My friends embarrassed me tonight

avatar for potheadpl
A friend of mine knows I go to strip clubs. He's always telling me about how he and his wife are freaks. He talks about how much porn they watch, and of their escapades having sex at a porno theater. When he asked me if he and his wife could come with me, I thought I'd be in for a good show.

I've seen couples in strip clubs before. The dancers have usually enjoyed having the civilian girls there, and the girls were usually game. Not my friends. The wife didn't want any dances. They BARELY tipped girls onstage. One dancer sat with them for at least an hour, and they gave her two bucks.

They spent all their money getting hammered. That benefits the club owner and bartender(tho I don't know if they tipped decently) but not the dancers at all. Embarrassing. It's taken me a while to build up a rapport with the staff here. I don't have to pay cover. I get free drinks from time to time.

But no, these two chose to get shitfaced and make out with each other most of the night.


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avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
who cares what a strip club thinks of you!? They are your real life friends, not just "in club" friends like the people at your strip club. Once your cash stops flowing the strip club friends will ignore you but your real life friends will still be there.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
I guess I should clarify. Not real friends. More like acquaintances. I know the guy from the gym and just met the wife.

Still pretty low class move. Irked me, is all.
Strip club "culture" (i.e., how to behave) is something you have to pick up. Everyone on this site pretty much knows how to act (even if they choose not to act that way), but some folks need an introduction. Perhaps a little education was in order.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
I like my stripclub "friends" better than my real friends. My real friends are boring.
avatar for txtittyfan
15 years ago
It appears they are into themselves wherever they go, oblivious to their surroundings. The SC knows you and I am fairly confident their opinion of you did not change.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
steve229- sounds like your real friends probably need some livening up, try bringing them to the club
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
15 years ago
Same here Steve. I only hang with real friends because it's cheaper.
Steve, my memory's a little foggy - was "My Friends Embarrassed Me Tonight" a Smiths song? Oh wait, this isn't a Steve thread. Never mind.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Stripclubspy---I sent a couple of dancers over to ask the girl if she wanted a dance. She said no. The husband wouldn't buy any for himself or the wife. I maintained my usual routine and spread my money around. One would think watching me would have been an education.

Got some texts from dancer today. They wanted to know why the couple came if they weren't going to have fun. Weird.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Based on the subject matter, the correct song reference would be Joe Jackson"s "Happy Loving Couples":

Happy loving couples make it look so easy
Happy loving couples always talk so kind
Until the time that I can do my dancing with a partner
Those happy couples ain't no friends of mine

You ain't no friends of mine!
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
Your acquaintances didn't know how to act around other people. They did all their freaky stuff at home by themselves, or in the darkness of a movie theater when nobody was watching. At the club, they ran for the hiding place that getting drunk provides in social situations.

I bet the club will forgive you. They know you still "spread the money around" and that's all that really counts anyway.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
Yet another reason to go to clubs solo.
I'm always hesitant about taking "newbies" to clubs with me, especially other women. I've had to do alot of damage control over the years for some inappropriate or downright bizarre behaviours that some of my un-initiated friends have exhibited.

Like mmdv26 said, you'll more than likely be forgiven - but friends/acquaintances sure can be a pain in the ass sometimes, eh?
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Yeah, definitely not taking them again. I get a vague threesome vibe from them. Kinda creepy, actually.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
next time you are at the club just crack jokes about what losers they will build up your alpha male character to the strippers. As long as you keep spending they will like you.
avatar for BaddJack
15 years ago

Nicely done. Joe Jackson. Sheesh!
Yeah, apt choice, Steve, although the line about dancing with a partner takes on a different spin now in view of Mr. Jackson's, uh, lifestyle disclosure. Future thread titles I could see coming from Steve: "Is She Really Going Out With Him?", "It's Different For Girls"...
avatar for Scoops
15 years ago
I don't like taking friends or acquaintances to my regular spots until I know how they behave. As you found out, they could be jerks. I've also experienced where they think you are going to entertain them with your antics. At a minimum, they expect some kind of free lesson. Takes away from the fun you were going to have. Take them to a non-regular place if you must. I've got one friend that spends the bare minimum but is a lot of fun to be around. He rarely even tips the dancers on stage. We go to clubs that don't offer LDs. I have another buddy who loves the avocation as much as me, go to all my regular places together.
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