they do 2 important things: first, they leave you alone, and second, they do not expect a tip. That is all.
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    15 years ago
    Would I Lie to You?
    "you are so hot" (No, just sweaty. I can perspire in a walk-in cooler) "I can really dig your cock" (Just dig it out. He only spits at you as a way of being friendly) "I can't believe you're not married" (Me neither. All three divorces took my completely by surprise) "you don't look 60" (Well, I'm, not. I am only 50, but I look like hell and very high-mileage. I lied about my age to make me look better by comparison)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get caught doing extras?
    The Mamasan at a strip club in Dallas burst in on my girl and I in the VIP. She pointed at my substandard manhood and broke out into laughter. I guess if your dick is small enough, it is not an offense.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get a free(?) lap dance?
    I am sure that I have received free dances, but my feeble memory fades in and out. The most memorable "free" dance I received was about 10 years ago. I was at a seminar with many professional colleagues and it included lunches, a nice supper and a trip to the titty bar. There was a young associate of a VERY successful attorney that wanted to tag along, but he always seemed to be "out of cash", so we all played along and paid his way. At the titty bar we made him pay for all of the door charge, the first round of drinks and a round of cigars, as they took American Express. He also got a hefty cash advance. During the night, he noticed that there was a librarian-next-door type with eyeglasses and big soft tits that I was eyeing. So, he "arranged" for a lap dance with her. He left the club, and as he was leaving he said, "I got you a lap dance. Thanks for the evening," and he was gone. After the "smart girl" got off stage, she came to me and told me my buddy had arranged for her to give me a dance. She was GREAT. She also had NOT been paid. That's right: I paid for my own free lap dance. Bastard.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strippers and the military
    There is a club on I-44 near a military installation and I spent one glorious afternoon there many moons ago. I enjoyed extensive two-way contact (no extras) with four dancers. All were cute. All were from someplace other than the southern Missouri Ozarks. All were, or had been, married to military guys. All were crazy. Poor partner choices are not restricted to the girls.
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    15 years ago
    My friends embarrassed me tonight
    Steve: Nicely done. Joe Jackson. Sheesh!
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    15 years ago
    Hall of Fame, Hall of Shame
    When I first became a visitor, under a different screen name, there was a lot of not-so-good-natured in-fighting between some of the posters. It seemed to drag everything down, and I did not post. The ignore button changed all that. So, I agree with CT, and praise Founder. Hall of Shame is reserved for the folks that hijack the Board to put forth their own twisted agenda, whether it be political or social. OneAngryDwarf: I also must plead guilty to agitating greenvegas. It began as fun, dueling wits with an unarmed man, and then he just got obnoxious. Mea Culpa. Last nominee: Steve has the best Discussion Topic titles. Kudos to the guys with beautiful women as their avatar.
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    15 years ago
    Breast Enhancement
    I vote fake for looking at, and real for playing with. It should be obvious that there are exceptions to the first part of this equation, as I have seen my share of spectacular natural boobs. I have, however, only found one dancer with implants that were fun for playing, and hers were modest implants to fight, as mentioned above, a bit of droopage from bearing children. I found the implants, but had to work pretty thoroughly to do so. As an aside, I appreciate the fact that she was willing to work pretty thoroughly herself to find my parts that are important to ME. Natural.
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    15 years ago
    New Kid in Town
    Steve: I think it depends on the girl and why she was attracted to dancing in the first place. Many are just narcissists, and enjoy dancing to their naked image in the mirrors. They take longer. The ones that are in it for the money alone get jaded more quickly. "Ignore" is going to make it a lot quieter around here. I knid of liked greenvegas' ability to make me laugh, even though I was laughing AT him, instead of WITH him. So long, gv, hope your Swingin' Richard (or, in your words, corndog) gets some good lovin' from your whore wife.
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    15 years ago
    On the Road Again
    As a semi-retired professional that teaches, I only travel in the summer anymore. In my little corner of the universe, I MUST travel to get to a good club, and I enjoy going to clubs all over. I am currently at 26 different states.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    New Kid in Town
    I also like the new dancers, and recently had an un-reviewed experience where I helped two brand-spanking-new girls to learn how to provide a lap dance. I like the unjaded and not-yet-cynical view of the hobby that newer girls bring to the table. She can be fresh and new, but I do not like them to be TOO good. "And all the bad boys are standing in the shadows All the good girls are home with broken hearts" Thanks, Steve
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper engaged to 3 PLs at the same time and convicted for murder
    Her Momma has set up a website: http://freemechele.blogspot.com/ In a bizarre and sad way, it is fascinating.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    a possible extras venue?
    Well done, How. How about these passwords if the others do not work: "Manilow" "Butt-Pirate" "Fudge" or "Packer" or, I guess, both.... "Greenvegas' Wife"